Topic: the real
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Sun 01/15/17 12:29 PM
Today's text comes from Ezekiel 30:1-26 focal verse 25 which states but I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall stretch it out upon the land of Egypt. Now do you want to be like the Egyptians is the topic? You see Pharaoh thought he was more powerful than God. With having this feeling he got the entire Egyptian society wiped out because he really was a weak person. God know good and bad people and will allow good people to destroy the evil people to continue to make a great society. You see the text shows that the Tennessee Constitution is very well prepared because all power is inherent in the people. Had Pharaoh been a good leader the King of Babylon would have never been able to take his place. The wrath that was inflicted on the Egyptians would not have happened but being evil brings torment to the evil one. God will choose a new king and allow the king to get rid of the evil plotters to keep the society a safe and fun society to live in. So God will send a messenger but the message is only heard if you listen. Verse 9 states In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid, and great pain shall come upon them, as in the day of Egypt; for looking, it cometh. Here the text shows God will send someone to open up your eyes to what is wrong and to be afraid of the wrath that can and will be inflicted if you do not do what is right. God doesn't want to have to destroy but God will destroy if necessary to create a better society. As I close don't be like Egypt live right and do well because God is the judge not what people think is right or wrong. Just because you think it was wrong does not always constitute that it was wrong. God is the judge. If your wrong and in pain God will not heal you so always do right so that pain will go away. Amen amen