VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:48 AM

I lost my dad several years ago
Even still I sit and cry
In silence alone with a heavy heart
With memories most every night

Everyone else is fast asleep
So no one can hear my pain
I suffer alone with wondering thoughts
Knowing someday we'll meet again

I miss his smile, his gentle ways
The way he liked to tease
His warm embrace and loving words
His laugh and ways to please

The memories I have are like yesterdays
It's hard to believe he's gone
Each tear that falls brings a memory back
In my heart he still lives on

But this pain I feel cannot compare
To the loss my mother feels
She too sheds tears for the love she's lost
Even time won't completely heal

Benzy940's photo
Thu 11/09/06 03:20 PM
I lost my dad
But he's still here
Oh what an innocent dear
Alzheimers is closing in,
He is so near but yet so far
It isn't fair , it isn't fair
He was my strength, my light
He was my knight and my way
It gets harder every day,...
By day, by day, by day
I wonder when he's gone will I
remember our song,
Oh how I was his little girl
and he was my world....
Oh just one more chance to....
Dance with my father again

Twylia's photo
Sun 11/12/06 10:04 PM
beautiful poem I lost my dad as a child and I know how it feels to grow
up with no dad and I think about him all the time.Thank you so much for
a beautiful poem It put tears in my eyes as I think of my father.

no photo
Sun 11/12/06 10:16 PM
Why my child, do not be sad
For im here in heaven with 'my dad'
When your thoughts have you, thinking of me
Know my child that this is how, life will be
When your living has past and your here with me.

His Thoughts!

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 11/12/06 11:15 PM
You bring back memories of the good times I had with my father. Thank

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/12/06 11:33 PM
Your poem brings back many memories for I also lost
my Dad will be 3 yrs this Jan. and had lost my mom
as a baby so when my Dad passed away it left a
very empty space in my life. I do dearly miss him!
Thank you for your poem it reminded me of sweet

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/12/06 11:39 PM
my mom and dad split up when I was little,,,
got a chance to spend a couple of years with him,
when I was 8-9,,,in Colorado,but he was mean to my sister and I,
so we went back to mom,in California...
he now lives in Alaska,near his Father...
My other Grand Father...miss that one...
but not my dad...sorry for him...M.

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 12:12 AM
My dad died a long time ago
but I grew up being beat on and yelled at
by him for about anything,he was drunk most of his life
all I wanted to do was hurt him, when I was young,
then he died and my life begun
So it made me Know I could never be a drunk
and I would never raise my hand to my wife or kids
so yes through one's own experince's a child can be made to be better
then HIS maker. It's a shame that everyone don't learn.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 12:30 AM
what few things my father taught me,
was the game of chess,how to hunt game,
and how not to be as a daddy,
he beat th' shit out of me,
just for throwing snowballs at my sister once,
I woke up on th floor of th living room,
from th back yard...
oh,,,well,,,at least I got hunting,and th chess,
was th good stuff,

I'm the type of dad who will be firm...
like stand in th corner,time outs,
last resort is a swat on th butt,
and th kids know this,but it helps,
to know dad has his limits too...
when they get older,and want to use th car,
get a job,and come back to me on that,
was what I told my daughter,
she used Her money to buy a used van,
after I saw she was doing good with it,,,
I paid it off for her...$3500.oo
but her smile made it all worth every penny to me!!!......M.