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Topic: the 'hi and hello' epidemic
calista29's photo
Sun 08/14/16 08:40 PM
how do you seriously feel upon receiving initial message from someone on a dating site merely just saying hi or hello?

no photo
Sun 08/14/16 08:47 PM

how do you seriously feel upon receiving initial message from someone on a dating site merely just saying hi or hello?

As if the sender doesn't see me as worth the effort of a full sentence. Absolutely nothing flattering about it.

no photo
Sun 08/14/16 08:47 PM
I'm not very interested but usually read the profile.

panchovanilla's photo
Sun 08/14/16 08:58 PM
Yup...I get really excited when they use multiple i's.

no photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:02 PM
I love it so much I respond in Spanish. And keep going in Spanish until they stop. laugh

Had one ask if I speak English and I responded in Spanish that I did. Then asked them in Spanish of they speak English. No response after that... Hahaha

Oh the happiness that goes on inside my head...

calista29's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:11 PM

how do you seriously feel upon receiving initial message from someone on a dating site merely just saying hi or hello?

As if the sender doesn't see me as worth the effort of a full sentence. Absolutely nothing flattering about it.

am with you into this one:wink:

calista29's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:17 PM

I'm not very interested but usually read the profile. very mean,I simply block..haha!:wink:

calista29's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:18 PM

Yup...I get really excited when they use multiple i's.

just like this one again?...hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..haha!:wink:

calista29's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:19 PM

I love it so much I respond in Spanish. And keep going in Spanish until they stop. laugh

Had one ask if I speak English and I responded in Spanish that I did. Then asked them in Spanish of they speak English. No response after that... Hahaha

Oh the happiness that goes on inside my head...

buenas dias senior 2e!:wink:

babykris6c's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:30 PM
They annoy me when I am expecting a message from someone.
I shall just not expect. lol
I don't entertain them..

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:32 PM
One word, "delete".

searay260's photo
Sun 08/14/16 09:41 PM
I don't respond, it's really not a conversation starter.

GGIsela's photo
Sun 08/14/16 10:15 PM
Ugh, like that's it! You couldn't come up with a better catch! Uh, but maybe I'm being too judgmental.

no photo
Mon 08/15/16 12:34 AM
how do you seriously feel upon receiving initial message from someone on a dating site merely just saying hi or hello?

Depends on the dating site.
Depends on the picture.
Depends on my mood.

If they're hot, not on a dating site that's mostly spam or casual attention seeking, and I feel like it, then I'd respond. I mean I post to forums, it's not like my time on here is precious and they're distracting me from my work curing cancer on the medical chat dating forums or something.

I've simply found that if they are unattractive to me, and using a free dating site, then sending "hello" or "hiii" or "wanna chat" generally equates to an experience with someone motivated by: "I'm bored, possibly on my phone using an app, no one else is responding, I want you to entertain me, I have absolutely no intention of meeting or dating you, I simply saw that you were online too, I've sent messages to others and they didn't respond, I want to talk but I want it dragged out of me because I need to feel desired and given attention."

But on more "serious" sites sometimes "hello" is just the way they were taught to start a conversation, they're simply attempting to make online like offline, and that's the first thing you say to someone offline, when you see them at the store or a party or wherever, and they're more used to speaking to people offline than on.

djko1978's photo
Mon 08/15/16 04:28 AM
The one word 'Hi' or 'Hello' without a profile get an instant delete. If they have the military listed as a profession and widowed with the rest of the info left blank it's an instant block. Some of them is you do not respond right away they keep coming at you and give themselves away asking for apps, which makes it even easier.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 08/15/16 05:10 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Mon 08/15/16 05:12 AM
I just write, Not right now, are you?

calista29's photo
Mon 08/15/16 05:16 AM

I don't respond, it's really not a conversation starter.

TMommy's photo
Mon 08/15/16 05:46 AM
MOST and I do mean most only shoot ya a Hi or hello

or there are the ones who copy and paste

the same intro paragraph and ship it out in mass

BreakingGood's photo
Mon 08/15/16 02:44 PM
Thanks for noticing me. I like you too.

Please send me your phone number, email addresses, credit card information, current mailing address, bank account numbers, and any other pertinent financial information you have.

I think we can be friends.

no photo
Mon 08/15/16 02:49 PM
Lacks substance....IGNORE

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