Topic: More Sci-Fi Shows | |
Does anyone besides myself like watching any of the following shows.
Marvel's Agents of Shield DC's Legends of Tomorrow Timeless Smallville Firefly Supergirl I can't be the only person that likes all things superman and enjoys watching Supergirl. |
Well it wouldn't be fair to leave a fellow sci-fi geek hanging feeling like he was the only Sci-Fi nerd in the world...soooo.. woot woot Sci
Thanks man. How many sci-fi women are there out there that are looking for a serious relationship?
I did not put all the ones I like on the list but I would be remiss to omit Flash. Anyone catch the latest episode? |
You need to go back to the real classics, like the Twilight Zone! If you think the stuff you mentioned is good, you'd be blown away!
I've always enjoyed SC fi, all things marvel, to see my comic book heroes come to life, price less,
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Also liked Iron Fist
Daredevil looking forward to The Defenders series coming out Outer Limits (the newer versions ) U.F.O. (the series ) All of the Star Trek Universe Space 1999 Battlestar Galactica Space Above and Beyond Earth final conflict Just to mention a few I would like to watch Tek Wars again but having difficulty locating it. |
Yes I am in total agreement with you because the stories and special effects are good and the little boy in me enjoys it very much. I like netflix for that.
I enjoy all forms of Speculative Fiction.
I wrote this at another site... "There are some people that don't consider themselves a SciFi fan but are fans of individual SciFi works like Star Trek, Firefly, BattleStar Galactica and many other storylines. I, myself, am a fan of the concept of Science Fiction. I like Science a lot. I love how the fiction in Scifi expands the science and explores the effects of it on the human condition. The closer the Scifi is to actual science the more I enjoy it. Also being a fan of Fantasy allows me to enjoy SciFi that has missed its mark on the science but has a good story." "SF" Speculative Fiction is my choice for the 'What If/Adventure' diversion that excites me. I see science expanding at an incredible pace which sets everything into a 'Science Fiction' type setting if you think too hard on it.
Lets have a look at what Speculative Fiction is: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Utopia, Distopia, Alternate History, Apocalyptic & Post-apocalyptic. (Ref Wikipedia) Science Fiction is the easiest to quantify. I mean Science is in the name. But in today's real world of science can't all the other genres of Speculative Fiction also be grouped under Science Fiction? Fantasy (Includes elements and beings from human cultural imagination, such as mythical creatures dragons and fairies, for example, magic and magical elements, sorcery, witchcraft, etc.) Fantasy can now be imagined as Science Fiction because of Gene-Splicing, Medical Growth Experiments, Nano-Medicines and Designer Drugs. Presently in their infancy, its only a matter of time until this technology gets privatized and distorted. In my mind, I can 'see' accidents and aberrations in our world in reality. I 'see', eventually, a human race that is divided into genetic mutations. Genetic or Drug enhancements to mimic qualities found in other animals. Not only "Wolf-People" but Cat-People, Fish-People and eventually Humanized Animals. If Nano-Technology ever gets out of infancy and we develop Nano-Fog or Nano-Assemblers our idea of Magic may come to pass. Nano-Tech promises the ability to morph lead into gold. Any Wizard worth his peaches can do that. Horror (Somewhat similar to fantasy, but focusing on terrifying, evil and often powerful beings, such as monsters and ghosts. Also aims to transmit actual fear and confusion to the reader/watcher.) Nano-Technology also can create monsters. Look at the failed gene-splicing experiment that escapes. Chemical compounds can be released in confined areas like old houses or buildings that induce terror making you 'see' things not really there. Sound frequencies can be projected to make you feel sick or queasy. In the future, these technologies might be advanced as governments attempt to control their populations and direct mass changes. Plus, as technology grows, the killers among us will be able to get more and more creative. Utopia (Takes place in a highly desirable society, often presented as advanced, happy, intelligent or even perfect or problem-free.) Utopian stories often depict societies with some advanced technology or cultural adaptation that is based in science. Concepts of wealth are abolished, Sickness is gone and Power generation is not an issue. Dystopia (Takes place in a highly undesirable society, often plagued with strict control, violence, chaos, brainwashing and other negative elements.) Dystopian stories are usually designed around a science gone wrong. Cultural Science is science too. Most of us already live in a Dystopian Utopia society. Our impressions of life balances on the edge. Political Science could send us crashing into a Dystopia while technological science could send us into a Utopia. But its all Science. Alternate History (Focusing on historical events as if they happened in a different way, and its implications on the present.) You scratch your head and wonder how this could be related to real science. Science Fiction uses ideas taken or based in real science. String Theory is a real science in its infancy. Dimensional Phase Shifting has been done in laboratories during Quantum Tunneling experiments. Right now its just small occurrences with limited results but the theory of multiple dimensions is quickly becoming science fact. Apocalyptic (Takes place before and during a massive, worldwide disaster.) Science is firmly rooted in the Apocalyptic story. Not just because we have the means to destroy ourselves but because we are getting better at predicting natural disasters. Disease can not only be manufactured they are being uncovered as we expand our civilization. Post-Apocalyptic (Focuses on groups of survivors after a massive, worldwide disaster.) With world-wide disaster relief agencies and methods, Science is changing the Post-Apocalyptic story. One final word on Fiction: Fiction is something that is not true. It is in essence Fantasy. Every work of fiction is some type of fantasy until such work becomes Science. One member wrote that he felt Science Fiction was slowly dying. To that I wrote... Science Fiction is not dying out. Science Fiction is a sub-genre of Speculative Fiction. As long as human beings have the ability to imagine Speculative Fiction will remain. The Science in Science Fiction is the ability of humans to dream scientifically. The only way Science Fiction can die is if all the human beings on the planet become uneducated and dim-witted.
I get angry with the SYFY Channel minds. I feel they dumb down Science Fiction for the masses. No TRUE Science Fiction fan would like it. There are a multitude of UnTapped Science Fiction ideas based on the path of current scientific research that can be explored in the genre. Eventually you will see more stories, media and images that explore: Nanotechnology The Computer Singularity Mind Displacement Gravity Manipulation Genetic Manipulation Under Sea Exploration & Habitats Life & Death in Space Asteroid Mining Energy Production Looking at these few examples you already know of some Science Fiction created recently. I assure you all - Science Fiction is alive and well! You just might not recognise it sometimes. Science fiction writers not only need to be versed in story-telling and character development they must stay current on actual science trending. While some have a unique ability that could create a best seller from proven science most readers want to read about current scientific trends that become commonplace and the ramifications of that, on people and societies. There is no mysticism over the control of fire, yet in the 1800 describing a flashlight would be considered fantasy.
Common known technology can now create anything a writer can imagine and theoretical science trends actually back that up. Most readers of science fiction know of Prototype Printing, Holograms, Cell Replication and Nanotechnology. All those technologies exist to some degree in real science. The writer that can take the infant technology of today and expound on its implications can justify the existence of anything. A dragon is possible. A werewolf with a laser is possible. Self-healing houses are possible. Techno-mages and wizards are possible. In 200 years, based on current trending and scientific theory, it may actually be possible to create actual manifestations of anything we can dream of. Not in the realm of Forbidden Planet but as a dedicated scientific construct. When that happens even Reality will be in the realm of Fantasy. The question shouldn't be Is Science Fiction Dying?. The question should be What Now Constitutes Science Fiction? Is the merging of Science Fiction and Fantasy really a bad thing? The genres have been linked as long as I can remember. I also don't believe there will be much distinction between Science Fiction & Fantasy and Horror. The master genre is already known as Speculative Fiction. Perhaps the only thing that needs to happen is to throw away the implied title of Science fiction in favor of a broader term like Speculative Fiction. For me, Science Fiction is the Unknown, Unthinkable and Undiscovered being expressed. A look at the reality of a Universe that is over 15 Billion years old. The age and vast distances involved can make nearly anything a possibility. Including a parallel you on a parallel Earth but with subtle differences. Being locked on this planet at this time in this part of the galaxy without a clue as to what is actually out there most people want science fiction to explore things we already grasp. Social complexities and moral conundrums we face. We take comfort in those subjects because we can identify with them. I want my Science Fiction to break those human concepts and step outside those limited concepts. I don't want to read about what happens to society with the next major scientific advancement. I want to read about what happens to dolphin societies after a thousand scientific advancements. What happens to the society of the sentient lifeforms we discover 10,000 years from now on a different planet that we decided to colonize. What are the issues future humanoids will have to deal with during a 1,000 year voyage to a new world. How will our bodies change after generations in space and what might be the new social issues arising directly related to those changes? It is sad to think that people believe our focus on fear, greed and power is what constitutes Science Fiction. I want someone that can put unheard of technology in my grasp. I want to explore planets, cosmic storms and star systems with plausible scientific ideas. Our environment on this planet is so unique it is unlikely any other species is similar to us in physical or social form. One of my biggest letdowns of the Science Fiction that hits mainstream is that aliens look and act like humans. They have the same reasons for doing things that we do. They use the same or similar construction methods that we do. There are power struggles and wealth just like we have. In Star Trek, the transporter technology and replication technology is pretty commonplace yet we still construct building and ships that have doors? Why? They have antigravity technology yet all the buildings have foundations using up space that could be better suited for crops. People still die yet Scotty locked himself into a transporter buffer that if it was properly maintained could keep him alive indefinately. Why is there still hospitals and medical programs? Why not just replicate the damaged cells as they fail? No, Science Fiction is not dying but it is pretty watered down with the same ole same ole. Back when most of the new ideas and unique perspectives were being written our technology was limited and our science was infant. Not to presume our science is not still in infancy but we now have a world view of social implications. I want Science Fiction that goes beyond our world view of society and considers multi-species or multi-world society issues. The 24th century or in The Time Machine, 800,000 years into the future, those time periods are amazing to most people. We have rocks on this very planet that are over 3,000,000,000 years old. Dinosaurs roamed our planet 65,000,000 years ago. Our Science fiction is limited to 10,000 to 100,000 years? To me that is a real let down. Is it because nobody wants to make the genetic jump to the next or future human forms? In 10,000,000 years we will still resemble the current human form but in 100,000,000 years will our human genes even be part of the quation anymore? I've read some works of genetically engineered humans and always find those fascinating but even those are limited by our current human expectations. There is too much science, real science right now to limit our expectations at all. Nanotechnology, mind uploading, cybernetics, virtual presence, prototype printing and the list goes on and on. Sure the immediate Science Fiction ideas are written to prey on our fears of the unknown but what if the fear no longer exists? What if we really do know how to prevent the possibility of a nano grey-goo scenario? What if the AI singularity does become a reality in our lifetimes? What if the positronic brain is but a decade from actuality? Should Science Fiction propogate our fears or possibilities? So, you keep reading and writing all that Social Science Fiction and I will keep not reading it. When you grow up and write something truly Science Fiction I will be the first to praise it. I just no longer have fears that you can latch ahold of to sell me your work. I live here and I know how humans react to things. Tell me something new and unique so I can dream your dream with you. |