Topic: what do feel is the greatest movie ever...
chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/22/07 04:18 AM
Damn I love all those movies but mine is Easyrider even though I hate the ending, and yes I know they had an alternate.

JOHNNIE5's photo
Thu 11/22/07 07:33 AM


Goofball73's photo
Thu 11/22/07 07:47 AM

The Notebook....I know it's a sappy movie but it was good!

noway noway noway noway I reccomend removing this choice from this thread.laugh laugh laugh

lizardking19's photo
Thu 11/22/07 07:50 AM
A clockork orange

that movie just never fails 2 disturb me

bookworm's photo
Thu 11/22/07 07:54 AM
Tied between "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid".

Reason is, no matter how many times I watch them (dozens of times, so far), I see something I missed all the other times.

JOHNNIE5's photo
Thu 11/22/07 08:10 AM


scotty1964's photo
Thu 11/22/07 08:26 AM
lately....the machinist

no photo
Thu 11/22/07 08:32 AM
I have 2 ... never could decide... Great Escape ( just once I hope McQueen gets away ...LMAO ... and ??? Sound of Music ..(I am 16 goin on 17 ..lmao ) .... you choose LOL

vardlokkur's photo
Thu 11/22/07 08:51 AM
No contest..."Saving Pvt Ryan"smokin

blankpage's photo
Thu 11/22/07 09:24 AM
Mystic River was really good.
That one scene where it really hit hit (Sean penn) that his daughter was gone forever..damn that gave me chills.

Belushi's photo
Fri 11/23/07 01:01 AM
There have been some fantastic movies mentioned here.

American History X .. Edward Norton - superb
Mystic River was another that I was totally engrossed in.

I like The Usual Suspects as well. That had me thinking.

I watched The other Mel Gibson offering the other day, Apocalytica (or something) that was a very good film.
Even though it had subtitles, they were only used sparingly.

But I still think the greatest film of all time is Casablanca.

It even beats The Blues Brothers (whose script I can recite for you)

Casablanca was just an amazing story, a fight for love and glory, a tale of do or diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
[lah lah, la la la la lah, lah lah la la la la do doo be dooo bee dooooooooooo]

ehem ... sorry .. got a little carried away there. blushing

SDM's photo
Fri 11/23/07 01:21 AM
I agree with lots on here:

Shawshank Redemption
Pay it Forward
Saving Private Ryan

but a great movie is:

A Walk To Remember

JOHNNIE5's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:36 AM
Best of the Best I and II

mickalainell's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:43 AM
torn between fight club, life is beautiful & crash.

yes i know those movies are completely different genres having nothing to do with each other.

but those are my 3 and i'm stickin to it.

mostly coz i just can't pick 1.

mickalainell's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:44 AM
oh but you guys movie choices are brilliant...also my faves! :smile:

Jtevans's photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:26 AM
there's too many to name but one i have never said before is Tommy Boy.Chris Farley was hilarious!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:14 AM
There are too many to just name one.

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:15 AM

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:20 AM
Rear Window, 1954 version

JOHNNIE5's photo
Sat 11/24/07 08:41 AM