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Topic: "Can I Talk 2 U...Expectations?"
EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 07/19/17 03:50 PM
Good evening M2, I had to pour another one of my " Hot Tea " topics. You guys really been awesome in my last topic on " Can A Women Be A Best Man?", I received so many feedback. But now I want to tackle a question that seems to be in everybody's mind now a days in the cyber world & the real world. When you think of dating or better yet, when you try out a dating site online, you set up a profile page. You take really nice pictures of yourself. You go the extra mile to add your interest, your what you wants, your what you don't wants, & maybe some other things to get your page some sweet attention. Ladies & fellas is searching for an interest is harder today or is it you got put a little more to get attention. Is it about knowing what you want, knowing who you want to spend time with or is it about a game? Can you find love via cyber sites? Or is it that some people have high hopes in a small period of time? Ladies, I want you dig deep within you. I want to know what do your expectations when you dating or serious in a relationship? So let's talk about it Ya'll, time is now.

All replies will be answered
Thank You Sincerely

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 07/19/17 03:58 PM

Well, I think it can be quite a challenge to date today, well let's talk about it. People want to be a good space with the opposite or same sex in some cases, but with immaturity, STD's, & especially with children involved dating a single parent. The chemistry got to be first. I think some people want a friend. some want a lover or sex from the gate. some want marriage within time. others just feeling each other out. People today have a lot to consider. Then there's the other problem, broken hearted folks. See, you have to converse with the other party let them explain why they broken. then come up with truthful solution to that virtuous place. If you really want to fill that void with love & compassion then be patent. She/he may be a handful but time heels all wounds.

TVcameraman's photo
Wed 07/19/17 04:45 PM
I don't go in with lots of expectations. People can take me for who I am. I will hopefully make a few friends, and if things work out, maybe that special one. I see the cyber world as an extension of the real world. There is always a chance I can meet someone while picking out BBQ sauce or strike the right natch here. All the pluses and minuses will show over time. Some will affect different age groups more than others, young children, younger people.. etc.
Just a few of my thoughts . Have a great day everyone.

no photo
Wed 07/19/17 05:49 PM
I use these sites to expand my circle of creative friends. I approach these sites with the expectation that I will either find someone that I want to interact with, or I won't.

That's it.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 07/19/17 06:22 PM

Welcome to my cyber mansion pretty lady. Well i have to agree me as well. I expanding my brand here on m2. Now i focus more hosting my forums. Every once in a while an interesting woman stop by page and say hi or whatever but im here for my loyal vocal i keep posting.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 07/19/17 06:51 PM

Hello welcome back. You know its funny you mentioned about damnest places. Yes you can find romance i. Your wildest places. Like library. At the shore. Supermarkets. Bus stops. Even a bar that does like a speed date night. I tell you when i am out with my lady the only thing i expect from her is to be her. Be a lady and let me whine and dine you. Show you a beautiful time out. My lady loves be treated as a lady. Im talking opening her side door for her. Letting her beautiful dancer legs move out first. At dinner i let her order first. Then we have some simple conversation. A few laughs. Dancing and the i love you's hugs kisses and at the end we call it a night. Now thats an expectation everybody would like to have.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 07/19/17 06:52 PM

Hello welcome back. You know its funny you mentioned about damnest places. Yes you can find romance i. Your wildest places. Like library. At the shore. Supermarkets. Bus stops. Even a bar that does like a speed date night. I tell you when i am out with my lady the only thing i expect from her is to be her. Be a lady and let me whine and dine you. Show you a beautiful time out. My lady loves be treated as a lady. Im talking opening her side door for her. Letting her beautiful dancer legs move out first. At dinner i let her order first. Then we have some simple conversation. A few laughs. Dancing and the i love you's hugs kisses and at the end we call it a night. Now thats an expectation everybody would like to have.

TVcameraman's photo
Wed 07/19/17 07:09 PM
Now that is the way to treat a lady. Of course there is making sure she is ok when you are doing a zip line, or cave exploring or even a balloon ride. Whatever you do together, make her feel special.

no photo
Wed 07/19/17 09:11 PM
I only use these sites as a form of entertainment, which is also why the photo I used for my profile is almost ten years old. I guess I no longer toy with the thought that I will ever actually meet anyone from any of the sites I have a profile on let alone ever find a relationship.

no photo
Thu 07/20/17 06:17 AM
I truly believe you can fnd love anywhere , whether it be on a dating site or somewhere as unromantic as a hospital lol . It just has to do with openess( which we have control over), and the right timing , (which we have little control over).

In an early interaction , all I hope for is a strong feeling of connection with someone , that makes me want to know them more.

Then I let time do the work of revealing our level of compatability, and if the chemistry grows or fizzles out.

I dont sweat the dating stuff anymore. Time shows me who will be an acquaintance, a friend or more :)

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/20/17 07:17 AM
I agree with Peggy here. Dating, like most things in life, seems to be about appearances and games instead of honesty.

Honesty is the quickest route to discovering compatibility so my profile is about being honest. I try to include the few weaknesses which may define my perceptions as well as a few of my 'strengths'. I am not into the games but very open to building real and substantial relationships.

Balance is the goal. Noone is perfect but someone who is aware of and working on their flaws while being aware of but humble concerning their strengths is what I seek in a person, regardless of what relationship develops.

For romance, I have discovered that I have a high bar regarding character. It is summed up in the poem my mom read to us most my life called "If" by Rudyard Kipling. If you know it or ever get a chance to read it, I believe it sets the foundation for what I expect in a person of balance.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 10:26 AM

Well I give the credit to my mother for raising me how to treat a woman when you out about. I hate hearing any lyrics in music that degrades a woman. Don't get me wrong, we know some women are wild and by America's standards they be called the B-word, I'm not going to call them that because I learned that a lot of guys can Be Bee's too.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 11:44 AM

Welcome back.....i do the same thing on mingle. Hosting my weekly topics as like my talk shows. I mean i believe anybody can find romance anywhere. It depends on your message. What you seek.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 11:51 AM

Hey Peggy nice to see here again. I agree romance can be found just about anywhere. I think folks on some dating sites find romance difficult is for the simple fact that either impatience play a part. The person not too clear on what they want. Or maybe some one's attraction to a certain type of person just not what they want. But i totally agree with your view.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 12:01 PM
Ms. Harmon,

Hey you precious, i be the first one to agree with you & Peggy. Like i said in a reply to my own thread. You got your gamers players we called them in my day. Your jerks, your bad boys, your stand up guys & your good potentials. Here's the kicker i hear women say i dont like them to be too nice. I like it ruff sometimes. I look and say why would you like a thug type you know what he's into. You know he cheat on you and have no guilt. This is what you want. So then the thug type of guys because of the illusions. He usually have alot of street money. The bad boys got the clothes, the women lusting for them. So some women is attracted to this type of man until he go upside her head then he's an ***. So the good guys finish last the good ones.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 03:11 PM

I read your thread about different places to treat a young lady out....see I'm a thrill seeker. I like to sky dive. mountain climb, I bungee jumped, and I free fall out the sky. But on a romantic date it would be turned down a thousand. How about this a good date would be me as the guy, I could drive but I want to be pampered too so I rent a stretch limo. have the driver come pick up the ms. once arrive to her place, I step out the limo to approach her greet her with a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. See you never want to kiss a woman on the lips on the first date, that tells her you might be moving too fast. Now, we in the limo and we start the night on a restaurant. I would pull her chair out and then I seat next. then while appetizers & white champagne at the table we would have some stimulating conversation. Never bring politics, religion, any other controversial topics up. See fellas you do that, you going a debate maybe a heated one. So keep the talk small but to the point. Give a little, take a little. Never bring up ex's unless it to make a point to relevant conversation. After, we go to comedy club for laughs. you know to break the ice a little. by this time you & here starting to feel comfortable with each other. after some great laughs insist on taking her back, so get the limo guy to take us back. Once you & her return to her place, as a man you might want her to insist wanting you to come in, here's the kicker, don't go at least not now. See when she see you resist, that will show her you value her time, & respect where you guys are with each other. Give her a hug, kiss on the cheek, bye....I call you. Fellas, when you tell her you'll call her she didn't mean call her right away but give her like a week, and do it all over again. If you listen to this scenario advice maybe your luck will change and the ladies may want to acquire more of your time.

no photo
Thu 07/20/17 03:30 PM


Welcome back.....i do the same thing on mingle. Hosting my weekly topics as like my talk shows. I mean i believe anybody can find romance anywhere. It depends on your message. What you seek.

Hate to burst your bubble but some people are just canon fodder, I am living proof. I gave up on ever having a relationship a long time ago when I came to the realization that the only way I'd ever be in one is if I took whatever I could get. It was then that I realized that unless I was only in it for the $ex there was no reason for me to be in a relationship and from that thought came an avalanche of reasons why I should give up all together.

Long story shortened, I only join sites with free forums looking for mild entertainment to help me pass the time until the end.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 06:29 PM

Welcome again is it safe to say love dont live here with you anymore? Listen dont give up. There's a lot of good women still want a great guy like yourself. I admit dating today is a lot more work and that's has a lot to do with lack of trust between men & women. I dont want to sound like dr oz but all you need to captivate a potential is common ground. Just to see where the two would be at each other.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 07/20/17 06:30 PM

Welcome again is it safe to say love dont live here with you anymore? Listen dont give up. There's a lot of good women still want a great guy like yourself. I admit dating today is a lot more work and that's has a lot to do with lack of trust between men & women. I dont want to sound like dr oz but all you need to captivate a potential is common ground. Just to see where the two would be at each other.

TVcameraman's photo
Thu 07/20/17 06:53 PM


I read your thread about different places to treat a young lady out....see I'm a thrill seeker. I like to sky dive. mountain climb, I bungee jumped, and I free fall out the sky. But on a romantic date it would be turned down a thousand. How about this a good date would be me as the guy, I could drive but I want to be pampered too so I rent a stretch limo. have the driver come pick up the ms. once arrive to her place, I step out the limo to approach her greet her with a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. See you never want to kiss a woman on the lips on the first date, that tells her you might be moving too fast. Now, we in the limo and we start the night on a restaurant. I would pull her chair out and then I seat next. then while appetizers & white champagne at the table we would have some stimulating conversation. Never bring politics, religion, any other controversial topics up. See fellas you do that, you going a debate maybe a heated one. So keep the talk small but to the point. Give a little, take a little. Never bring up ex's unless it to make a point to relevant conversation. After, we go to comedy club for laughs. you know to break the ice a little. by this time you & here starting to feel comfortable with each other. after some great laughs insist on taking her back, so get the limo guy to take us back. Once you & her return to her place, as a man you might want her to insist wanting you to come in, here's the kicker, don't go at least not now. See when she see you resist, that will show her you value her time, & respect where you guys are with each other. Give her a hug, kiss on the cheek, bye....I call you. Fellas, when you tell her you'll call her she didn't mean call her right away but give her like a week, and do it all over again. If you listen to this scenario advice maybe your luck will change and the ladies may want to acquire more of your time.

Defiantly an excellent first date in the manner of a proper gentleman. That is the way to treat a lady. But always remember, even if 30 years have passed, a "first date" like this will keep the romantic fires burning.

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