Topic: HONESTY. | |
Even though people say they want honesty I've noticed that dependent upon the circumstance honesty will get you hit. So in the end it's another one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" things.
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I don't think you're damned... they just weren't for you..... at least for the time being
think of it this way.... say the "relationship" does go on... it's them that is having the problem that "they need to work out... it rubs on you badly, and you're both end up being miserable, "together".... nature has it's way of telling you that "this won't work" at least at this time. saves a truckload of drama, and you can go fishing at 3 in the morning without issue. ![]() |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Mon 06/20/16 02:44 AM
Just the other day I decided to do some volunteering again. I was going through some of the women's profiles this time when I came across this picture that wasn't as bad as some I've seen. But still not what this site is OK with. She had on what looked like a man's button down shirt. Her boobs were about to fall out of it. And down at the bottom of the unbuttoned shirt was just enough crack to see Miss Bush. I deleted the picture. The next day I had a message from her wanting to know why I deleted the picture. I explained to her as nice as I could that it went against the site's terms of service to post nude pictures. I told her as nice as I could that her boobs were about a hair from seeing nip. And Miss Bush was in plain sight. And that I could have sent her profile up to corporate for deletion. And that they would have deleted her profile on the spot if one them had caught it instead of me. I was honest with her. I told her the truth. and I was nice about it. But I still got cussed and fussed at by this woman. And I've noticed that on dating sites, at least that one, you can't be honest with a lot of the women. No matter how nice you are. They say that being honest is the best policy. And I know that's the way it should be. But I have also noticed that for a lot of men being honest is dating death. Also, I hate to say it, but it's the truth. When a man is honest with a woman, it usually means no sex for a while. Because no matter how diplomatic or nice the guy tries to be, the woman turns it around to something that the poor guy never said. Then he winds up with an ice box to sleep next to. Or, on the couch. In a lot of cases, guy can't win. I'm beginning to wonder if it's "Knock women week" or something... You may wanna read Ciretom's post ... These things happen the other way around just the same and just as often. Honesty .. have you pondered that maybe 'honesty' means something different to men and women? I think that's where many may go wrong. I think in general men's honesty is what we consider to be 'too much' and blunt. Like women tend to give hints between the line, and men not getting those hints, because we are wired differently. Another woman would get those hints, a man typically wouldn't. To a woman those between the line hints would be considered "honesty" while a guy wouldn't even notice and may feel she's not being clear, not upfront. In the example of the photo you were too blunt. In my opinion as a woman it would have sufficed to say the photo was too revealing and thus against forum regulations. No need to get into detail as to what was too revealing. That may be honesty in your man-brain, in my woman-brain that is plain rude. So yeah, you could get a rude reaction to that. Some have the tit-for-tat attitude. (men do too btw) To (most of) us women, honesty comes with subtlety. That's likely where men go 'wrong', cos men aren't subtle. Nor do they get subtle. Not a judgement, that's just cos we are wired differently. Men go for the kill, the hunt, don't beat around the bush, they go for their prey. If the hunter would beat around the bush, the deer would be gone. Women on the other hand are about keeping harmony so the community doesn't fall apart. Oneness. Togetherness. That does require beating around the bush and subtlety or you'd get arguments in the community. So to us women, honesty comes in a very different package than for you men. We all still want honesty, just delivered in another way. The only thing that would help is some understanding of how we're wired differently and clearly most don't seem to get that ... To you your posting is probably just open and HONEST, to me it's VERY judgemental and close to rude. . . . |
Just the other day I decided to do some volunteering again. I was going through some of the women's profiles this time when I came across this picture that wasn't as bad as some I've seen. But still not what this site is OK with. She had on what looked like a man's button down shirt. Her boobs were about to fall out of it. And down at the bottom of the unbuttoned shirt was just enough crack to see Miss Bush. I deleted the picture. The next day I had a message from her wanting to know why I deleted the picture. I explained to her as nice as I could that it went against the site's terms of service to post nude pictures. I told her as nice as I could that her boobs were about a hair from seeing nip. And Miss Bush was in plain sight. And that I could have sent her profile up to corporate for deletion. And that they would have deleted her profile on the spot if one them had caught it instead of me. I was honest with her. I told her the truth. and I was nice about it. But I still got cussed and fussed at by this woman. And I've noticed that on dating sites, at least that one, you can't be honest with a lot of the women. No matter how nice you are. We CAN and should be honest with women, just don't expect hugs, winks and kisses when you are and that's okay. Who says we all should always be friends and agree with each other no matter what? No one, that's who. Men and women ARE different. We do everything differently and view things differently. Women are just more vocal about wanting men to be more like women. It's just a wish that'll never happen. It doesn't mean it's men's fault or responsibility to take their mood at charge. They can't help being women and we can't help being men, we just are. Men do Masculinity a disservice by acting like they THINK women want them to act. Just like a divided house will fall, a divided mind cannot go on indefinitely before breakdown. They say that being honest is the best policy. And I know that's the way it should be. But I have also noticed that for a lot of men being honest is dating death. Also, I hate to say it, but it's the truth. When a man is honest with a woman, it usually means no sex for a while. Because no matter how diplomatic or nice the guy tries to be, the woman turns it around to something that the poor guy never said. Then he winds up with an ice box to sleep next to. Or, on the couch. In a lot of cases, guy can't win. You seem to imply that if a man wants to be in a relationship with a woman he needs to leave his thoughts and personality behind or he'll get nothing of what 'relationship' implies. I don't think it's the being honest part that's the problem but the match. If a woman cannot even stand her guy's personality or how he views things then she has nothing to do with him and needs to leave him to another woman with whom he may be more compatible. If a man cannot even be himself with his woman, same thing, he then needs to leave her to find someone more to her taste. If you have to constantly watch what you say, how you say it, what you do and how you do it around your woman then she's not the woman for you. |