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Topic: Jared Kushner & the Russians..& the news
RustyKitty's photo
Mon 07/24/17 04:40 PM
Of course, I'm just an observer .. but it seems to me this Jared Kushner fellow comes out of nowhere really... he's there because he's The Donalds' son-in-law.. Kushner was/is a businessman, and has more than a couple connections I'm sure.. but, just how much influence do you think he has to change any election outcome?? I mean really.. c'mon now.
seems to me that any controversy surrounding Trump et al, is covered by, maybe even started by, sour grapes

TVcameraman's photo
Mon 07/24/17 04:57 PM
Just to toss a theory in the pot, could Kushner be the messenger to the various people in question? It is alleged he was at meetings and received e-mails from them.
Just a thought..
Have a great day.

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 07:44 PM
There is no there, there and the Dimocrats know it. They are trying to
obstruct the President and making fools of themselves.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 07/25/17 01:57 AM
even Chuckie has second thoughts!laugh

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has stated that Democrats, not Russia, are responsible for Hillary's loss.

From Zerohedge:

In a somewhat shockingly frank interview with The Washington Post, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says that Democrats, not Russia, are to blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Trump.

"When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things - [James] Comey, Russia - you blame yourself."

"So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."

The reason for Schumer's sudden bout of honesty appears to be a rebranding effort for The Democrats. As The Hill reports,

The Democratic party is planning to unveil a new agenda which includes the slogan, “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future,” and Schumer vows that it’s an expression “that everyone will use - a better deal for workers, a better deal for women, a better deal for prescription-drug buyers.”

Schumer said the new agenda “is not about moving the party left or right, and it’s not about appealing to one coalition or another. A strong, sharp-edged, populist, bold economic message appeals to the Obama coalition and the people who voted for Trump - former Democrats who voted for Trump.”

Of course, this is not the narrative that Hillary Clinton has spewed for the last 8 months. As we detailed in June, Hillary Clinton has put forth a formidable list of culprits for why she lost the 2016 presidential election. The Fox News Research team totaled up the excuses and found a whopping 24 items!

However there seems to be one glaring omission... "Hillary Clinton!"

And it's not just Trump supporters, as Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger notes, even Hillary Clinton's former aides are sick of her incessant ********... Personally, I’m in the camp that thinks a large percentage of Trump voters didn’t support him out of personal affinity, but rather as a means to ensure that Hillary Clinton would finally shut-up and go away forever. That is not happening.

I issued a code red warning last month highlighting that I thought Hillary Clinton’s ongoing spotlight-hogging, blame deflecting, Russia fear-mongering tour is driven by a remnant burning desire to be President and the delusional dream that it could still happen. As I explained in the post, Manufacturing Resistance – The American Public is Being Manipulated Into Irrelevance:

Read more: (Link:

no photo
Tue 07/25/17 07:15 AM
They left out the "vast right wing conspiracy"

The Democratic party is planning to unveil a new agenda which includes the slogan, “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future,” better deal for women, a better deal for prescription drug buyers.”

and a better deal for illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, voter fraud,
terrorist countries, muslim terrorist, corruption....

yea, you go Chuckie. laugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/25/17 08:29 AM

Just to toss a theory in the pot, could Kushner be the messenger to the various people in question? It is alleged he was at meetings and received e-mails from them.
Just a thought..
Have a great day.

people should read up on what a senior aide to the President entails

he is yet another official with no real experience whose interests have yet to be determined,, but here is a bit of what 'influence' his father in law has given him:

Trump has put him in charge of helping to negotiate a peace accord in the Middle East, reinventing the federal government (Vice President Al Gore’s task in Clinton’s White House), leading the Office of American Innovation and solving the epidemic of opioid addiction. His achievements in these roles have yet to be made manifest. He is reportedly an influential voice in staffing decisions and has appeared in photographs touring war zones in Iraq and meeting with foreign heads of state.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 07/25/17 08:40 AM

They left out the "vast right wing conspiracy"

The Democratic party is planning to unveil a new agenda which includes the slogan, “A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future,” better deal for women, a better deal for prescription drug buyers.”

and a better deal for illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, voter fraud,
terrorist countries, muslim terrorist, corruption....

yea, you go Chuckie. laugh

a yuuuuuge Rightwing Conspiracy!laugh

no photo
Tue 07/25/17 09:20 AM

Just to toss a theory in the pot, could Kushner be the messenger to the various people in question? It is alleged he was at meetings and received e-mails from them.
Just a thought..
Have a great day.

people should read up on what a senior aide to the President entails

he is yet another official with no real experience whose interests have yet to be determined,, but here is a bit of what 'influence' his father in law has given him:

Trump has put him in charge of helping to negotiate a peace accord in the Middle East, reinventing the federal government (Vice President Al Gore’s task in Clinton’s White House), leading the Office of American Innovation and solving the epidemic of opioid addiction. His achievements in these roles have yet to be made manifest. He is reportedly an influential voice in staffing decisions and has appeared in photographs touring war zones in Iraq and meeting with foreign heads of state.

Yes, good to know he has no ties to Iran too.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/25/17 10:37 AM
as a member of the voting electorate, I believe it is,,,,

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 07/25/17 04:53 PM

Of course, I'm just an observer .. but it seems to me this Jared Kushner fellow comes out of nowhere really... he's there because he's The Donalds' son-in-law.. Kushner was/is a businessman, and has more than a couple connections I'm sure.. but, just how much influence do you think he has to change any election outcome?? I mean really.. c'mon now.
seems to me that any controversy surrounding Trump et al, is covered by, maybe even started by, sour grapes

I have yet to have seen any reporting on this which I would consider even remotely competent. That is why so many people are off in left (or right) field, saying absurd things about it all.

Most important of all, is that it isn't NOTHING. It isn't meaningless.

In particular, when it comes to the opening post notes: Kushner is not being investigated because anyone thinks that he personally tried to illegally change the election outcome through direct action. He is being investigated to discover if some very suspicious things that he has admitted to doing, were in fact illegal.

The rest of what YOU are asking about in regards to Kushner, are separate issues. It is known (by anyone who isn't in political denial about it) that Putin's Russia directly worked to influence who was elected President in 2016, by committing illegal acts. That is separate from what Americans may have tried to take advantage of the illegal acts, and whether they knew that they were doing so or not. It is also entirely separate from determining whether or not people who are currently in positions of power in our American government, think it is ALRIGHT that the Russians attacked us so directly. That may not be illegal, but it is very pertinent to whether or not all of us want them to continue to have power over us.

Kushner has already admitted that he believed that he was going to meet with a foreign government representative, in order to get "dirt" on his father's political opponent. One of the things that has to be determined, is whether Kushner also thought at that time, that the information he was going to receive was the result of criminal acts or not.

Another concern, comes from the fact that Putin and the Russian government AND Russian private interests, all know that Kushner IS the President's son in law, and they will try make arrangements accordingly, that may be illegal according to American business law, as well as making international relations problems for us.

Overall, although the mainstream media have done a crappy job, and have made it all out to be a question of impeachment of Trump Sr or not, the fact that they are wrong about that, doesn't make it unimportant, and it doesn't mean that the current investigations are "witch hunts," as The President likes to pretend.

no photo
Tue 07/25/17 08:11 PM
Collusion delusion. laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 07/26/17 02:36 AM

Collusion delusion. laugh
added to the ever present TDS!laugh

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 07/26/17 04:30 AM
Again, you two are choosing an alternate delusion, if you simply laugh about the mislabeling of the very real concern of the Russian mess.

no photo
Wed 07/26/17 07:14 AM
Ok, so now it's "the Russian mess"? laugh

Who's next, Barron? He's got to be guilty of something laugh

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 07/27/17 04:47 AM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Thu 07/27/17 04:48 AM
One of the tricks that the Communists were fairly successful with back in the day, was exactly the same game that the Anti-Opponents-of-Trump are using today. That is, to distract ALL attacks against them, by showing correctly that SOME attacks are silly or misguided.

In particular, the Russian propagandists of yesteryear would trick otherwise patriotic Americans into supporting Russian aims, by getting them to think that their own government was absurdly paranoid. Putin grew up and studied in the KGB about that technique, and is using it to GREAT success again today. The fact that Russia is no longer officially Communist hasn't changed that they have aims which are aggressive towards other countries, and which they want to advance by getting people here to support Russia for the wrong reasons.

no photo
Thu 07/27/17 04:57 AM
Supporting Russia for the wrong reasons? In what context? Russia is still a great power today. JMO.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 07/27/17 09:50 AM

Supporting Russia for the wrong reasons? In what context? Russia is still a great power today. JMO.

The "wrong reasons" include such things as

* Because the Democrats are wary of Russia, and you don't like the Democrats;

* Because Putin seems to be a fun guy in person;

* Because you are GLAD that they sabotaged our election process, since you like the result;

* Because they used to be Communist, and now are a confused semi-dictatorship of semi-socialist semi-capitalists;

* Because you are angry at the bulk of the news media, for running off in yahoo-like directions about the otherwise real Russian hacking mess;

* Because you have been suckered by the very real long running and large scale internet propaganda campaign that Putin has directed;

Those sorts of wrong reasons.

The fact that Russia is a Great Power only has any bearing, in that because it is, any acts of aggression or deception that they do commit, are much more dangerous than the same things coming from an inconsequential country would be.

no photo
Thu 07/27/17 11:17 AM
Thank you, Sir.

no photo
Thu 07/27/17 11:55 AM

The media pulls the strings and the next thing ya know is that we all have a new conspiracy theory that we can speculate to death with little to no real information.Now enter in a new twist an old foe and a butt hurt losing party and we have enough information, disinformation,leaks squeaks bells and whistles and we can go on speculating and opinionating for the next few months.

I wonder if all that processed uranium that Hillary is giving to the Russians I wonder if that's what N Korea is putting in their isn't that a thought.I feel another conspiracy that could be brought to the forefront to entertain the masses ..but what if it were true...spock ....oops

NeonMidnight's photo
Tue 08/08/17 05:40 PM

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