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Topic: Pic changing
TheShadow's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:13 PM
Ok, who the hell started that, Everytime I get back on this site. Some
of you keep changing your pic, I could take a guess. DABAD? LOL

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:14 PM
lol i didnt want to say anything but it is weird thatr suddenly no one
has a pic up lmao

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:15 PM
i noticed earlier in the week some lady was bitching about it lol

txazdesertgirl's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:15 PM
bet you told her to relax and go get some jello

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:16 PM
uhmm my avatars speak of my moods and personality and my pic is still
viewable publically in my profile..but yeah come to think of it I think
dabad started it all, yeah blame him is all his fault

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:16 PM
I been changeing mine all th time...

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:17 PM
no im "hiding' behind a mask....thats what I was told lol

txazdesertgirl's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:17 PM
don't know you Michael, but i like this pic the best of those i've seen

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:18 PM
mine or yours?

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:18 PM
mine or yours?

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:19 PM

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:22 PM
I had to laugh at he one lady who said dabad was hiding behind a
mask...all ppl gotta do is click on the pofile and can see he's got real
pics to back up his"mask" just like most of us do...notice I siad most
..ya know the ones with them fake pics that dabad loves to bash lol

TheShadow's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:22 PM
And they start crawling out from the walls LOL. Hey you pic changers how
is it going. :)

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:23 PM
Hey all

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:23 PM
lol yeah i bash em then get told that im hiding. I was gonna go get a
fake one of a sexy ass man but i fugred alot of airheads would fall fori
t and my email woul blow up lmao.

txazdesertgirl's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:23 PM
dam, I didn't know you could do that! No wonder no one talks to this
fat old woman!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:24 PM
hey shadow & txsgurly

dabad...hllz yeah yer email would def explode lol I like the stfu
yellow man, it suits you

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:25 PM
i fugred?

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:25 PM
lol ty

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:26 PM
yw dbad..hey wheres snacky??

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