Topic: Kids today. What can they look forward to.
Salsaheart's photo
Tue 05/09/17 04:21 AM
My granddaughter wasn't in school (pre) yesterday, so I took the morning off and went to spend some time.
When I got there, she was busy on her IPad. We played a few games, and then the feeling of warmth and love when she snuggled against me while I read her a story.
Then reality hit and she was back to her IPad. I didn't feel disrespected or uncared for. I sat beside her and looked on with a few words and questions to keep our connection.
As adults keeping up with the times and spending time on the net. Don't want to finish that thought.
No more mystery, no more secrets, no more privacy.
We learned to read write and finally to do math without the help of a tool.
Computers; a gift or a crutch?

Just saying.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 05/09/17 05:36 AM
I see it in my grandchildren too.

Lets play with time a lil and see what awaits the species...

The human being is moving from physical to cerebral.
We now use machines to do what brute force used to accomplish.

We now have knowledge at our fingertips where we used to have to go places to learn things.

We are in a transition period as a species.

With all the knowledge available to each of us we can be smart without the experiences needed to gain the wisdom thru trial and error.
It accelerates our learning curve but affects our dexterity.

Our offspring are given increasingly more effective development tools at increasingly younger ages. Concepts that we had to learn the hard way are repetitiously drilled into their thinking process. They are 'programmed' at an early age to accommodate the modern world around them.

What we fail to see is that this change has already started a few generations ago.
I recall in my teenage years using a chainsaw to fell 40 trees in a few hours to make money from the firewood. I would have never attempted such an act if I had to fell those trees with a hand saw. It could be done, but an easier way was available and I utilized it.

In the future, our grand children's grandchildren may never know manual labor because there will be technology to do it for them. Their quest will be for knowledge. They might be completely dependent on technology.

We see it as a bad thing because we live in an age where technology still has some bugs in the machine. If our smarter, more knowledgeable grandchildren, make the technology more dependable that 'fall back' survival will change. The skills that we deem 'needed' will be recreational endeavors.

A farmer in the early 1900's didn't need a fitness club to stay 'in shape' because he worked his fields and stayed strong from life's experiences. Fitness is becoming a recreational endeavor even now.

The human species is still evolving. We don't see the evolution because we are within it. When we see signs of it we don't recognize it because we are not programmed to. We see it as 'something wrong with our grandchildren' but in all reality it is inevitable.

luveatingcookies's photo
Tue 05/09/17 05:44 AM
well it will be a pretty **** world that is older people will live in because the youth today has no respect poor concept of life because we have raised then to be abunch of ****ing *******. ago we can thank our self for the shitty uture we gave our selfs

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 06:44 AM
The shape of things to come...........