Topic: dll hell
HillFolk's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:41 AM
Ubuntu I found will send a free cd of the software. I got the iso file downloaded for 7.10 and put XP on the machine since ME wouldn't run the program. I even tried my own Red Hat 9 and my Knoppix. Couldn't get on the web with Red Hat because I didn't have a linux driver of the USB 2.0 for the built in net card. It is a NVIDIA nforce Networking Controller that works with windows but the linux wouldn't recognize the setup.exe.

chrish's photo
Mon 11/26/07 04:10 AM
Linux will not run .EXE files (without wine, but thats irrelevant). This is not as big a problem as it seems.

Drivers are certainly not compatible (with the exception of NDIS wrappers - again irrelevant).

Most hardware devices will work with Linux out the box, especially something as modern as the nForce chipset.

May I ask how you are loading linux, and running the program?

By far the easiest thing to do, is set your computer to boot from CD (normally press F2 as the machine is showing its POST screen) and load the CD that way.

I'll leave netuserlla to explain that one :wink: - he is better at explaining these things than me.

I don't know why, but when I write things to non-techy people, I tend to lose the message. Perhaps I should work on that one.



netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:46 AM
I am not sure exactly what your problem is Mr. Hillfolk.*** You have to burn the Ubuntu ISO to disk first things first.If you are using windows, then you you will have to use something that can burn them like Nero. ***If you are using Linux to burn the ISO, all you have to do is right click on it, and click burn to disk. (If this is troubling, just email me for a free copy)***Next you will have to reboot your computer, and enter the BIOs setup from the system boot.(Usually accomplished by pressing a button on the keyboard, ex. Esc, F2, F12, F8, Del, tab, during the post boot screen; it's according to your motherboard and BIOs version.)*** Then once inside your BIOs, look for the boot options,(can't tell you exactly where because BIOs are different), then set the first boot device to cdrom, and second to HD0,or HD1. (The HD0, or HD1 is according to the IDE cable strap thats connected to your Harddrive.) Save and exit settings from Bios.****Your computer will reboot, and attempt to boot from you cdrom drive then so make sure that the Linux Ubuntu disk is in the drive.***When the livecd boots to it's bootloader, select 'start or install'. The OS will load from the disk.( It runs slower from the disk, because it scans from the disk.) ***Once the OS is loaded, click on install from the desktop. It will automatically install all of the drivers that you need.*** Oh and when you come to the partition editor, just make sure that you have about a Gig partitioned for swap. You CAN allocate the rest to the filesystem.**********When you get to this point let me know. I will show you how to install the 'goodie' updates.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:47 AM
I am not sure exactly what your problem is Mr. Hillfolk.*** You have to burn the Ubuntu ISO to disk first things first.If you are using windows, then you you will have to use something that can burn them like Nero. ***If you are using Linux to burn the ISO, all you have to do is right click on it, and click burn to disk. (If this is troubling, just email me for a free copy)***Next you will have to reboot your computer, and enter the BIOs setup from the system boot.(Usually accomplished by pressing a button on the keyboard, ex. Esc, F2, F12, F8, Del, tab, during the post boot screen; it's according to your motherboard and BIOs version.)*** Then once inside your BIOs, look for the boot options,(can't tell you exactly where because BIOs are different), then set the first boot device to cdrom, and second to HD0,or HD1. (The HD0, or HD1 is according to the IDE cable strap thats connected to your Harddrive.) Save and exit settings from Bios.****Your computer will reboot, and attempt to boot from you cdrom drive then so make sure that the Linux Ubuntu disk is in the drive.***When the livecd boots to it's bootloader, select 'start or install'. The OS will load from the disk.( It runs slower from the disk, because it scans from the disk.) ***Once the OS is loaded, click on install from the desktop. It will automatically install all of the drivers that you need.*** Oh and when you come to the partition editor, just make sure that you have about a Gig partitioned for swap. You CAN allocate the rest to the filesystem.**********When you get to this point let me know. I will show you how to install the 'goodie' updates.

chrish's photo
Mon 11/26/07 11:17 AM
Your use of *****s made me think you kept swearing. :tongue: laugh

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/26/07 12:20 PM
LOL. Sorry. Just trying to separate highlight points.

Here are some links to get started.........





netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/29/07 04:29 AM
Did you give up??

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/29/07 06:04 AM
Not gave up, yet. I am an Aquarius and a Rebel. The challenge alone wouldn't let me give up.laugh Having a problem burning the ISO. Got Nero for burning CDS and DVDS. Got a CD burner and a DVD burner with blank CDS and blank DVDS that are burnerable. got the XP warning that I have 26 days before I have to register. Had to change from ME to XP because of the problem earlier mentioned. Found out that XP is copyrighted prevented. Got an 80 gig hard drive. BIOS is set to CD bootable. Don't have Ubuntu on CD.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:12 AM
winMd5Sum mixmatch

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/29/07 02:20 PM
Went to the local computer repair shop where the guy sold me the motherboard and other various parts. I told him that I wanted to know if he had any Linux. The next word he said was Ubuntu. I said yes. Saw through the question running though his head through his raised eyebrow, "Should I try to sell him XP or give him a copy of Ubuntu?"laugh Said it had been a while since he had saw me. He said he had a copy. Tried to open it up on his computer. Then went on about XP. Finally seen he wasn't going to sell me XP.laugh Told me the copy he had was for Mac but come back to tomorrow about the same time and he would give me a copy for the PC. I wonder what he will try to sell me after he gives me the free copy of Linux.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:33 PM
Unbuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn is working beautiful. The computer repairman download it at his shop. I wrote zeros to the hard drive to get rid of XP using Western Digital's lifeguard tools. The repairman works right across the street from my ISP and assured me it would work with my dsl. It updated 141 files and even my mouse and sound came on right at the beginning.


HillFolk's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:45 PM
Fetching upgrades. Oh, wow it even communicates in Red Neck.laugh I like that.:smile:

netuserlla's photo
Sat 12/01/07 06:10 AM
Very nice. Under the add/remove programs, bring up package manager. In the show box, make sure that you have the 'all available applications' selected. If you type in 'restricted' in the search box, you can install some needed codecs. Under 'sound and video' , you will want to install the GStreamer plugins. And my favorite burning program is K3B. Also 'Amarok' is an awesome music player. If you have an opengl/3D video card, then you will love the 'beryl' desktop manager. It will transform your desktop to a much prettier graphic experience than windows vistas areo.

rjzcap1's photo
Sat 12/01/07 11:14 AM
Do any Linux version some with a biuld in DVD rw softare and a movie maker? What about high def and blue ray support?

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:04 PM
Checking the ubuntu forums for answers and there are some good ones. Wonderfully thing about the ubuntu forums is so far is that no question is being treated as a dumb one. I reading about how to get yahoo messenger to work with ubuntu nd then will look how to get my creative web cam to work with ubuntu. Reading about some of the drawbacks with wine. I am wondering if it was called winne for whiners like me.bigsmile

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:06 PM
The generic version of the Nvidia driver is working well enough for me to get the resolution from the driver that I wanted. The screen was just so freaking big there for a while but working great now.

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:28 PM
rj I saw xfburn and acidrip for dvd burning as a new download for ubuntu gibbon.

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:31 PM
Found the right download for wine with gibbon.

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:34 PM
Wow, the downloads come fast. It is as they had anticipated I was coming.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:45 PM
Ok, the correct wine version is 9.46. It ran the ghecko installer to try to run the yahoo messenger but take a guess what the problem with was that it had a problem with. You will never guess. Yup, it had a problem with the dll file. Here we go again.laugh