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Topic: Two More Cops Killed
Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/10/16 11:34 PM

Question 1. If this guy just murdered 2 cops and wounded a third and not in custody and armed and dangerous and had been in jail before meaning the police could easily produce an actual photo of the worst and most dangerous and Most Wanted, why don't they name him and plaster his mugshot on every news outlet on a loop until he is dead or in custody?

I mean, if it's a manhunt, and it should be if what's being reported is accurate, WHICH MAN is it we are hunting? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE so that citizens may AID THE AUTHORITIES IN HIS LOCATION WHEREABOUTS AND OR CAPTURE? That would be good right? Citizens HELPING the police? We do that from time to time. Since crimes tend to happen in PLACES, and involve PEOPLE AND OR PROPERTY that citizens want to PROTECT. Someone usually CALLS the police, sometimes they happen to be CONCERNED CITIZENS often ones who don't have a personal stake in the person place or properties involved in the crime.

2.Critical Question- wtf is Blankey B. Blank doing with a gun in California with an ankle bracelet that people on probation have to wear? The P.O. 's (not slang for police) do HOME INSPECTIONS. They are just as pervasive if not more than CPS.

I mean if you have an active non violent criminal investigation or a hostage situation where you know the suspect may use live video to escape or position themselves advantageously, then put a delayed feed showing a huge number of cops everywhere, or just loop footage of an assload of police leaving the station with split screen of his mugshot on the other side.
And why on God's green earth would you release the tragically KIA the day of when their families are watching but NOT releasethe name and mugshot OF THE ARMED AND DANGEROUS COP KILLER AT LARGE?

WANTED: BLANKEY B. BLANK, has killed in cold blood two officers with kids some infants, and attempted murder of officer BLANKEY C BLANK, no relation. Suspect is to be considered. He might be armed and or dangerous possibly but definitely to be considered. He looks... like.... he might be about yey (not yay, gay maybe but not yay) tall, or short depending on your height and perception of it, and about... of middlish agey, there's a father in the story so he can't be terribly old, and we'll have to get back with you on weight skin color eyes hair clothing or any real DISTINGUISHING PHYSICAL FEATURES THAT MAY AID IN HIS CAPTURE. So, hit us up on Twitter or SNAPCHAT. There will be no reward.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, about that ankle bracelet... His was oneof the ones that didn't work so well. I mean somebody had to test the thing out, see how tough it is... You know. We could have ordered a replacement for it but the company that makes them only sells them in batches of 5,000 soo.... We didn't think it was a big deal. So this one is kind of on them. We needed that money for an armored vehicle that belongs on a battlefield, THOSE things ARE NOT cheap.

The call came in to 9-1-1 about an unstable man with a gun threatening to kill cops. All officers were headed to that location and SWAT (Anytime a threat like that comes over 9-1-1, SWAT is mobilized) was mobilized before the officers even arrived on scene.

Putting the mentally unstable mans picture and name out would have only escalated the situation more and they already had him in the house and it was sealed off so he couldn't escape.

It's California, its easier for a criminal then a law abiding citizen to get a gun. Most Parole Officers have several hundred people and pencil whip a lot of reports and only focus on the real bad ones.

WHO called 911?
A, CIVILIAN, perhaps that person WANTED TO DO GOOD and GET SOMEONE HELP BEFORE a crime was committed. Just maybe.

Are you serious? Releasing his name and picture or even a SIMPLE physical description, height, weight, approximate age, skin color, eye color, clothing, vehicle type if any, WHAT KIND OR GENERAL SIZE OF GUN? What is that? Is it like an incantation that will grow his gun from a .25 to a .357 or a .45? Will it turn a revolver to a fully automatic rifle? That is the most absurd argumenti have ever heard. IF HE KILLED 2 POLICE AND INJURED A THIRD WHILE EVADING A SWAT TEAM he might have an idea that police are looking for him. Maybe..., a little bit.

Why is it easier for a criminal? Where do they get their guns from? The criminal gunstore? Criminal gunshows? Wal-Mart? Target? Big Jim's Hacksaws and Handguns? Do they steal them from gun owners who keep losing the damn things? Or from (Law abiding) citizens who are really REPEAT OFFENDERS?

CAN YOU BUY AMMO WITH A CRIMINAL RECORD AND AN ANKLE BRACELET? There would be a RECEIPTfor whoever bought it. Unless they got it with a slurpee at 711.

Can't citizens go in broad daylight to a gun store and fill out some simple paperwork and have any kind of gun legally available and take it home in 3-5 days?

Couple hundred people and "pencil whip" reports. THERE WE GO. Now we are getting somewhere. That's called jargon for those who don't know, it means that this is COMMON ENOUGH that it has developed its own slang. So, who's fault is it that a Probation Officer would "pencil whip" a parolees report? Meaning just going through the motions ILLEGALY FALSIFIYING LEGAL DOCUMENTS IN AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY and COLLECTING A PAYCHECK for NOT DOING THEIR JOB.






Wtf are THEY doing?

STILL NO NAME ID PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION? What if he runs into a church or school? Decides to hide out there take a hostage or two or 26? What if he decides to line CHILDREN up next to a wall and demands $10,000,000 and a plane ticket and starts killing kids? CHILDREN.

Should anyone in this police department collect a check this pay period? A PD THAT DOESN'T THINK ITS IMPORTANT TO CATCH A MENTALLY DISTURBED ARMED AND DANGEROUS MURDERER THAT A WHOLE SWAT TEAM LET HIM ESCAPE? Should ANYONE IN THIS POLICE DEPARTMENT INVOLVED IN THIS LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM COMMON SENSE AND SENSE OF DUTY ever collect another paycheck? The Cheif, the SWAT brass, lead investigator, OFFICER IN CHARGE, DISPATCHERS, collect THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS to just kinda chill out cuz it's not that big of a deal, these things tend to work themselves out and any CITIZENS that get hurt were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Good job. Pay raises all around the taxpayers won't be able to get it back once we TAKE it.

Also he was a known gang member, he probably got the gun from one of his gang banger buddies.

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/10/16 11:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 10/10/16 11:35 PM

the details are awkward

going out on a call that is cited as someone wanting to kill you,,,

and being in a position to allow that to happen,,,,

sounds like unchartered territory that the shooter was able to take advantage of,,,

Yeah, I agree with you there. What I was trying to get at is because of the climate that Law Enforcement are facing right now with all the protests and rioting and lack of support from elected officials are making the officers less likely to use force, let alone deadly fore and that is making the cops hesitate, even on a call where they have advance knowledge that the suspect is saying he is going to kill all the cops and is wearing body armor.

The moment they saw him with a gun and wearing body armor they should have used lethal force and not try to talk him down.

Same with the SWAT team, instead of trying to talk him out for 12 hours they should have killed him. Instead they were just risking more lives.

I think some people are less likely and some are more,,,regardless of climate

but certainly ,an ARMED assailant, a bold statement and HISTORY of violence against cops,, is different from the climate of being chastised for shooting unarmed citizens,,,

germanchoclate1981's photo
Tue 10/11/16 02:13 AM

Authorities in Southern California were searching late Saturday for a gunman who shot three police officers who were trying to resolve a family dispute, killing two of them. 

"It was a simple family disturbance and he elected to open fire on a few of the guardians of the city," Palm Springs Police Chief Bryan Reyes, his voice breaking, told reporters.

The chief, near tears, identified the slain officers as Jose "Gil" Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny.

"Today Palm Springs lost two brave officers," Reyes told reporters, his voice shaking with emotion. "I am awake in a nightmare right now."
Police said Zerebny recently returned to the force from maternity leave after giving birth to a now-4-month-old daughter. Vega, the father of eight, was a 35-year veteran who planned to retire in December. The wounded officer's name was not released.
Reyes said the three officers were standing near the front door speaking with the man, "trying to negotiate with the suspect to just comply," when he suddenly shot them.

He said the shooter was not apprehended and may still be in the house. He said Riverside County sheriff's SWAT officers had the residence surrounded and were now leading the investigation.
Reyes also urged the media and others not to stream live video of police officers' movements on social media, adding it could put them in danger.

"Understand that we're actively looking for a cop murderer," he said.
Dozens of law enforcement officers converged on the normally quiet residential neighborhood in this desert resort city after the shooting. They sealed off several blocks and evacuated some residents.

Police Sgt. William Hutchinson said officers were warning people already inside their homes to stay there, lock their doors and not answer them until further notice.

Although Reyes didn't identify the shooting suspect, he indicated police had had previous dealings with him.

A neighbor, Frances Serrano, told The Associated Press she called authorities after the father of the shooting suspect came to her house across the street and told her his son was "acting crazy."
He said, “Help. I need help. My son is in the house, and he’s crazy. He has a gun. He’s ready to shoot all the police," Serrano told the Los Angeles Times.

She'd gone back inside her home before officers arrived, Serrano said, and a few minutes after they got there she heard gunfire, "starting with a loud — I mean really loud — ‘bang!’” she told the Times. Moments later officers were knocking on her door, warning her to stay inside.

Serrano said the man police are looking for had been in jail at one time and had to wear a monitor on his ankle when he was first released. But she added that he had always been friendly and polite to her and her family.

"We never had any problems with him," she said. Serrano also told the Times that she believed the man was in his mid-30s.
The shooting occurred just three days after a popular Los Angeles County sheriff's sergeant was shot and killed in the high desert town of Lancaster.

Sgt. Steve Owen was answering a burglary call when sheriff's officials say he was shot and wounded by a man who then stood over him and shot him four more times.

A paroled robber has been charged with murder.

Lancaster residents were organizing a candlelight memorial for Owen Saturday night.


Not one days goes by that we don't hear about a Law Enforcement Officer getting killed. Enough is enough. It seems like it is open season on cops........

Time for them to make a statement and put this a$$hole in a body bag.

Lets start with the LANCASTER (CA?) shooting that's not part of this report.

Next, you said it wasn't a manhunt. Suspect shoots two officers dead injured a third and ESCAPED A SWAT TEAM, meaning they DID NOT have him in custody and told residents TO LOCK THEIR DOORS. That's pretty much the DEFINITION OF A MANHUNT. Period. Manhunt.

Next, climate... Someone all of a sudden believes in climate change. IT IS 100% the fault of BAD COPS THAT ABUSE PRIVILEGES AND POWER. Wearing the badge outside the station perusing ALLEGED criminals makes the threat PART OF THE JOB you get PAID to do. Utopically we would ALL LOVE a world where police don't need a baton, pepperspray, tazers, stun guns, pistols, shotguns, AR15's, smoke grenades, flashbangs, body armor, helmets with face shields, pretorian shields, sniper rifles, battering rams, armored vehicles, blinding lazers, high pressure water cannons, helicopters, BOMB CARRYING ROBOTS, or radios to call in sometimes up to ten cars to capture beat..... or kill an ALLEGED criminal. That's not the choice of the CITIZEN, and it's DAMN SURE not elected officials NOT supporting law enforcement. That's millions if not billions of tax payers money that comes ONLY through elected officials who DO SUPPORT an occupying force, I mean law enforcement.Criminals DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES TO BE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRIVITIZED PRISON SYSTEM, OR THE PUBLIC ONES. When they think they are getting caught they TRY to get away. NO CRIMINAL HAS A HELICOPTER ARMORED VEHICLE OR 10 CARS OF PEOPLE ARMED TO THE TEETH to back them up WITHIN MINUTES. None.

I'm quoting your OP, there is no mention of him being a known gang member. Palm Springs is really run down if the cops can't tell a domestic disturbance from a gang shooting. There was 0 mentioned in the news today, things like this make our local news here as do coverage of wild fires or blizzards droughts etc around the country. Wasn't even mentioned on the evening news or CNN. Not a word. There was 3 police cars in the only shot I saw connected to this story, I guess since it was a domestic DECOY to kill cops they opted for the CLOAKING CAMO SWAT TEAM. They reported that the man HAD ESCAPED AFTER KILLONG TWO AND WOUNDING A THIRD HE COULDN'T ESCAPE IF HE WAS STILL IN THE HOUSE. Unless MS13 has bought one of William Shatner houses with the TELEPORTER.
Look at all the inconsistencies and LOGICAL ATROCITIES. This would have been headlined with GANG MEMBER KILLED TWO OFFICERS AND INJURED A THIRD DURING DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE RESPONSE. SUSPECT IS ARMED AND DANGEROUS name age picture physical description vehicle make model color clothing distinguishing features. BOLO. Be On the LookOut. Give any information to abPD @ # TEXT SMS TWITTER FB. Its called STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. That's how





Because NO ONE wants a MURDERER ARMED, or not, on the streets.

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