Topic: Why care so much about science and philosophy | |
The mind is just a tool. Why do people like to escape reality so much? My awareness has increased recently and I want to expand as a person by learning from others
Science is not an attempt to escape reality, it is an attempt to embrace it.
Philosophy is an attempt to understand reality and expand the scope of life. |
It's just that we are already born dead in this life (since we know we will one day die). Why waste time trying to understand reality with the mind when you can live it with the heart?
LOL, Born dead eh?
The fact that our bodies are mortal doesn't distract from life it gives life meaning. Why waste time trying to understand reality with the mind when you can live it with the heart?
Your question is a philosophy. Understanding and embracing the reality where you live your life gives meaning to your existence. Science and the understanding of the Universe around us allows us to gain fulfillment from the reality we all face. Without intelligence and knowledge the heart is limited in its scope. Science is the pursuit of knowledge. The fact that you can post your topic using words and sentences indicates that you have intelligence and knowledge of communication. If you were living solely from your heart you would not have the knowledge to communicate except thru emotions and emotions are fickle and unreliable. You may not realize it but you use science and philosophy all the time for a multitude of reasons. Your glasses are based on science. The device you are using to read M2 forums is based on science. I suggest looking up emotional maturity and trying to understand its implications. Living solely by the heart is, IMO, inadequate for experiencing life. |
Would you say you are completely satisfied with the way you have and are currently living your life?
I have to disagree with you. Communication using words is very unreliable. Using words give people an outlet to deceive because words do not care how they are used; they're not real. I could easily hide all my intentions through words but I could never lie with emotions
I see what science provides but I find that the best things in life are free. Sex, laughter, excitement and so on. We sleep, eat, ****, get sick, and so many unseen obstructs. Science and philosophy provides us with only temporary break throughs and leave people only wanting more. I admit, I am a simple man but I am a very happy simple man.
I mean much of our time is already taken from sleep, eating, and so on. I'm trying to understand how people would waste time in a pursuit of something that at its core doesn't promote happiness but an obsession
It's just that we are already born dead in this life (since we know we will one day die). Why waste time trying to understand reality with the mind when you can live it with the heart? so,you propose to live your Life through your Emotions? Good luck at that! |
Well failed my physics exam 4 times in clg...don't really like it...still, I do find it interesting...I mean some guy discoverd the existence of gravity by just seeing a apple fall down...I too hope to accomplish something like that in the future~ Who knows maybe in the next 20 years workings of brain can be manipulated and i can play immersive VR games ~ Philosophy: I literally Dono what it means~ As for escaping reality...reality is shet...too much chaos in the world....I watch anime to escape it... |
It's just that we are already born dead in this life (since we know we will one day die). Why waste time trying to understand reality with the mind when you can live it with the heart? This kind of sophistry always cracks me up. You think science and philosophy are wastes of time, because you know you're going to die. Translation: SCIENCE tells you about your life limits, and you select a PHILOSOPHY of hedonism. All you are saying is, that you prefer NOT to be self-aware. As a philosophy, based entirely on science. |
In a nutshell... Nature literally already provides us with everything we need for free already. My time on earth is limited and all I want to do is learn who I am and what I'm am not. I'll selfishly say I mainly just want to have fun. I don't need science or philosophy whatsoever but this world is obsessed with it so I'm dragged in also because that's the environment I live in. I am grateful for the life I have so don't take it the wrong way. I can learn everything I need to know about myself through interaction with people, animals, and nature. Btw decoding women is already harder than any science I've come across but I love them all so much
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Would you say you are completely satisfied with the way you have and are currently living your life?
YES Communication using words is very unreliable. Using words give people an outlet to deceive because words do not care how they are used; they're not real. I could easily hide all my intentions through words but I could never lie with emotions
Delusional thinking I see what science provides but I find that the best things in life are free. Sex, laughter, excitement and so on. We sleep, eat, ****, get sick, and so many unseen obstructs. Science and philosophy provides us with only temporary break throughs and leave people only wanting more. I admit, I am a simple man but I am a very happy simple man.
Your argument would have more validity if you were not using science to make it. In a nutshell... Nature literally already provides us with everything we need for free already. My time on earth is limited and all I want to do is learn who I am and what I'm am not. I'll selfishly say I mainly just want to have fun. I don't need science or philosophy whatsoever but this world is obsessed with it so I'm dragged in also because that's the environment I live in. I am grateful for the life I have so don't take it the wrong way. I can learn everything I need to know about myself through interaction with people, animals, and nature. Btw decoding women is already harder than any science I've come across but I love them all so much
![]() Nature is trying to kill you. It will kill you if you give it a chance. That is because reality doesn't care. I understand the point you are trying to make but I also understand that you are lying to yourself. You feel empowered and think you have it all figured out. I was like that when I was young too. Then I grew up. |
I do feel empowered. It seems time has gotten the best of you and now you're not the same empowered person you once was. How is nature trying to kill me?? You're correct, nature has to remain neutral in order to keep the balance because without the absolute perfect balance non of this would even exist. I accept this life is temporary that's why I say we are already born dead. Why be upset with nature trying to kill me when I'm already dead?
LOL, you're young.
You should stay young. Never grow old. Never learn about reality. If nature is not trying to kill you... ...jump into a hungry lion cage. ...Swim in shark infested waters ...Stand naked at the top of MT Everest ...Walk across the bottom of a lake without scuba gear ...Stand on an open hill in the middle of a lightning storm ...Sit on the beach as a hurricane makes landfall there ...Jump into a tornado ...Stop drinking water for 7 days ...Stop eating for 3 months ...Walk out into the woods in your underwear in the middle of winter and live there for 2 weeks Right now you are focused on your perceptions in a deluded state of awareness because you are refusing to see the reality around you. You choose to make up your own version of reality because it fits your plan. Someday you might realize that reality is not required to fit your plan. If not, you will probably live a life of stress and dissappointment. But you are young and you can believe whatever you want because I am not you and my impression of you is not important. If it works for you then have at it but don't try to convince me of your delusions. |
Why care so much about science and philosophy..op.. are you using a cell phone or a computer to post on here...
Need I say more..lmao |
Tim if I willing do any of those things listed of my own free will then I'm looking for death. Death cab cube find me when it is my time
Death can come find me*
PhD you have a very good sense of humor and I'm sure you're fun to be around. I can't control my environment so I adapt and use its tools to my advantage
Btw I'm not trying to convince anyone of my delusions. I'm just here to interact and learn other different prospective because in the end we are all in this together