Topic: Fuel The Fire Feed The Flame
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Wed 11/08/06 02:58 PM
Twisted black soul
That's all I am
Staring out at the world from empty eyes
Clutching my last hope and dream tightly in my hand
Holding the pen so tightly my fingers bleed
As I write ink mates with blood
Etching for all eternity my words
Scrawling them desperately upon the parchment
Hoping and praying that some angelic soul sees the words written here
Tears of grief and pain mingle with ink and blood
Someone oh please someone look and see
All is not as it appears
Look beyond the veil
Peer deep into the cracks
Delve into the mind
Someone oh please someone just look and see
Tell me my soul is not as twisted and black
As it seems to me
Find the one redeeming flame that is so far buried under it all
Fuel the fire feed the flame
Bring it all back to me again
Coddle the flame and bring it out
Encourage it to burn oh so brightly
Fuel the fire Feed the flame
Someone oh please oh please someone make my mind whole again.......

lionsbrew's photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:24 PM
this one is really dark its really good too

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:30 PM
Thanks Lion, I tend to write the dark side alot more than anything else.

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Wed 11/08/06 04:32 PM
poof yuor mind is whole again..WILL : D