Topic: Retribution
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Mon 11/06/06 07:15 PM
I laugh in the face of you demise
The destruction of your life
You asked for it
Taunting me with falsehoods
Teasing me with cruelty
Promises made in the dark
With fingers crossed
Fancy explanations for simple questions
Never knowing that I had something hidden
Yes, I tricked you
Because I know your kind
Anything to get what you want
Not caring who you hurt to get it
Thinking I was gullible to your ploys
I let you belive what you wanted
Waiting for the moment
I could take it all away
Plunge my dagger into your heart
Listening to your last gasp for air
I laugh in the face of your demise
The destruction of your life
You asked for it...........

Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:19 PM
CCP you write dark and you know how I love dark writing.

DOOwaSah's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:35 PM
did u really make that bed or u reallly sleeping in someone elses

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 08:47 PM
DooWahsah...did I really write this is what your asking?? Yes I did. I
do not steal other writers work!! Have I lived it, not in a literal
sense, I have taken no human life.

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:46 PM
th death of a love or of love itself is a sad moment,
to be remember forever,like this poem,opens the eyes to inner turmoil
with flare and quiet grace...