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Topic: By the end of the year I will...
Annagram's photo
Fri 09/02/16 09:20 PM
Less than four months left in 2016! Rather than waiting until late December to make resolutions for 2017, why not make some for the remainder of the year?

What do you plan to do before the end of this year?

jacktrades's photo
Fri 09/02/16 11:43 PM
Hopefully finish painting my bathrooms, I have only had the paint for 2 months already.

babykris6c's photo
Sat 09/03/16 12:48 AM
What do you plan to do before the end of this year?

make my bum bigger with exercise..

Hi JulietLe :heart: Love your photos!!!! :heart_eyes:

tmh1063's photo
Sat 09/03/16 09:13 AM
Watch my spending and have more money in my savings account. bigsmile

BreakingGood's photo
Sat 09/03/16 10:18 AM
Get ready to stop working and begin the next phase in my life, full time enjoyment. happy

Annagram's photo
Sat 09/03/16 02:01 PM
Excellent plans all! House projects, exercise, saving money! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

And I wish I could stop working too at the end of the year. laugh I guess we'll have to wait until next year to see what 'full time enjoyment' looks like for Breaking Good. tongue2

Babykris: Thanks! Likewise! flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 09/03/16 03:11 PM
I'm due a bit of time off, might just jump on a flight somewhere.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 09/03/16 05:42 PM
Spontaneously combust into non matter and then back into matter for the new year. It should be a good time

Annagram's photo
Sat 09/03/16 05:46 PM

Spontaneously combust into non matter and then back into matter for the new year. It should be a good time

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Make sure to film it! Youtube sensation around the world, you'll be!

Seakolony's photo
Sat 09/03/16 05:53 PM

Spontaneously combust into non matter and then back into matter for the new year. It should be a good time

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Make sure to film it! Youtube sensation around the world, you'll be!

My daddy always said I could do anything wanted to...... shhhushhh don't tell anyone though I have to concentrate really hard no distractions okay?

Annagram's photo
Sat 09/03/16 05:56 PM

My daddy always said I could do anything wanted to...... shhhushhh don't tell anyone though I have to concentrate really hard no distractions okay?

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Ok! My lips are sealed!!

no photo
Sat 09/03/16 06:37 PM
Save enough to buy a little house on the lake maybe next year.

Madcatlady01's photo
Sat 09/03/16 07:19 PM
Finalise my divorce

no photo
Wed 09/07/16 12:06 AM
Spend either a week or a few months at the beach... Havent decided yet...

no photo
Wed 09/07/16 12:08 AM

Spend either a week or a few months at the beach... Havent decided yet...

Few months sounds about right.

m3k4y's photo
Wed 09/07/16 12:10 AM
I will be counting down 1 more year to be home :)

no photo
Wed 09/07/16 12:14 AM

I will be counting down 1 more year to be home :)

May your time pass quickly.

m3k4y's photo
Wed 09/07/16 12:15 AM

I will be counting down 1 more year to be home :)

May your time pass quickly.
thanks.. I really hope so.. this distance is killing me.. :)

Goofball73's photo
Wed 09/07/16 06:03 AM
I'm gonna run for President. laugh

Annagram's photo
Wed 09/07/16 06:45 AM

I'm gonna run for President. laugh

I'lll vote for you! We still have a bit of time to make "Goofball73 for President" posters, lawn signs and buttons. laugh

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