Topic: Moving to a new state with $5000, and no job lined up also n
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Sun 10/01/17 05:13 PM
Edited by mui887 on Sun 10/01/17 05:14 PM
With 5,000 its easy as pie. I did it with less. It is no different then moving from Buffalo to Albany. Its only a state, and I can see why you may want to leave NY.

Dont let some person who never moved to another state tell you otherwise. But there are certain states I would avoid, and certain ones that are easier to find fast work.

It depends on your health and how motivated you are. At age 21 its a gamble I would take for sure! If you need help you can send me your email and I can help on just the basics and that 5,000 should be enough for a good 5 months if your frugal, but if you jump in fast you will only get maybe 2-3 months depending on how you WANT to live and not WHAT you need to live.

Very easy.

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Sun 10/01/17 05:32 PM
Hi Christian .. you sound sensible and have a backup plan .. I think it is normal to want your independence ... how do you family feel about you moving away ?

Have you thought about contacting a local church group .. they may be able to help with accomodation/ work contacts .. until you are settled .

Thankyou. I wouldn't go to a church or anywhere to get a helping hand or free handouts. I don't like doing that also there are others who could use it more than me but again its not in my nature to want to take anything for free lol

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Sun 10/01/17 05:37 PM
With 5,000 its easy as pie. I did it with less. It is no different then moving from Buffalo to Albany. Its only a state, and I can see why you may want to leave NY.

Dont let some person who never moved to another state tell you otherwise. But there are certain states I would avoid, and certain ones that are easier to find fast work.

It depends on your health and how motivated you are. At age 21 its a gamble I would take for sure! If you need help you can send me your email and I can help on just the basics and that 5,000 should be enough for a good 5 months if your frugal, but if you jump in fast you will only get maybe 2-3 months depending on how you WANT to live and not WHAT you need to live.

Very easy.

Thankyou very much. Reading this motivates me even more. I remember your posts from my other thread you have been a big help. I'm still figuring all of this out if I run into trouble with managing my money etc I will definitely send you my email. Thankyou.

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Sun 10/01/17 05:51 PM

With 5,000 its easy as pie. I did it with less. It is no different then moving from Buffalo to Albany. Its only a state, and I can see why you may want to leave NY.

Dont let some person who never moved to another state tell you otherwise. But there are certain states I would avoid, and certain ones that are easier to find fast work.

It depends on your health and how motivated you are. At age 21 its a gamble I would take for sure! If you need help you can send me your email and I can help on just the basics and that 5,000 should be enough for a good 5 months if your frugal, but if you jump in fast you will only get maybe 2-3 months depending on how you WANT to live and not WHAT you need to live.

Very easy.

Thankyou very much. Reading this motivates me even more. I remember your posts from my other thread you have been a big help. I'm still figuring all of this out if I run into trouble with managing my money etc I will definitely send you my email. Thankyou.

If you dont understand the markets thats ok, but it WOULD be in your benefit to know basics like M&A's and where the actual growth is. You have to DYODD, ok. Just because Toyota reports is going to invest 20 Billion in plants and expects to create 2,000 jobs you really dont know WHEN the target date is. Its like that oil boom back several years...If you hit the Dakota area at 80K a year average for 5 years and saved you money well when it went bust a guy is ok if smart.

You can do it. I know you can. Look at state job creations on the web. All this junk is at your fingertips today for a young guy. If you really are motivated and have good health just bust your butt and sacrifice from the start. Remember,,,YOU sacrifice now and save everything you can young and be smart with your money. As you age you can relex more over the years. You sacrifice for your your future family to be better than you and your goal should be for that even if your NOT thinking about marriage now....Get it?

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Sun 10/01/17 05:54 PM

Hi Christian .. you sound sensible and have a backup plan .. I think it is normal to want your independence ... how do you family feel about you moving away ?

Have you thought about contacting a local church group .. they may be able to help with accomodation/ work contacts .. until you are settled .

Thankyou. I wouldn't go to a church or anywhere to get a helping hand or free handouts. I don't like doing that also there are others who could use it more than me but again its not in my nature to want to take anything for free lol
no one said anything about anything for free .. often religious support groups can be a good social network ... especially when you are new to a place . You may be able to flat with some other young people .

Very true. I may look into that. It would help get me acclimated to the new area quickly.

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Sun 10/01/17 05:56 PM
Edited by mui887 on Sun 10/01/17 06:03 PM
The goal of each generation is to make the next generation better!

You can do it, and you dont need to beg for a handout if your smart.

Added: At age 21 the last thing you should care about is the latest gadget or iPhone thingy. The only thing you should care about is watching your bank account grow and diversifying. A small hedge on the side is something all agree with today.

Baby Steps will always work....Dave Ramsey. It works! Trust me!

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Sun 10/01/17 06:00 PM

With 5,000 its easy as pie. I did it with less. It is no different then moving from Buffalo to Albany. Its only a state, and I can see why you may want to leave NY.

Dont let some person who never moved to another state tell you otherwise. But there are certain states I would avoid, and certain ones that are easier to find fast work.

It depends on your health and how motivated you are. At age 21 its a gamble I would take for sure! If you need help you can send me your email and I can help on just the basics and that 5,000 should be enough for a good 5 months if your frugal, but if you jump in fast you will only get maybe 2-3 months depending on how you WANT to live and not WHAT you need to live.

Very easy.

Thankyou very much. Reading this motivates me even more. I remember your posts from my other thread you have been a big help. I'm still figuring all of this out if I run into trouble with managing my money etc I will definitely send you my email. Thankyou.

If you dont understand the markets thats ok, but it WOULD be in your benefit to know basics like M&A's and where the actual growth is. You have to DYODD, ok. Just because Toyota reports is going to invest 20 Billion in plants and expects to create 2,000 jobs you really dont know WHEN the target date is. Its like that oil boom back several years...If you hit the Dakota area at 80K a year average for 5 years and saved you money well when it went bust a guy is ok if smart.

You can do it. I know you can. Look at state job creations on the web. All this junk is at your fingertips today for a young guy. If you really are motivated and have good health just bust your butt and sacrifice from the start. Remember,,,YOU sacrifice now and save everything you can young and be smart with your money. As you age you can relex more over the years. You sacrifice for your your future family to be better than you and your goal should be for that even if your NOT thinking about marriage now....Get it?

I fully understand. I was always the frugal type. Thanks

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Sun 10/01/17 06:06 PM
I added to my last post, but if you missed it.

Baby Stepping will ALWAYS work. Dave Ramsey for a young guy is as solid as can be. I would not lie. I was raised on that concept before it became popular. My whole family lives this way and is what all the kids are taught.

Save everything! Dont buy crap you dont need!

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Mon 10/02/17 05:15 AM
Edited by mui887 on Mon 10/02/17 05:37 AM
@Christianguy,,,Im gonna give you a small hand. I am a Kitco Member. You do not need to join to read us, but if you want help from a bunch of older guys this is a great place for you to go. Its a Canadian Site, but most of us ar from the US. I know many of those guys and who they really are and they know me. Go to the main Kitco site header and hit Gold Forums. Its a place us Metal Heads and Metal Investors hang out, but its for EVERYHING Investing ans we often get young guys like you joining and asking questions. Read first and ask basic questions. There are good ppl on this forum and will help you and give you many opinions to think about and consider. But be careful and DYODD. Some of those guys are full of BS so you have to talk to right people in the forums. There is a guy called Max. Hes a nice guy and will not feed you garbage. Hes a VERY honest and trusting guy. Gary is a good guy also but does not hang out like he did years ago. Ryan is a good guy also.

Ask questions but dont be silly. This is a site for investors and some of these guys are full on serious. Money is nothing to be goofy about with some of these guys. Be careful, there are a few heavy posters that talk BS. Learn who they are and stay away from them. If you JOIN the forum it will open up the "Bar and Grill". These are private areas that only registered members can see and chat in. DONT use the same name you use here. Im there and I wont talk to you so as I am not biased and I dont want you to ask me questions or message me. We have all made mistakes with money. It happens, but your young and can rebound fast if your smart and listen to some of these guys.

You can do it! I know you can! Just be smart with your money!

Added: The site is running vB for the forum. If your on your phone go to the bottom of the forum and put it in Mobi Mode. Some guys post using an App called TapaTalk. Just made sure you set the App up right and dump your phone info if you dont want that stuff on the net. DONT look for a guy called MUI,,,I dont go by that name there so you will not know who I am.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 10/02/17 08:52 AM
until I'm fully processed and sent to Paris Island

The military life will certainly set you right.
So, you are looking for a temporary change?
I lived in Upstate NY, Corinth to be exact.
New York and all the Northwest Colonial States are oppressive (IMO).
Commonwealth States (PA, KY) are usually all up in your business.

I was Navy. I was stationed in Little Creek, VA. Being very close to Norfolk and VA Beach it was a military town. Really easy to get credit but nearly everyone had that military attitude.

While I have been to North & South Carolina and Georgia. I really have no direct experience living there. I'm sure its cheaper than NYC. The Southern hospitality is true, for the most part. However, Southern attitudes are different behind the facade.

I have found that moving Westward seems to decrease in oppressive lifestyles. Small towns are easier than big cities.

Paris Island Boot Camp is designed to break your habits. Its a conditioning that is temporary but has beneficial results. Chances are, You will figure out what you want during your military service. You will live places you may not normally pick right now.
That experience will help you choose what's right for you.
I live now where I was once stationed. I liked the area and chose to move back.

Depending on how long till you gear up, have you considered doing a Southern camping tour? Just something to think about. 6-8 weeks?
Do odd jobs, meet people, check out different places?

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Mon 10/02/17 09:33 AM
The military is not a place to "set a young guy right". Its great to sere your country but its really not for everyone. Its a tough life and he sounds ike he has a good head on his shoulders, has some movtivation and wants to experience life. I think its great that he wants to give life a chance independently and see how successful he can be and give it a shot. You can still save money in the military but man is it tough moving all the time and hard to raise a family. Most guys I know get out and 8-9 years because they want something more instead of being told what to do all the time.

I did serve with guys that where older who took a shot and used the military as a last resort instead of facing prison or begging on the street, but thats not the right reason to join the military. Is just looking for 3 hots and a cot. I usually recommend it to young people, but I will not if the guy is smart and motivated. They did raise the cut off age so he can always do it later if he wants.

If he really wanted to go in the military I would suggest going to college and entering as an officer and not be a grunt. Officer life is a bit better, but its still hard on the body and the mind. I looked at many guys that only looked hard and divorced and became boozers.

We just sent a family member off, but this kid did it correct through the academy and hes gonna be just fine since he had family guidance. I have a good friend who got out after a decade and is now in Medical school and married. He has to be the oldest Resident in his class, but the money he is going to make will be amazing in his medical area.

Young people today dont even need college if they are smart with a good head. I wish I was 21. There is tons of money to be made today. These young people today are going to be the highest wage earners, saver, and become the wealthiest this country has ever seen. They are gonna make Baby Boomers look like puppy chow when they retire.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 10/02/17 09:53 AM
until I'm fully processed and sent to Paris Island

Implies he is already dedicated to the commitment.
It also implies that he is looking for a temporary change until his commitment solidifies.
He has some cash and wants to experience something different before he goes in.
Its the "Cruise the country till the wheels fall off" kind of thing.
A pretty common idea among pre-boot camp young men. He wants to have some fun, see the sights and get laid.

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Mon 10/02/17 10:09 AM
I didnt see that he already joined Tom. I missed that line so it was my mistake.

Then I hope the best and that he comes back home ok. If anything if just goes in for 4 years he's got a free ride to get his college started. Personally I wouldnt have suggested it today. There be way to much money to be made today. But if hes saves not only will be get the basic college for free he should have a nice starting nest egg for when he gets out and starts life.

He'll be 25 when he gets out. 28 when he finishes Undergrad, 2 more+ and he has a Masters. At 31 if he does it right he can make nice money.

Hope he chose a decent MOS and didnt become a grunt. I was a grunt monkey because my whole family where grunts. I should have broke family tradition and did something else,,,put in my 20 and saved/invested everything. But I do know a couple Retired Seals who are sitting pretty today because they was very smart with the monies.

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Mon 10/02/17 10:27 AM
Edited by mui887 on Mon 10/02/17 10:34 AM
Im thinking back when I joined. I was 18 right out of high school. When I got out I had a nice starting nest egg...about 30k, but I already had about 10k in the bank from working when I was a teen. I invested just about all of it in Stock, Bonds, etc.,, I gave control of my money to my family and I told them what to invest in and where I wanted my money. Then I came out and invested more money in stock.

When I got out I was 21+ paid for 4 years of college cash, and I started my first business my sophmore year, and worked nonstop to save more money. I as raised by poverty and I dont like poor. I like money and to do things. I started another small business last year. Money is not evil its what you do with it that is. Good Health & Money Matters! Thats just me. (shrugs)

The only thing I didnt do was get married. That idea only came into my head about 8 years ago. I want kids and never had them. I raised them, but I dont have any of my own. I want at least one child before I get too old and cant do fun things with them. The arthritis is starting to set in a little. HA

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 10/02/17 10:39 AM
I didnt see that he already joined Tom. I missed that line so it was my mistake.

No worries

I had two of my 3 sons join the service.
Both were Seabees like me (CM2) but all had different MOS.
One son hated it (BU2), the other son loved it (UT3).
I didn't particularly care for the military.
It did teach me life skills I wasn't learning on my own.
It also taught me survival skills.
Seabee Motto is "Can Do" and that "can do" attitude helped me a lot in life.

Whatever this young man does till he goes in will not be as significant as the changes in store for him. I'm figuring he just wants to have some fun.

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Mon 10/02/17 11:02 AM
until I'm fully processed and sent to Paris Island

The military life will certainly set you right.
So, you are looking for a temporary change?
I lived in Upstate NY, Corinth to be exact.
New York and all the Northwest Colonial States are oppressive (IMO).
Commonwealth States (PA, KY) are usually all up in your business.

I was Navy. I was stationed in Little Creek, VA. Being very close to Norfolk and VA Beach it was a military town. Really easy to get credit but nearly everyone had that military attitude.

While I have been to North & South Carolina and Georgia. I really have no direct experience living there. I'm sure its cheaper than NYC. The Southern hospitality is true, for the most part. However, Southern attitudes are different behind the facade.

I have found that moving Westward seems to decrease in oppressive lifestyles. Small towns are easier than big cities.

Paris Island Boot Camp is designed to break your habits. Its a conditioning that is temporary but has beneficial results. Chances are, You will figure out what you want during your military service. You will live places you may not normally pick right now.
That experience will help you choose what's right for you.
I live now where I was once stationed. I liked the area and chose to move back.

Depending on how long till you gear up, have you considered doing a Southern camping tour? Just something to think about. 6-8 weeks?
Do odd jobs, meet people, check out different places?

Thankyou , and no I haven't thought about a camping tour. I'll look into that

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Mon 10/02/17 01:45 PM
Edited by mui887 on Mon 10/02/17 01:46 PM
Good gosh Tom your gonna scare the guy. BT is not gonna break him of anything. Its just a few push ups, running, and some clown screaming at you nonstop 24/7 and keep you up all night. Easy stuff.

I just hope the guy can fight because hes gonna be with a about 100 guys from all over and from different backgrounds in life. He should not allow some stupid redneck from Texas or some city boy from Chicago punk him. He better turn around and smash that guys face and stomp the hell out of him.

Some Texas redneck was punking on me in BT. Kept calling me a Yank and a NY Boy! giving me crap. I beat the crap out of him and sent him to medical for the day. After that he said he was sorry. I accepted and we was best friends for the next several weeks.

I did feel a bit bad for smashing the guys face in. I messed him up pretty bad and Im not even the violent type of guy, but when I was young I wont let some guy punk me.

Dont get punked!,,or be a punk!

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Mon 10/02/17 02:39 PM
@christianguy,,,Im gonna give you a VERY important tip just in case you get a Drill that wants to mess with you. When you get issued your BDU and Boots,,,,on day one if your Drill does NOT line you up and soak your boots,,,the first thing you do is wear your boots in the shower.

I am not joking with you and it sounds crazy...Just do it! It breaks in the leather real fast. Dont worry about having wet feet because your gonna be wet anyways if it rains.

Soak your boots and if any of the guys ask you why your doing it you tell them just what I told you. Take care of your feet. Your feet are very important.

Wait till the shin splints set in after road marching in full gear from sun up to sun down every day...LOL

Man-o-Man your gonna be a full Bull Monster after Basic. Your gonna feel awesome! Your gonna never forget your Drill! Hes your daddy!

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Mon 10/02/17 03:14 PM

What type of advice could you give me to make that work ? With the way my current environment is etc. I acknowledge that I must start over somewhere else. I'm looking to make a change for the better. I'm leaving my hometown in 1-2 months.

I've done it. Because I had to. But before I left I made sure I had a job and a place to live lined up first. I had a wife and kids to think about. But, When I was single, I blew whichever the wind took me. I worried about it when I got there.

Things are different now. Doing like that can get you dead. It's better to have a plan. Me, I would stay where I am. Look for a job where I want to be. Then find a place to live. Then move. Anything besides that seems a little bassassards to me.

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Mon 10/02/17 03:24 PM
The guy is going in the military bro. He's gonna have a new daddy that gonna teach him how to tie his shoes, make his bed and eat....That is the whole 2 minutes they let him. Stand in line going pull ups and pushups until you get your tray and you take a few bites and walk out the back.

Hes gonna learn how to eat real fast, but I would suggest he eats just enough carbs to keep him going and try to sneak out an apple. If hes too hungry and eats too fast and too much 5 minutes later when hes running like a maniac hes gonna cramp up and throw up anyways. lol

This guy is is for a whole new way of living. Ha.... frustrated tears