Topic: What I'm Thankful For This Holiday Season | |
I originally posted this in another forum, but with 6 of 8 people voting to delete the topic (wrong forum given as the reason), I thought it was too good a topic to abandon. So, here goes:
================================================================ For some of us, at this time of the year, it's hard to think about what we have to be thankful for. A lot of people fall into that trap, pining over what we don't have, rather than being thankful for that that we DO have. So, with that being said, here's some of the things I'm thankful for as we go headfirst into this holiday season: In no particular order: I AM THANKFUL FOR: My Parents, who are both still around, and close enough that I can visit them whenever I want. The rest of my family, who I know will be there for me if I need them to be. My job (even tho I complain about it at times--who doesn't?) where the work's not bad, and I consider most of my co-workers friends. My apartment, which is small yet cozy, and has stores, restaurants and various shops within walking distance. My health, which is pretty good for a guy my age. People I have met during my life--I seem to learn something new from everyone I meet, and I love hearing people's stories. My mind--as long as you have that, you can think and plan, and strive to make improvements in your life. My (mostly) positive attitude. Show me a negative experience, and I'll show you something you can learn from. The fact that I'm not with someoneright now--I'd rather be alone than with someone who's only "filling a spot". Besides, when the rightone DOES come along, there's nothing worse than being tied down with that "spot filler". Thee's SO much more I'm thankful for, but one more thing thatI'm thankful for that needs to be said is: ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE ON JSH! LIKE FAMILY TO ME! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL! |
Very nicely put. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and felt lucky enough to be with friends and share and care
I'm thankful for my two kids and there health and love I receive from them and the apple of my eye my granddaughter that is 4 Kaitlynn Paige gannys pride and joy she is.