Topic: Someone get Trump a dictionary | |
Losing a loved one to war is a heartwrencing situation for any family to go thru. It is a very personal thing. Using that situation in a political arena ( Dem or Rep.) is a disrespect to all military personnel. And frankly, in very bad taste.. They never should have been on stage in th first place. I agree with this... awful ![]() The Khans or any grieving family should never have agreed with the request for anyones political gain on stage. Was there a price tag for their appearance? ![]() do you mean like soldiers on stage talking about losing soldiers in Benghazi,,,,that 'grieving' family(soldiers are a family) had a price tag,, for their 'disrespect'? |
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Tue 08/02/16 10:24 AM
Case in point.....Haiti. The Clintons and their cronies (as well as her brother) "literally" made a killing in that cause now didn't they? ![]() Isn't it curious the media never shows the daily demonstrations by black Haitians in front of the Clinton headquarters? These are almost daily demonstrations with signs saying "wheres our money" and "Clinton's stole the money" among others. Media bias? no way! ![]() |
two issues
'sacrifice',,, the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone being a business person, making decisions that best line your pockets, don't count as 'sacrifice' people, neither does running for a position of power,,,,,,,what one does in that position if they get it is another story however, postponing a lucrative career to perform social service is sacrifice,, and being popular or knowing how to play people is not the type of 'intelligence' I refer to when I am speaking about dumb, in this instance my 'dumb' refers to lacking of a general knowledge(like vocabulary) one would be expected to know depending upon their stage in life and 'experience' |
that family had every business being on stage to point it out I don't disagree with them speaking on what they believe...they have every right to do so if they want. Just as the 3 who spoke at the RNC about illegal aliens who shouldn't have been here killing their kids....and just as Pat Smith did explaining how Hillary lied to her face just a few feet away from a flag draped coffin holding her son.
My issue is when certain people because of an agenda, and the mainstream media turning a blind eye to some stories and running with another....again, because of an agenda. If you cant see and agree to that, you are, in effect, spinning. |
I still don't think that is the definition of spin,,,lol
that is called having a perspective my perspective, and Ive said it a million times,, is everyones tragedy is a priority to THEM,, but with billions of people, and millions of tragedies,,,,and only a few media sources(MSM,anyway) there is no way to come close to covering them all so numbers crunchers go in and see what stories TRUMP others,, which ones get more viewership, and they focus on those types of stories MSM is reflecting the priorities its viewers have been shown to have and that's smart business sense, right? beating out the competition and all.... |
I still don't think that is the definition of spin,,,lol that is called having a perspective my perspective, and Ive said it a million times,, is everyones tragedy is a priority to THEM,, but with billions of people, and millions of tragedies,,,,and only a few media sources(MSM,anyway) there is no way to come close to covering them all so numbers crunchers go in and see what stories TRUMP others,, which ones get more viewership, and they focus on those types of stories MSM is reflecting the priorities its viewers have been shown to have and that's smart business sense, right? beating out the competition and all.... |
MSM is reflecting the priorities its viewers have been shown to have and that's smart business sense, right? beating out the competition and all.... MSM has in plural? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
its not spinning anything'
its merely repeating and responding to the posts before it the point is those slamming dnc for this speaker are the same ones supporting trump and not slamming RNC for doing the same thing its right or its not,, I support both dnc and rnc, for letting families speak, as they always have, about their 'personal' grief and how they feel a candidate is either showing respect or disrespect towards their fallen soldiers |
its not spinning anything' its merely repeating and responding to the posts before it the point is those slamming dnc for this speaker are the same ones supporting trump and not slamming RNC for doing the same thing its right or its not,, I support both dnc and rnc, for letting families speak, as they always have, about their 'personal' grief and how they feel a candidate is either showing respect or disrespect towards their fallen soldiers And still not a word about Hillary's insulting lies to family members of dead Americans. |
I have given my opinions'
and also countered others opinions by applying their own logic its called conversation |
I have given my opinions' and also countered others opinions by applying their own logic its called conversation As a matter of fact, one could add Mr. Khans loss was Clintons fault also since she voted for the Iraq War. Carry on with your, and the MSMs false narrative...y'all are gonna probably win with it considering the sheep the dem party has created ![]() |
I don't count media stories and compare
as I understand media crunches their numbers and reports to what their audience will watch |
I don't count media stories and compare as I understand media crunches their numbers and reports to what their audience will watch "news media" are suppose to report the "news" not just what they think their viewers want to see. Biased media only show what "they" want to show, not what they think their viewers want to see. |
I don't count media stories and compare as I understand media crunches their numbers and reports to what their audience will watch "news media" are suppose to report the "news" not just what they think their viewers want to see. Biased media only show what "they" want to show, not what they think their viewers want to see. that's not reality though news media isn't a charity,, its a for profit it must have revenue to produce and broadcast, which comes from sponsors,, sponsors that pay based upon consumer bases ,,,which means its in the best business interest for media to choose stories (Which they have to do anyway due to so many stories being available) being they need sponsor funds to remain active, those decisions are impacted by the sponsors consumer base and gaining and keeping the viewership of that base |
that's not reality though news media isn't a charity,, its a for profit it must have revenue to produce and broadcast, which comes from sponsors,, sponsors that pay based upon consumer bases ,,,which means its in the best business interest for media to choose stories (Which they have to do anyway due to so many stories being available) being they need sponsor funds to remain active, those decisions are impacted by the sponsors consumer base and gaining and keeping the viewership of that base This results in a Biased media. |
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Tue 08/02/16 12:42 PM
Anyone who thinks the MSM isn't in the tank for Hillaryvis either extremely biased, or extremely stupid.
As a matter of fact, an article came out today on this very media bias subject. It speaks of TV anchors being go betweens with DNC representatives and writer sending articles to the DNC for approval. Gotta be a FOX news article, right? Nope: Its that "bastion of conservatism", The LA Times. What a state we're in when that liberal rag is the voice of reason ![]() |
that's not reality though news media isn't a charity,, its a for profit it must have revenue to produce and broadcast, which comes from sponsors,, sponsors that pay based upon consumer bases ,,,which means its in the best business interest for media to choose stories (Which they have to do anyway due to so many stories being available) being they need sponsor funds to remain active, those decisions are impacted by the sponsors consumer base and gaining and keeping the viewership of that base This results in a Biased media. no kidding as does internet,, where people can post just about anything, based upon their personal 'spin' probably the least biased sources are those that make no profit,, like NPR,,and those who consistently present at least two sides on a story |
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Tue 08/02/16 07:03 PM
Spin would be an alteration of an interview out of context out of order with or without post production voiceovers or commentary. In some cases the candidate themselves can't attempt an on the fly spin or deflection or avoid the line of questioning, in order to instruct or allow a spokesperson or surrogate to spin the story/case/stats for them leaving the candidate to claim a moral stance not to comment until further evidence is provided. This COULD have been Trump's golden ticket unlikely the phony Muslims for trump plant fail at the RNC. This was spoon fed directly to Trump. He couldn't fu<|< this one up it was a knuckleball right over the plate begging to be knocked out of the park. Yet on such an easy opportunity to say 'look public, I'm a reasonable man who appreciates the bravery of CPT Khan and the sacrifice he and his family have endured (bit of a stretch for his delivery) and left it at that but he invoked his 2 Corinthians, I mean 2nd amendment right to shoot himself in the foot. I'm no John McCain fan but at least he's alive to defend himself. We do still have freedom of religion so if you decide you want to convert from Islam to Catholicism because something moved your heart or mind that's allowed here,in America. Vice versa et al, you don't have to be Anglican or orthodox Mormon or scientologist, you are free Via U.S.C. To worship who what or how you worship practice or just believe or chose none at all. 3 major reasons for our revolution were taxation w/o representation, separation of church and State, and freedom of religion. It wasn't a union or Lutherans or Hasidic Jews or Daoists, it was a UNION which means different but TOGETHER. I can guarantee you he won't say the same thing about the Muslim interpreter imbedded with the team that captured Saddam. WHY? Because he can defend himself. If you really think about it, this family was given the honor to have their son celebrated for his selfless action that saved other AMERICAN lives. An AMERICAN Muslim giving his life to save the lives of other AMERICAN soldiers. Khizir COULD have quoted the Quran and spoke about Allah but he didn't. Who DID was the 2nd televised Muslim speaker who gave the invocation at the RNC which was met with jeers and some very awkward airspace. Khizir asked a pointed yet poignant question then a reasonable follow-up. Instead of answering to Khizir alone as he did in tweets, he had to insult the mother of a fallen AMERICAN soldier. It's ok to have an opinion sometimes being candid is prudent other times like a funeral or memorial service its just outright inhuman especiallyif it one from your country. On this one, to the mother in particular who didn't say a word about him, he went too far. Probably wasn't aware of his existence,until the elder Khan opened his Yap,about Trump besmirching his Son's Memory bysuggesting that Muslims from terrorist-prone Countries who couldn't be vetted ought to be barred from entering the US! Didn't have a thing to do with Captain Khan! Old Khan,on behalf of Hillary and the DNC drew First Blood! A Clinton-Plant,deep in the Cinton-Machine's pocket! It wasn't the son it was the mother he disrespected for the maternal grief you can see on her face and hear in her voice. Also, the RNC was before the DNC which had a fake Muslims for Trump and a closing invocation by another Muslim speaker. I agree that we should have limitations and intensive vetting for all immigrants, EQUALLY. There's an idea! But that makes government bigger slower and more expensive. That's what republicans want right? Better idea, charge admission. $100,000 per year, $5,000,000 -- or 10 year enlistment in military service-- for life. No vetting required. $10,000 per month for visitors from non EU countries. No vetting required. Problem solved. Illegal immigrants get the death penalty. Full time students at private universities have entry fee reduced to $100 if they pay all tuition rent and fees and return to their home country after graduation. Nothing wrong with EXPORTING doctors lawyers scientists back to their home nation or their chosen area of need in the world AS LONG AS ---- WE THE PEOPLE---- benefit from it. This would serve the home countries better since their American educated professionals would return and reform their institutions to higher standards reducing the need send their citizens to the U.S. to be educated and employed. |
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Tue 08/02/16 07:12 PM
Inheriting millions, and using them to make more millions without caring who gets trampled in the process, doesn't qualify as "sacrifice" in any version of life I've heard of. Sucking millions from the public teat for decades while trampling other to get even more from the public teat without giving two $hits about consequence doesn't qualify as sacrifice in any version of life I've heard of. All the bloviating you do about repubs using the military for political gain and not one word about dems using this Khan hit job....telling. ![]() ![]() Bush/Cheney. He died in 2004. Clinton backed Bush with a Senate vote in support of the war in Iraq. Libya, Benghazi and everything to do with it was wrong. |