Topic: Are you good at dealing with....... | |
difficult situations, people?
I am not. This is a problem that I have always had. I have a problem with tact sometimes and will tell a person to get da hell out of my face with that BS in a minute, but then feel terrible about it later, even if I think they deserved it. How do you handle grown folks who have personal problems who always seem to want to take their frusterations out on you? You know the type. Bossy types, people with inferiority complexes, and people who are just plain jerks. |
Hmm, some people say I'm a jerk but the real story is that I'm just honest as hell.
Usually though, when you come upon an idiot who is just causing trouble, the best thing to do is let that person make a jack ass out of themselves without saying too much to them. Ignoring them is also a great plan as this just makes them more upset. |
Where are the people coming from? How do you meet them?
I just mean in general.
This sound's very hard to do but a month or so ago I was once told just don't worry about the little things in life, save all of the worry and stress for when something awfull really does happen etc.
So I guess to answer this question, I try not to let it bother me, the person who is rather bossy isn't going to change if at all so they are who they are, and I wouldn't waste my time on them because there are bigger and better things to worry and get all angery about in life then having somebody that is so bossy get all up set at etc. Bottom line there is no sense to get all angery and upset at something you have little to no controlle over. ![]() |
Think this when you are in that situation:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. |
Or you can help yourself by reading the Basic Keys of ZEN
seriously, if someone is bothering you to the point of disgust, if possible, just move yourself away from that person.
Choke them out. Takes 5 seconds or less.
I really need to read somebodys book and soon and I will look into that. I let people get to me to the point where I can't even sleep at night sometimes, depending on the situation.
One thing that really bothers me is when people say their going to do something and they don't. And when they don't apologize or at least try to explain their actions, I get mad as hell. It must have been something in my past that causes me to hold on to that anger, instead of just letting it go. ![]() And then by the time I do let it go, they go along right with it because I will not deal with them anymore. |
Oh man, you aren't alone on the part about people saying they will do something and they don't. I hate that too. I also hate it when people say they will be here at a certain time and show up four hours late and act like it's no big deal ARGH! Where is my rifle!
![]() Ooops, sorry ![]() |
OMG, the late folks, Oh I could just kill em.
I guess it comes down to feeling disrespected in a way. Either way, being able to forgive and forget is not my forte and I really want to change that somehow. |
In the past, my way of dealing with people who I feel have done me wrong is to just erase them from my life.
I just don't feel that's right deep down inside. |
I am that way too but I often ask myself why I should have to change. I mean, why can't the people that piss us off by doing these things change instead?
I don't think they even have a clue to tell you the truth, and that's kinda sad.
I used to be a bad one for packing a grudge. Then, I finally figured out that other ppl probably felt the same way about me as I felt about them. Made me so mad that I decided to change. Now, nothing anyone does matters to me for more than five minutes. I approach those feelings with the question: Will it matter in 100 years. If it will not matter in a hundred years, then it really doesn't matter now
Yeah, I usually don't care what people say anymore so I guess in a way that makes me cold but it's better than dealing with stupid people.
Sincereman- That is part of ZEN. Let go of everything. Then you have nothing to worry about.
But Sincere, you're shutting down. Is that the right way to handle things? Aren't you afraid you'll shut down to the point where you'll become senicle.
lol I don't need ZEN to let go, I just let go by pushing dummies out of my life. It's not that difficult really.
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