Topic: Spider... | |
I have just realized that spider has de-activated his account...
I would just like to say that I wish him all the best... Sincerely... Michael |
Take care spider and hope you have good holidays...
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I heard that he may have as well.
That explains his conspicuous absence. His insights will be missed. He is an efficient pencil sharpener, isn't he? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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yes, i miss him also. here is to our friend, spider.
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Whaaaaat!?? Spider deactivated?
He is a good poster. I like arguing with him. He is consistant and well versed in his beliefs. I will miss him. Be safe and live well spider. Kat ![]() ![]() |
The guy didn't die!!!
He just deactivated his account on a DATING SITE!!! His chidren are well, he is well, and his life on!!! Let's keep the orbituaries for those whom leave us for real. This is a 'virtual' environment, remember!!! |
I was wondering where the cutiful spider went. I also wish him well.....and he knows the Lord thats for sure.
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well, i still keep in touch with him. he is a good friend.
and voil, you STILL cant be polite even after spider has left the site. there is nothing wrong with saying we will miss someone's presence in the forums. i just wish you could stop being so hateful for once! ![]() ![]() |
you tell him winnie......voil your a lil meanie......Tell him I will miss his presence winnie and have him e-mail me once in awhile and tell me how he is...I will e-mail you my e-mail addy.
winnie wrote : well, i still keep in touch with him. he is a good friend. and voil, you STILL cant be polite even after spider has left the site. there is nothing wrong with saying we will miss someone's presence in the forums. i just wish you could stop being so hateful for once! ![]() ![]() Hateful!!! Hatefull!!! Winnie, I don't know you. Nor can I speculate on the source of your most impertinent comment towards me. I do not accept your judgemental epithets. Learn Madam, that you could have used a great number of deragotory epithets to describe me without getting a response. Hateful, and impolite are not part of those epithets. Your own comments on the other hand Madam, are quite fitting of the false and unfounded accusations you lodge towards me. Impolite and hateful, you seem to be towards me. To express my thoughts about the 'orbituary' nature of this thread, was neither hateful nor impolite towards anyone, least of whom 'spider'. If you didn't, as I did, catch a little orbitary feel to the thread, most unbecoming towards Johnnie, it is hardly a justification to come out with the unfounded personnal attacks of 'hateful' and 'impolite' artillery. |
i am sorry if i offended and sorry that i lost my temper. i thought you would also miss spider since you seem to enjoy sparring with him so much. you may not know me yet, but i know your posts and you are almost always sarcastic and not so nice to all christians. from what i have witnessed, you have lumped all christians into one category. you are intelligent and well read and hide most of your insults in pretty words. im sorry we have gotten off on the wrong foot.
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i am sorry if i offended and sorry that i lost my temper. i thought you would also miss spider since you seem to enjoy sparring with him so much. you may not know me yet, but i know your posts and you are almost always sarcastic and not so nice to all christians. from what i have witnessed, you have lumped all christians into one category. you are intelligent and well read and hide most of your insults in pretty words. im sorry we have gotten off on the wrong foot. ![]() ![]() winnie, Right up to the last exchange with 'spider', I was straight, honest and upfront with him. To my souvenir, spider and I most likely haven't had one exchange together where we agreed. I could be wrong, but not by much. Yet that never stopped me from addressing his comments directly and honestly, and, however it may have occurred to others, always respectfully. A for sarcasm, I promise you, it is a powerful expression form, which allows one to remain true to oneself, and civil with others, in instances of serious disagreement. I firmly believe it is far more acceptable, in a discussion with others, then resorting to insults, or judmental silence and impolite withdrawal from the converstaion. I am Christian. So the '... lumping Christians into one category does not apply to me.' However, if you as a Christian, start judging me as 'unworthy' of calling myself a Christian, according to your standards, then you would be right to say that my declared an public battle is with that unacceptable and potentially dangerous 'fundamentalist' mentality towards religion, and towards others, whatever their beliefs or non-beliefs. Finally, I don't hide, insults or otherwise. If ever it occurred to me to insult you or anyone else, I would do it 'on the rocks' so to speak, straight up. Don't exactly see the purpose of resorting to insults on a medium such this one. The pretty words I use, if you judge them so, aren't hiding anything, unless it is the prejudices and presuppositons of those reading them, things over which I have no control. The words simply say what they say. No hidden insults needed. I offer you a blank canvas. Most likely the best material to realign what you consider '... having gotten off on the wrong foot'. |
My purpose for this thread was to wish spider all the best... I figured there would be others, as well, who would also choose to say some supportive things to him...should he be "visiting" un-announced... I wonder then Sir, why you wrote: The guy didn't die!!! He just deactivated his account on a DATING SITE!!! His chidren are well, he is well, and his life on!!! Let's keep the orbituaries for those whom leave us for real. This is a 'virtual' environment, remember!!! |
Voile: My purpose for this thread was to wish spider all the best... I figured there would be others, as well, who would also choose to say some supportive things to him...should he be "visiting" un-announced... I wonder then Sir, why you wrote: The guy didn't die!!! He just deactivated his account on a DATING SITE!!! His chidren are well, he is well, and his life on!!! Let's keep the orbituaries for those whom leave us for real. This is a 'virtual' environment, remember!!! As I replied to 'winnie' Orbituary tone to the posts. And if there is a 'gang-up' going on, let me know, and we'll address that. My 'free' commment was not suggesting anything about your intent for the post creativesoul, nor was it saying anything about spider other than 'his children are well, he is well, and his life is on' (forgive the typo in the original). Meaning NOT DEAD, and my allusion to get off the orbituary tone!!! Spider and I didn't share many positions about life and I for one engaged with him when I had a clear disagreement to express. Debating and arguing around fundamental disagreements we had about each others views. That was it. If some of you can't stand disagreements and figure that one hates, or is impolite when one argues his disagreements, you are adding mass which doesn't belong in reality. My comment was to the orbituary tone of the post and not the post itself, nor spider. I made my comment, and if people wish to keep posting with what struck me as an orbituary tone, be my guests. This is a free expression medium. |
Actually the reason we see these kinds of threads from time to time, is because we pretty much expect the missing person, who is 'deactivated', will be back. (else, what purpose would there be for such a topic?)
Many of us have had occasion to 'bow out' for a while. Offering this kind of 'eulogy' can be a welcome sight for one who was absent due to a disruption in their normal daily life. Spider has been a part of this community a long time - lol - and it hasn't been without a fight to be so. If his leaving had anything to do with feelings of paranoia, or not being accepted, then likely he will be back to see if anyone missed him. Think of it as the Tom Sayer syndrom. Who wouldn't want to look over the edge of that coffin and witness their own parting? So Spider, have you witnessed enough? |
Thank you for your clarification... and although I did not express it yet, thank you also for the good news on him... No 'gang up' that I am aware of... I assure you... ![]() I say "Sir" out of respect to you, Voile... ![]() |
Voile: Thank you for your clarification... and although I did not express it yet, thank you also for the good news on him... No 'gang up' that I am aware of... I assure you... ![]() I say "Sir" out of respect to you, Voile... ![]() Best dispositions right back to you 'creative'! :) |
clean slate accepted. although we will probably never agree on religion, we can agree to disagree. i will be respectful of you as long as you are respectful of me. have a great nite voil. i have to climb into the attic so my son and i can put up our christmas tree.
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Sometimes I've agreed with Spider......
Sometimes I've disagreed with Spider...... Other times, I've just sat back and read his exchanges with other posters. The man always said what was on his mind, and always gave 110% in backing his opinions up. I respect that. I wish you would come back, Spider. You're a valued member of the JSH family. Whatever you decide, good luck to you, and may your life be filled with happiness, joy, and contentment. May God Bless You, Spider. ![]() |