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Topic: Prenup
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Thu 03/23/17 06:57 PM
The closest thing to a fairytale ending I ever got was to be a father after wanting to be one for more than a quarter of a century. Everyone else comes second to my daughter, who will inherit everything I have, which translates to a prenup being mandatory.

Mike6615's photo
Thu 03/23/17 08:18 PM

Well, in the state of California, or in any state
recognizing equality in divorce proceedings, half
of joint assets/income are awarded each party.

So one might assume the person seeking the prenup
has no interest in sharing half of it.

Maybe they had it a long time, first.
Maybe they have been through it once or twice already.
Maybe there are children to protect.

Whatever the reason, they feel a need to limit the
after-the-love-is-gone distributions.

I am ambivalent about it, I can see pros and cons
of them.

I thought that in California a person could only get 50% of the INCREASE in the other person's assets from the date of marriage to the divorce date. Is this true?

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 03/24/17 02:05 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Fri 03/24/17 02:08 AM

'Kinhell, what happened to the fairytale ending.

Not happening with a prenup.

laugh ( to joethebricky, I am only kidding!)

no photo
Fri 03/24/17 04:02 AM

Do you believe in a prenup if there is a big asset discrepancy?

Yes.. when I first got married ( at 18) I insisted on one... so when it ended she got the 1973 Pinto hatchback and my Jimmy Hendricks's posters (including the black light)

mysticalview21's photo
Fri 03/24/17 09:21 AM

Do you believe in a prenup if there is a big asset discrepancy?

Yes.. when I first got married ( at 18) I insisted on one... so when it ended she got the 1973 Pinto hatchback and my Jimmy Hendricks's posters (including the black light)

laugh and I am sure that scared you for life laugh

I really don't think I would mind signing a prenup...
nursing homes have to take you... when your broken ...
so I am good lmao

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