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Topic: Maryland educators endager students lives.
Workin4it's photo
Tue 11/15/16 07:17 AM
I have no Proof,but if you listen to the gobalty ****, and retoric,espoused by the left than you know what their montra is, that the conservative base is racist, biggoted, rednecks. kids mind are like sponges, they start believing what is preached to them on a daily basis. Teachers are supposed to teach the fundamentals like reading, writing, arithmatic, and american history.Period.many teachers are not doing that, they are pushing their views on young innocent minds and that is not their job, so of course these kids dont know any better. they will do what they think will make their teacher happy, therefor increasing theyre chance for a better grade.I hope one day we will do away with this crap called tenure where a teacher cant be fired. If you try to shape a students mind with your own beleifs you should be fired. Remember the Rubber room for bad teachers in New York City, you had teachers that sexualy assulted kids that werent fired but they kept getting paid while sitting in the teachers lounge all day. so no i dont have the proof yet, but like most of the actions taken by the left the lid will be blown off soon enough. and of course you liberals will have an excuse for the school boards bad behavior and will spin it with lies and denial to look like they acctualy care. please for once use common sense to deciepher whats going on. if you keep listening to the bias state run media you will never know the truth.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/15/16 07:22 AM

schools aren't prisons...

it's no different than any kid ditching school, leaving the campus and
getting caught shoplifting at some store...

the school system is not responsible for your children once they
leave the campus...

But they are responsible for trying to stop them from leaving the school in the first place. because they are under the care of the school system while they are there. For th most part... they are minors.

They made no attempt to do that.

If this was to happen at a grade school... would that also be acceptable?

Somehow because their are teenagers it is o.k.

children are the responsibility of the school WHILE THEY ARE THERE

schools cannot physically restrain teenagers who are not posing a threat to themselves or others,,,,there are rules about attendance,,,they cannot physically enforce them,,,they can only address them if and when they are broken

because these are teenagers, their cognitive and emotional processes are different than grade schoolers

its not ok for either to skip school

yet they do, and they have consequences when they do

whatever they do on school premise is the schools problem, once they leave,, they are no longer the schools responsibility (accept to report to someone appropriate they have left)

the school still has to keep its responsibility to the kids LEFT on campus

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/15/16 07:24 AM
trying to shape a childs mind is part of an educators job

shaping them into the capacity to think for themselves

there are topics like government and civics in which protest is a legitimate topic and allowing kids to learn their rights and responsibilities through exercises designed for them to show their understanding is also a valuable teaching tool

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