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Topic: Bush Ruins Election For Republicans
Jimi366's photo
Wed 11/08/06 10:34 AM
Let me preface this by telling you that I am a
registered Republican.

Yesterday the Bush administration got a big slap in the
face by the voters. The Democrats now have control of
the senate and the house of representatives. I believe
that the results of the voting was more of a way for voters
to voice their dissatisfaction with Bush rather than voting
for or against a certain candidate. I myself have to say
that I am very dissatisfied with Bush. He was put all of
our resources into Iraq and Afghanistan and basically
no real resources at home. I also blame Bush for taking
no real action to stop the influx of illegal aliens. He
talks about security but lets our southern border be
basically unsecured. Also under Bush "outsourcing"
started. American jobs were sent overseas. I also think
the economy is booming if you're rich. If you're middle
class or poor the economy has been awful. The truth wiil
eventually come out about the economy. I'm not saying I
am jumping for joy at the thought of Democrats taking over
but I am joyful that a message was sent to Bush to get
his shit together. If he doesn't learn from this he will
cost Republicans the next presidential election. The
people spoke loudly yesterday. Oh, I almost forgot,
about a week ago on 60 minutes the guy appointed to run
the faith based initiatives office told how he was laughed
at and not taken seriously. He said that religion was not
exactly taken seriously by the Bush administration. I think
that finding this out made alot of Christian voters who
would show up and vote Republican disallusioned. I don't
think republican candidates lost because of fault of their
own. I think they lost because of their association with

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:04 PM
Jimi....The Republicans got the ass kicking they deserved.

Bush had ran his post like a mad man...and it will be a long time before
another republican gets elected president, or run the senate, or

Bush, is not solely to blame....all voters including me are also to

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:53 PM
THE 50s during the shoe on the confrence table speech that we woulDs be
destryed from within. but he said we wouldent call them coommies we
would call them liberals.

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:54 PM
Who are you calling a Liberal...?

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:54 PM
let me suffix that by saying that im an unregistered pain in the a&$.

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:03 PM
Well....that may be....but trust me...the Bush Bunch, has dragged the
party down the drain....the people of the United States...are the owners
of this country...the president is sort
of the manager...if the people don,t want something ...such as a
war...then he can,t go against that...if he does, then consequences must
be you just saw...!

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:07 PM

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:09 PM
Who,s a Commie......................?

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:13 PM

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:20 PM
ill just say that if sommeones singin church music i wouldent call them
a rock star.

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:40 PM

Chuckee's photo
Wed 11/08/06 07:18 PM
Wow, bush bashers, hmmmmm. I'm gana leave this one alone. I have alot
of opinion here, but then I'd never get to bed. lol

michael1313's photo
Wed 11/08/06 07:26 PM



no photo
Wed 11/08/06 07:40 PM
OMFG. Does chuckee agree with me??? thatd be neat. not much fun to watch

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:33 AM
AT this point, I wonder if we aren't 'supposed' to think we own the
country. Seems like someone is always telling us what to do. Why can't
we the people get together and vote for what we want? I mean vote the
way we want to, not our designated polling place, not the forms they
want (not picking on people named chad), I mean we want better health
care, ok, let's we the people change things and make it what we want by
way of a majority vote. we pick representatives based on time, money
(they have more exposure with more money)so we don't have to know all
the facts so we depend on someone we've never spoken to (for the most
part) to do things in our best interest. Representation with out
education, the professional ploticos make far more money that average
yet keep minimum wages low, they abuse the systems, hot checks, sex
scandals and on and on but we keep utting them back into office.

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 09:22 AM
AINT THAT THE TRUTH. We get the government we deserve. Most would do
something but there is a ball game on. Gets me all steamed up i say.

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 10:09 PM
Horay the republicans finally fell and fell hard lol

no photo
Wed 11/15/06 11:05 PM
yep!!!... the gop r 4 the rich people!!

01tim's photo
Thu 07/17/08 06:15 PM
when obama gets in the whitehouse. it will be fun to watch Sean hannity and rush Limbaugh cry like a baby. but you republicans can blame bush. Americas had enough of bush's lies,

Chazster's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:03 AM
Dude, how long did it take you to find this thread that doesn't have a post since 2006. Please don't tell me that you think because dems have congress they are gonna win the white house. If they do win it wont be because of that. I mean congress has lower approval ratings than bush.

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