Topic: Can this all be what is real???
NYDaddy65's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:19 AM
Sad times have come and gone
and here I sit alone

Thinking back to a time where I felt I belonged
Only to realize I was sittting upon a false throne

My love was so strong that my minds eye was clouded the truth
that my hearts desire had long moved on to another place

So here I sit to ponder the future
While healing from what now is a bitter past

Is love real or pure fantasy
Can others realize the depth of me

Did I chose a broken rose
or am I the one that is stricken

Can that feeling ever return
or was what I desire an unreachable height

Is there anyone who desires oneness from two
or is it a punishment to want more from an incapable place

Not one for prose I let my heart bleed to you
Is the hope where now sits solitude?

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:22 AM
Hope always, wanting oneness from two-we all want the same thing. Believe and when you're ready it will come. Keep writing.:smile:

Puffins1958's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:22 AM
I really enjoyed this....except for the THRONE part of it.


pkh's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:23 AM
very nice write always have hope

NYDaddy65's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:25 AM
How about Standing upon a false plain ?

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:36 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:36 AM
flowerforyou very nice

digger56's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:48 AM
I think we all have been there. Just a part of life I guess. I hope it can be found. I'll sure keep looking. There has to be someone out there that is close to my dream.flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:12 PM
Hope, faith and Love lives within us all,,, Love your soul and love will find you,,,, Hugs to you

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 11/17/07 12:42 PM