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Topic: Honey, I'm home....
no photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:36 PM
LOL..well you can keep the whole "religion" thing. God did not make religion..man did. Religion if man;s way of trying to basically put "God in a box". And God is so far above anyone's understanding, He sure doesn't fit in a box. :tongue:

Did you know scientist just discovered an area of space that is something like a BILLION light years across of absolutley nothing. No stars, no suns, no anything. I tild a friend of mine "see, even God needs a quiet place to get away from everything". bigsmile

Nickinolosers's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:38 PM
Well put, Steve.

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:40 PM

Nope Steve, not strange at all.

I wished you lived closer!flowerforyou

Well Cheryl, thank you for such a sweet compliment. I am truly honored. happy

justcheryl's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:42 PM

Nope Steve, not strange at all.

I wished you lived closer!flowerforyou

Well Cheryl, thank you for such a sweet compliment. I am truly honored. happy

You're welcome Steve.

(You do know how easy that was to do when we're an entire continent apart -- right?? I still meant it though!)

s1owhand's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:48 PM
the unofficial count is 4 cuddlers, 4 both, and 1 something else (bowling) laugh

and 1 guy who isn't spose to be here....but who's counting

Nickinolosers's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:49 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

pashen37's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:52 PM
Edited by pashen37 on Thu 11/29/07 07:52 PM

the unofficial count is 4 cuddlers, 4 both, and 1 something else (bowling) laugh

and 1 guy who isn't spose to be here....but who's counting

make that 5 cuddlers..me too

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:53 PM

the unofficial count is 4 cuddlers, 4 both, and 1 something else (bowling) laugh

and 1 guy who isn't spose to be here....but who's counting

LOL..nah its cool now. It was just the beginning thred I wanted to see the women respond to.

Now we are just writing the book on all my imperfections with a religious twist. I'm up to page 387! bigsmile LOL

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:00 PM
See, I started this thread just to see what kinds of responses it would bring.

Nothing "sexual" or trashy. Soecificallly to see how a woman would respond to a typical end of the day conversation.

My mind has an extremely vivid imagination and it loves to play out scenerios of all types. But this evening after I got home, it thought about just having that special woman already here. We would just talk and enjoy each other's company. being able to be really "in tune" with another person is a rare kind of thing. Where just a "look" tells a story, not even one word needs to be uttered.

And all the romantic things, like sitting and cuddling in front of the fire. Talking, laughing, kissing, carressing ( and I am still NOT talking about sex) and to see the genuine sincereity of her heart through looking into her eyes ... it simply makes my heart leap at just the thought.

So thats the kind of "mood" that struck me tonight. So I just thought to throw it up and see what might happen.

maybe next time I will go into much greater detail of the setting .. I think it would paint an even better picture. happy

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:21 PM

Older than you and BTw you know are talking to Two teachers here

Did you know that?

LOL..oh yeh, I forgot to mention one of my BIGGEST imperfections .. I am the KING of TYPOS! bigsmile

Gimme a break! I didn't learn to read until I was in the 2nd grade (best 4 years I ever had .. I was driving by the time I was in the 5th grade, that was a great 18th b-day!)

Oh, and I have NO IDEA what they are trying to say when I hear Shakespear! LOL But I can do calculus and trig in my head ... and I have a nine inch tongue and can breath through my ears. So some bad, some good! bigsmile

Gustava's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:25 PM
Honestly, I'd much rather go out. Too many years spent staying at home... (besides, I'm not much of a cuddler).

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