Topic: Say what Rep? Rep Robert Pittenger (R) NC | |
SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 6:02
PM Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people,’ NC Congressman Robert Pittenger says BY COLIN CAMPBELL U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger says the violence in Charlotte stems from protesters who “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.” Pittenger is a Republican whose district includes parts of the city where protests have turned violent in the wake of a police shooting of a black man. Pittenger appeared on a BBC TV news program Thursday and made the statement when asked to describe the “grievance” of the people protesting. “The grievance in their minds – the animus, the anger – they hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not,” said Pittenger, who then went on to criticize people who receive welfare. “It is a welfare state. We have spent trillions of dollars on welfare, and we’ve put people in bondage, so they can’t be all they’re capable of being.” Watch the video of Pittenger’s comments below: Protesters in #Charlotte "hate white people" - North Carolina Congressman Pittenger tells #newsnight — BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) September 22, 2016 Within hours of the interview being posted, Pittenger issued an apology for the comment and said he was simply quoting protesters who’d appeared on TV. “What is taking place in my hometown right now breaks my heart,” he said in a statement issued by his congressional office. “My anguish led me to respond to a reporter’s question in a way that I regret. The answer doesn’t reflect who I am. I was quoting statements made by angry protesters last night on national TV. My intent was to discuss the lack of economic mobility for African Americans because of failed policies. I apologize to those I offended and hope that we can bring peace and calm to Charlotte.” Still, Pittenger’s statement was quickly denounced by many on social media, including two state legislators: One of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. Ashamed to have served with this fool in the #ncga. #ncpol — Rep. Grier Martin (@GrierMartin) September 22, 2016 @GrierMartin @RaleighReporter I agree with you, Grier, and I'm afraid it wasn't a misquote. — Rep. Chuck McGrady (@ChuckMcGrady) September 22, 2016 The people of NC and CLT deserve better than devastatingly ignorant and divisive comments, @reppittenger. We must move forward together. — G. K. Butterfield (@GKButterfield) September 22, 2016 The N.C. Democratic Party called Pittenger’s comments “racist.” “These comments are inexcusable,” executive director Kimberly Reynolds said in a news release. “At a time when we need calm and understanding while we learn more about the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, Congressman Pittenger is fanning the flames of hate with his racist rhetoric. This sort of bigotry has become all to common under the party of Donald Trump. Our great state should not be represented by someone who would make such hateful comments. “Congressmen Pittenger must apologize, and Governor McCrory and every Republican leader in this state should denounce this hateful rhetoric immediately.” The N.C. Republican Party did not immediately respond to an inquiry about Pittenger’s remarks. Earlier in the day, NCGOP executive director Dallas Woodhouse issued a news release blaming NAACP leader William Barber for “encouraging violence” when he demanded the release of police videos showing the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. “We are highly concerned that William Barbers (sic) demand for the police video to be released ‘by nightfall’ is a threat to citizens in Charlotte,” Woodhouse wrote. “The statement appears to be encouraging violence, if Barber’s unreasonable demands are not met.” COMMENTS |
the most hateful people tend to sell more and get more publicity,,,the majority, I tend to believe, are never really heard and have real grievances,,,,
the most hateful people tend to sell more and get more publicity,,,the majority, I tend to believe, are never really heard and have real grievances,,,, Your right about that. That is why Al Sharpton and Uncle Jesse get the most publicity. |
This just kinda fell out of nowhere. I didn't see an original interview for this but he came on with Don Lemmon to try to explain what he meant and was very apologetic. I think he might know he just basically tendered his resignation with other members of congress requesting it specifically based on this. This really frames 'voting your conscience' in a down ballot race that is desperately needed by the establishment and fringe members of the party. When you think about it, even seeing the Guardian's journalists eyes swell during the interview of the Ohio Trump staffer (whose title has also fluctuated since this broke) what the Representative said was worse. Her statement was more inflammatory in and of itself but the BBC is more generally acknowledged by the opposition than the Guardian, she's quit or been fired, and someone with his title experience and tenure should know better than making a statement like that days after another police involved shooting death. Put said shooting in his state or district, during the protest the same day the family has to privately screen the dashcam and bodycam footage that will be unjustly withheld until the October 1st deadline when a local law goes into effect withholding all surveillance, dashcam and bodycam footage until the investigations are complete, the same day a protester dies from a mysterious gunshot? head wound in the area where Police are firing flashbangs gas grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd, and no one is reported arrested for having shot him as the police say, this just adds fuel to the fire.
The Police Cheif has killed any chance of a fair trial with the statements he made, and his actions on the first two nights of protests. The governor has done the same making several statements at press conferences and interviews without once even mentioning the wife who witnessed it and the 7 kids who no longer have a father. Both have praised and expressed concerns for the officers, when the whole altercation arose from officers mistaking the victim for someone else they were attempting to apprehend. They don't even acknowledge that, their focus is the threat a man reading a book waiting to pickup his son from the school bus posed to them hands at his sides slowly backing away from the officers. #BODYCAM NOW #AUDIO NOW #DISPATCH RECORDS NOW #AT LEAST POSITIVELY ID THE SUSPECT #STOP KILLING US #STOP PLANTING EVIDENCE |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/16 03:02 AM
the most hateful people tend to sell more and get more publicity,,,the majority, I tend to believe, are never really heard and have real grievances,,,, Your right about that. That is why Al Sharpton and Uncle Jesse get the most publicity. There is a right way to handle a bad situation, like what they did in Tulsa OK, releasing video and audio from dashcam bodycam and aerial from the helicopter. Not sure why a helicopter would respond to a vehicle breakdown, but it gave a perspective that otherwise wouldn't be seen or heard. The officer who fired the fatal shot has been charged with 1st degree manslaughter. Then there is the wrong way. Target the wrong guy, give orders he can't follow, advance in numbers forcibly perhaps addressing him by someone else's name, shoot him, figure out you killed the wrong guy, destroy evidence, plant replacement evidence, withhold the video and audio that does exist since 'reportedly' some officers bodycams 'malfunctioned', threaten the public who has the right to see the video since it happened in a public place and lock up the people that WILL vote you out of office and or demand your resignation. Is it legal to declare a State of Emergency to cover up a crime? Make that two crimes, it's been almost 36 hours since the protester was shot in the head and no arrests or APB has been issued or announced, no warrant, nothing. Make that a possible third crime, an unidentified person in dark tactical gear was seen with a rifle and forced to leave by peaceful protesters. An indefinite curfew has been enacted with little to no notice to the crowd. Really close to an election... |
protests in charlotte
Republican congressman takes back remark that Charlotte protesters 'hate white people' September 22, 2016 Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-N.C.) said Thursday that he "regrets" telling the BBC during an interview that protesters in Charlotte "hate white people." The protests against the deadly officer-involved shooting of a black man on Tuesday are being attended by people of all races. Pittenger, whose district includes areas of Charlotte where the protests are taking place, was asked by the BBC to describe the "grievance" of demonstrators. "The grievance in their minds — the animus, the anger — they hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," Pittenger said. "It is a welfare state. We have spent trillions of dollars on welfare, but we've put people in bondage, so they can't be all they're capable of being." His comments were quickly denounced as "inexcusable" and "racist" by the North Carolina Democratic Party, The Charlotte Observer reports. Pittenger later tweeted that what is happening in Charlotte "breaks my heart," and his "anguish" caused him to "respond to a reporter's question in a way that I regret." His answer "doesn't reflect who I am," he added, and he said he was "quoting statements made by angry protesters last night on national TV" and his intent was to "discuss the lack of economic mobility for African Americans because of failed policies." He apologized to "those I offended," and said he hopes "we can bring peace and calm to Charlotte." Catherine Garcia September 22, 2016 *Video* |
Not to mention the riot police pretty deliberately gassed the media in the area where the protester was shot and still have not even marked it as a crime scene. Does crime scene tape cost more than tear gas? The mayor had no idea how many officers were deployed, the governor had no idea the protester that was on life support had already died. Too busy declaring a State of Emergency. I can't wait to see what A.G. Roy Cooper has to say about this damned atrocity since he's running for governor.
protests in charlotte Republican congressman takes back remark that Charlotte protesters 'hate white people' September 22, 2016 Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-N.C.) said Thursday that he "regrets" telling the BBC during an interview that protesters in Charlotte "hate white people." The protests against the deadly officer-involved shooting of a black man on Tuesday are being attended by people of all races. Pittenger, whose district includes areas of Charlotte where the protests are taking place, was asked by the BBC to describe the "grievance" of demonstrators. "The grievance in their minds — the animus, the anger — they hate white people because white people are successful and they're not," Pittenger said. "It is a welfare state. We have spent trillions of dollars on welfare, but we've put people in bondage, so they can't be all they're capable of being." His comments were quickly denounced as "inexcusable" and "racist" by the North Carolina Democratic Party, The Charlotte Observer reports. Pittenger later tweeted that what is happening in Charlotte "breaks my heart," and his "anguish" caused him to "respond to a reporter's question in a way that I regret." His answer "doesn't reflect who I am," he added, and he said he was "quoting statements made by angry protesters last night on national TV" and his intent was to "discuss the lack of economic mobility for African Americans because of failed policies." He apologized to "those I offended," and said he hopes "we can bring peace and calm to Charlotte." Catherine Garcia September 22, 2016 *Video* Yeah, I saw that. He should shut up and resign. Or he could go out on the streets during the protest carrying a sign with his words on it, that would be more fitting. |
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out.
I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/16 07:35 AM
the most hateful people tend to sell more and get more publicity,,,the majority, I tend to believe, are never really heard and have real grievances,,,, Your right about that. That is why Al Sharpton and Uncle Jesse get the most publicity. LMAO,, only on mingle not even a million results in a google news search for either one,, |
U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger says the violence in Charlotte stems from protesters who “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.” ... PM Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people,’ NC Congressman Robert Pittenger says
That seems to be a relatively safe conclusion to make. Especially for a politician that most likely would get his information from headlines and mainstream media. I mean news channels like CNN continue to call looters and rioters "protesters." The looters and rioters seem to keep looting and robbing stores. Not for food but for material things, money. You don't see a lot of successful people looting and rioting. There seem to be reports that white people are getting beaten for no apparent reason. Not to mention the entire thing was started to "protest" the killing of a black man by police. This has happened more than once this year. In this and other "protests" of black people getting killed there have been chants and quip highlights like "what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" and "beat up every white person!" and "all white people are devils!" Coming to the conclusion that "violence...stems from protesters who 'hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not,'" seems reasonable. It's no different than saying "mass shootings...stems from mental and emotional problems like depression and wanting others to feel their pain" after a year of headlines like "antidepressants and antipsychotics found at shooters home! Manifesto and personal video found detailing revenge for rejection! It's not a gun control issue, it's a mental health issue!" Republican congressman takes back remark that Charlotte protesters 'hate white people'
IMO that's too bad. All that's telling me is that at best he's no longer going to speak his mind or true feelings but become like Obama and avoid anything without a teleprompter or canned statement. |
hmm, I wonder how common 'beat up white people' is at these protests,,,
to brand all protestors there are troublemakers that come out to protests, and their are protestors with grievances at a certain level of logic and reason, adults should realize this and not dismiss protests because of the troublemakers that show up or continue to confuse one for the other,, especially those in 'public service' |
LMAO,, only on mingle QUOTE: Then you don't know many white people or they avoid you. Because every white person knows there is anti- white racism (Especially towards white men). And it is growing & it is intentional. The Congressman is a p*ss* for backtracking on his OPINION & apologizing. But hey.. now whites will disrespect him, than they already do, for k*s*ing a*s. Some might even say he is a traitor. (You know... ![]() QUOTE: not even a million results in a google news search for either one,, QUOTE: Goggle news ? ![]() ![]() Google censors & makes 'suggestions', (Already been proven, they do it in favor of H.Clinton) Use a different search engine. Besides... every white person in the country is NOT saying, " Oh My God! Did he say that!?, I am so appalled.. I need Google proof! " ![]() ![]() |
hmm, I wonder how common 'beat up white people' is at these protests,,, You may have a point there....whitey doesn't have it as bad as blacks at these protests....
![]() ""Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officers on Friday morning arrested one man accused of shooting and killing 26-year-old Justin Carr during protests in uptown on Wednesday night. Police Chief Kerr Putney announced the arrest Friday during a press conference held by Charlotte government officials. CMPD identified the arrested suspect as Rayquan Borum. Borum, age 21, was charged with murder Friday, police officials said in a news statement. He was taken into custody around 7 a.m., without incident, according to the statement. Officials said Borum has been interviewed by homicide detectives. CMPD’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Team made the arrest."" #BlackProtestersShotByOtherBlackProtestersLivesMatter, amirite? |
False Memes, Lies and Riots in Charlotte -
Saving Our Future ![]() Let the Charlotte false meme commence. I can hear and see it coming already as the protesters above have clearly bought off on the Ferguson “hands up don’t shoot” lie. Stand by for the next false meme, this time stemming from a sign. Facts be damned. * Fact: police shot and killed a black male suspect. * Fact: the police officer who fired the shot was black. The Chief of Police is black. * Fact: the suspect was in physical possession of a handgun. Before these few scant facts were in, people in Charlotte, North Carolina decided it would be in their best interest to riot, burn property, smash and loot stores. Generic “people”? Well, blacks mostly. Let’s be specific. The state police and national guard were called in. One civilian was shot by another civilian. Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was fatally shot. The officer who shot him, Brentley Vinson, 26, is also black. SIXTEEN Charlotte-Mecklenburg POLICE officers suffered minor injuries during the chaotic night. Additionally, it was revealed on Wednesday that the suspect was in fact moving towards the police, in possession of a handgun, according to dashcam video. From NC TV station Source: Dash cam video shows man shot by police coming at them with handgun CHARLOTTE, N.C. (KWCH) A Charlotte, North Carolina news station says it has confirmed with sources that there is dash camera video that shows Keith Scott getting out of a car and coming at police officers with a gun in his hand. A police officer shot and killed Scott on Tuesday. Chief Kerr Putney said Scott posed a threat because officers saw him exit a vehicle twice with a the gun and didn’t drop it when police ordered him to do so. A number of witnesses at the scene were already saying the police told the suspect to drop the gun several times. ![]() BLM lunkheads are about to blast out the newest falsehood throughout social media. I thought I’d let you see it in advance. Note the sign. Ferguson promoted “hands up don’t shoot.” Charlotte will propagate “it was a book.” NC TV station Source: Dash cam video shows man shot by police coming at them with handgun ![]() |
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out. I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity were talking about this. The previous Mayor before Giuliani have four major protests\riots, after Giuliani took office and his no nonsense approach to crime there wasn't one. Giuliani broke it down really well. People have the right to protest, but once they start holding up traffic, rioting, looting, causing property damage then they are criminals and the way to deal with criminals is to arrest them all. Not just one or two. I loved his response to Hannity on how he could make that happen when you have 1,000 protesters getting out of control. Giuliani said it was simple, I had 41,000 police officers and he would use every one of them. On the other side he did day that one of the first things he would have done is had the police chief bring a copy of the video to Gracie Mansion so he could see the original incident himself and then it would be released to the public\media. |
to the original point of the OP
ignorant statement makes me wonder if he went to elementary school, where they taught basic reading comprehension its like reading the following paragraph: the girl in the red dress had been sick for a week with a serious cough. The cough was preceded by several days of sniffles but progressed into a hacking cough that left the girl worn out. Her mother gave her cold and cough medicine and it finally began to clear up. being asked what the subject was, and claiming the paragraph is about a red yeah, that detail is there, but its not thEE detail the paragraph revolves around. its not so bad that this guy isnt that bright, but that he may believe whites are hated by blacks for their 'success' is scary for any black person he was elected to represent |
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out. I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity were talking about this. The previous Mayor before Giuliani have four major protests\riots, after Giuliani took office and his no nonsense approach to crime there wasn't one. Giuliani broke it down really well. People have the right to protest, but once they start holding up traffic, rioting, looting, causing property damage then they are criminals and the way to deal with criminals is to arrest them all. Not just one or two. I loved his response to Hannity on how he could make that happen when you have 1,000 protesters getting out of control. Giuliani said it was simple, I had 41,000 police officers and he would use every one of them. On the other side he did day that one of the first things he would have done is had the police chief bring a copy of the video to Gracie Mansion so he could see the original incident himself and then it would be released to the public\media. Giuliani was a great mayor.. really was. he didn't take any bull.. from anyone. You want to protest illegally.. and disrupt.. you went to jail.. 1 or 1,000, didn't matter. He took on Wall St..took the mob on too and any other criminal entity. He wasn't PC...And because of that he was able to clean up the city. |
UPDATE: in the wake of victims wife release of cell phone video of shooting Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts requesting SBI release bodycam and dashcam footage "as soon as possible" NC SBI has not released any footage or dispatch audio in the case yet.
The video released by the family does not show any weapons or signs any weapon was present up to the point Mr. Scotts body is rolled over to be cuffed. What the video does show is a set of black gloves dropped by an officer and slid across the ground by the officers foot. The still photo presented as evidence of a gun has a black object circled near the area between Scott's body and the curb. The video shows other items being dropped by officers on the left side of Scott's body that appear to be pieces of paper, it's unclear if this was removed from Scott or not. It appears the Mayor knows something the public doesn't. It should be released as soon as possible. |
UPDATE: in the wake of victims wife release of cell phone video of shooting Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts requesting SBI release bodycam and dashcam footage "as soon as possible" NC SBI has not released any footage or dispatch audio in the case yet. The video released by the family does not show any weapons or signs any weapon was present up to the point Mr. Scotts body is rolled over to be cuffed. What the video does show is a set of black gloves dropped by an officer and slid across the ground by the officers foot. The still photo presented as evidence of a gun has a black object circled near the area between Scott's body and the curb. The video shows other items being dropped by officers on the left side of Scott's body that appear to be pieces of paper, it's unclear if this was removed from Scott or not. It appears the Mayor knows something the public doesn't. It should be released as soon as possible. It's laughable...disingenuous is as disingenuous does. |