Topic: I Say Impeach....What Do YoU Think? | |
well lets start by his silence that President Putin Got on him......everybody knows Putin isn't a man to play with...why? well he's one of the richest in the world. Two, the Russian Kremlin protecting him by all means. Three, why won't you release your tax records. All presidents had to do it....why not him. Four, he still profiting on his investments. which is a presidential no no. watch the news , read the papers, he's making mistakes. |
I see it like democrats messed this country as well as the republicans. Hilary, well I can't trust her. she contradicts herself and for that she never get my vote. Trump didn't my vote either I wanted Gary Johnson or Bernie Sanders. Hilary , if you remember back when her husband was running she told the media that my people was animals, 2nd class citizens. Now you needed the minority vote to get in office, NO! |
Edited by
Wed 01/25/17 11:55 AM
GreenEyes148, well lets start by his silence that President Putin Got on him......everybody knows Putin isn't a man to play with...why? well he's one of the richest in the world. Two, the Russian Kremlin protecting him by all means. Three, why won't you release your tax records. All presidents had to do it....why not him. Four, he still profiting on his investments. which is a presidential no no. watch the news , read the papers, he's making mistakes. In the US, the grounds for impeachment of the president are enumerated in Article Two, Section Four of the Constitution: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors That is the grounds for impeachment. Has President Trump been convicted of any of the above?, not to mention not even charged... in any way shape or form. And I do watch the news, read the papers too. And he is doing exactly as he said he would. So, before you throw out words like impeachment don't ya thing you should know the grounds for it.. and law on it first? Its not easy to impeach a President.. just ask Bill Clinton..and he admitted to getting a BJ in the Oval office.. by a intern. |
BTW. he told the Chicago Police department to get the thug crime under control or he is sending in the National Guard to do it.
Just another one of the problems he is addressing right now.. one that Obama choose to ignore. Maybe had Obama addressed it, some of those 750 people who were murdered there last year.. wouldn't have. |
yes, chicago already has portions that look like Vietnam,, lets make it an official military zone,,,
yes, chicago already has portions that look like Vietnam,, lets make it an official military zone,,, As opposed to what?.. letting the killing continue? Someone has to disarm these thugs. If its to big of a job for the Cops ( because nothing has been done to help them), why not send in the National Guard? I mean.. its not stopping.. its growing.. has been for the last 6 years. Do we want another 750 murdered, 1,500 more wounded? At what number do you send in reinforcements. Better yet, ask the mothers of some of these kids killed what they think... My money says they would say...what took so long. There is a web site that shows the faces of only about 100 of the people killed... many are only kids. many killed in the cross fire from thugs. How many of those would be alive today had the Government done something. We're talking about saving the lives of children, if that is the objective, I would send the friggin Marines in. |
here is what the data says
![]() I dont recall the national guard being called in 1971 after a four straight year spike,, or in 1974 after 970 homicides and 3 years of spiking rates, or in 1992 after a four year spike, instead it seems like the rate has gone up and down, without military intervention,,, so instead, it would be significant to know the measures that WERE taken,,,,in 75, 82, 95, and 2004, when we saw rates take a dip... |
"Sit & Have A Cup Of Hot Tea & A Slice Of Controversy Part 7", Thursday In My City Of Philadelphia! Okay, as you may know right now Mr. Trump & the republican GOP will be arriving downtown at our great city of Philadelphia, and okay, I'm take myself out of this here, let me share with you what I observe all day today. Now, I noticed it was barricades was set all around, and I was curious so I asked a cop what's going on? He tells me Trump will be in town tomorrow. So I looked around, one motorist hollered out his car...." F. Trump". One business downtown got a big handmade sign saying " F. Trump " as well. so I asked a person randomly on the street, how do you feel about Trump coming tomorrow? A White guy, he replies" Oh , He's The Devil, I cant say I'm happy about it". Then I asked a good friend of mines his take, he told me Corey, everybody'd worrying about trump, he said he lived in Indiana and Mike Pence is strict & hate gays, illegal immigrants & other things. If anything happen to Trump, Mike Pence takes over, that's the guy to fear. He even told me Mike Pence was the guy so tuff on Indiana when they was pushing clinics to give free clean syringes out to drug users because the aids rate in Indiana was out of control, it took a mass of protesters to change his mind. Wow, Look out for Pence! He's a no nonsense kind of guy. Okay, now its my turn to rant. M2, I promise you I write to keep you informed tomorrow on what more I see going on while this man here. I will cover real news the media can't or wont cover for you as a treat. I don't know, its going be quite interesting. |
Ms Harmony,
Hey Girl., I love the facts & statistics you bring let me read them and I give you my take okay, give me 10 mins. |
here is what the data says ![]() I dont recall the national guard being called in 1971 after a four straight year spike,, or in 1974 after 970 homicides and 3 years of spiking rates, or in 1992 after a four year spike, instead it seems like the rate has gone up and down, without military intervention,,, so instead, it would be significant to know the measures that WERE taken,,,,in 75, 82, 95, and 2004, when we saw rates take a dip... O.K. , Well get Nixon on the phone and lets talk about 1970.. we are talking about.. now And the crime rate in Chicago is totally out of control. That is no secrete. So trying to deflect to 40 years ago doesn't fly. |
EyAmYourHost39, "Sit & Have A Cup Of Hot Tea & A Slice Of Controversy Part 7", Thursday In My City Of Philadelphia! Okay, as you may know right now Mr. Trump & the republican GOP will be arriving downtown at our great city of Philadelphia, and okay, I'm take myself out of this here, let me share with you what I observe all day today. Now, I noticed it was barricades was set all around, and I was curious so I asked a cop what's going on? He tells me Trump will be in town tomorrow. So I looked around, one motorist hollered out his car...." F. Trump". One business downtown got a big handmade sign saying " F. Trump " as well. so I asked a person randomly on the street, how do you feel about Trump coming tomorrow? A White guy, he replies" Oh , He's The Devil, I cant say I'm happy about it". Then I asked a good friend of mines his take, he told me Corey, everybody'd worrying about trump, he said he lived in Indiana and Mike Pence is strict & hate gays, illegal immigrants & other things. If anything happen to Trump, Mike Pence takes over, that's the guy to fear. He even told me Mike Pence was the guy so tuff on Indiana when they was pushing clinics to give free clean syringes out to drug users because the aids rate in Indiana was out of control, it took a mass of protesters to change his mind. Wow, Look out for Pence! He's a no nonsense kind of guy. Okay, now its my turn to rant. M2, I promise you I write to keep you informed tomorrow on what more I see going on while this man here. I will cover real news the media can't or wont cover for you as a treat. I don't know, its going be quite interesting. So basically a few people in your town said f*** Trump.. so that is grounds for impeachment. And I am sure you will inform all of what you see tomorrow when he is in town. but I fear your view of Trump has already been sealed..( i.e. the impeach him quote) so I would not expect a bi partisan report. But enjoy the day anyway |
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Edited by
Wed 01/25/17 08:02 PM
here is what the data says ![]() I dont recall the national guard being called in 1971 after a four straight year spike,, or in 1974 after 970 homicides and 3 years of spiking rates, or in 1992 after a four year spike, instead it seems like the rate has gone up and down, without military intervention,,, so instead, it would be significant to know the measures that WERE taken,,,,in 75, 82, 95, and 2004, when we saw rates take a dip... O.K. , Well get Nixon on the phone and lets talk about 1970.. we are talking about.. now And the crime rate in Chicago is totally out of control. That is no secrete. So trying to deflect to 40 years ago doesn't fly. sorry if using logic and reason are not as impressive as kneejerk emotionalism,,, the point is not about deflection, the point is about the FACT tat this is not the first time CHicago has seen these types of numbers, and yet they didnt just KEEP rising, they declined,, without military intervention |
![]() Look at all those lives lost!!! ![]() "El Chapo" Guzman took Chicago and made it his hub right under the authorities noses... about time that snake gets skinned. Hey EyeAm, Isn't "El Chapo" a Philly native too? ![]() ![]() Trump is doing a fantastic job so far, swift with the pen! |
Like a true dictator
the kind that's doing what the 'people' want him to do ,, |
No its his actions. |
Ms Harmony,
Hey you , well I gave your data stats a good read and I learned a few things about our country's crime rate, specially in Chicago. I guess you happy with Trump work so far handling crime so far. |
Edited by
Thu 01/26/17 10:16 AM
what work? signatures ? progress impresses me,, I will wait for it ![]() btw, its an interesting coincidence, that the lower homicide levels were in the 60s and 70's prior to the reform in laws accompanying the 'war on drugs',,, perhaps the war did more harm than the drugs? |
lol what work? signatures ? progress impresses me,, I will wait for it ![]() btw, its an interesting coincidence, that the lower homicide levels were in the 60s and 70's prior to the reform in laws accompanying the 'war on drugs',,, perhaps the war did more harm than the drugs? perhaps you should look up shootings in Chicago, since last year was the highest ever with over 4000... |
lol what work? signatures ? progress impresses me,, I will wait for it ![]() btw, its an interesting coincidence, that the lower homicide levels were in the 60s and 70's prior to the reform in laws accompanying the 'war on drugs',,, perhaps the war did more harm than the drugs? perhaps you should look up shootings in Chicago, since last year was the highest ever with over 4000... why should I look it up> its agreed that violent trends go up and AND down over time,,, |