Topic: America is becoming Great again!
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Wed 03/15/17 02:22 AM
"Yea!~~~~USA~~~PERVEIL~~~~~~AYE~~~~~!!! Hi mein Führer~~~~Ich Will!!!!!!"
warning:this dude will causes any hightly chaos within around the federal goverment both union,do not attending to persuade any kind of dangerous person like this one unless you are already above the age 71 or you will face the punishiment of the CIA under the consititution of the federal and union.

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Wed 03/15/17 04:04 AM

"Yea!~~~~USA~~~PERVEIL~~~~~~AYE~~~~~!!! Hi mein Führer~~~~Ich Will!!!!!!"
warning:this dude will causes any hightly chaos within around the federal goverment both union,do not attending to persuade any kind of dangerous person like this one unless you are already above the age 71 or you will face the punishiment of the CIA under the consititution of the federal and union.
RED WHITE & BLUE drinker

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 08:23 AM
Trump 'LOVES' nuclear war and thinks more countries should have nukes,, so dont count on him doing much on that front but getting us into as many as he can,,,,,

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 08:41 AM

Trump 'LOVES' nuclear war and thinks more countries should have nukes,, so dont count on him doing much on that front but getting us into as many as he can,,,,,

Total brainwash noway

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 10:26 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/15/17 10:29 AM
no, just listening,, are you?

and reading

"You have so many countries already -- China, Pakistan, you have so many countries, Russia -- you have so many countries right now that have them," Trump said in a Milwaukee, Wisconsin town hall televised by CNN. "Now, wouldn't you rather, in a certain sense, have Japan have nuclear weapons when North Korea has nuclear weapons?"

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 10:28 AM
You need to change channels.laugh

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 12:18 PM
Wisdom doesn't come from being one sided. glasses

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 12:45 PM

You need to change channels.laugh

why? do the words sound different with a different cameraman?

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 12:54 PM

You need to change channels.laugh

why? do the words sound different with a different cameraman?
It's the deep state propaganda.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 12:55 PM
laugh laugh laugh
yes, dont trust the FBI, CIA, the MEDIA or the employment statistics,,

unless they make the right side look good,,laugh

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 01:08 PM
Has it ever occurred to you that some of what they say on CNN doesn't make sense. Intelligent but stubborn you are. Give the other media sources a chance maybe something will trigger a better understanding of what's going on. biggrin

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 01:11 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/15/17 01:13 PM
It does occur to me Integrity1st, which is why I rely more on what comes from the horse's mouth (so to speak) and direct quotes, than I do paraphrasing and commentary assessments.

although it has happened on occasion that media(That includes internet) has used quotes around words that were not actually spoken,,,,which is why I check various sources and try to find the source that allows me to see for myself,,,,

Workin4it's photo
Wed 03/15/17 04:55 PM

Trump 'LOVES' nuclear war and thinks more countries should have nukes,, so dont count on him doing much on that front but getting us into as many as he can,,,,,
its not that trump loves nuclear war, do you really think he wants to start lobbing nukes at our enemy's, if that's what you think than your not the well educated young lady I thought you were. I don't believe you really think that. But it's common sense that if the good guys have more and better weapons than they won't mess with,you, most of the time anyway. .. Speak softly but with a big stick. Lol I know it's hard for trump to speak soft but I think he's got the right idea at least until Everyone gives up their nukes.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 05:42 PM
at a certain point there are no more people left to kill, how ever much more nuclear catastrophe is initiated

I dont think Trump understands that because he sees everything as a deal, and he is accustomed to nothing touching him or his,,,,

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 05:47 PM
Edited by SimpyComplicated on Wed 03/15/17 06:04 PM

Wisdom doesn't come from being one sided. glasses

When I hear the two sides of President Trump it doesnt sound like great wisdom to me.

Sorry bout that
Working now

no photo
Wed 03/15/17 05:54 PM
Edited by Integrityis1st on Wed 03/15/17 05:56 PM

Wisdom doesn't come from being one sided. glasses

When I hear the two sides of President Trump it doesnt sound like great wisdom to me.

Click here to see Trumps two sides

I wasn't referring to Trump but I will check it out.

It would not display

Workin4it's photo
Wed 03/15/17 06:47 PM

at a certain point there are no more people left to kill, how ever much more nuclear catastrophe is initiated

I dont think Trump understands that because he sees everything as a deal, and he is accustomed to nothing touching him or his,,,,
I agree w/you that you don't need 100s of nukes , to destroy everything and everyone, but if our adversary's keep increasing their stock pile than we need to keep pace if for no other reason , a deterrent . We can only blame the natural progression of technology, when mankind learns the lesson that just because we can design and build a item that has so much potential and power to change the way we live, doesn't mean we have to. Some things are better when left as they are. Kind of like cell phones,sometimes I miss the days when you didn't worry about phone calls when you got home from work and listen to your answering Mach. Ahh , the good old days. Lol

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 07:09 PM
something we agree on

I believe the days before all this technology were better

Workin4it's photo
Wed 03/15/17 07:15 PM

something we agree on

I believe the days before all this technology were better

It feels nice to agree on something. : )

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/15/17 07:48 PM
two things we agree on.