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Topic: Rating please
RedLenses301's photo
Sun 05/01/16 08:39 AM
Not getting any mails or replies. Bad profile, unattractive, both?

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 05/01/16 09:21 AM
First of all Internet dating is hard and not for the impatient sorry that is harsh but the truth..

I liked your profile..So I am not going to zing you there.
Pictures are the exact same one with glasses one with out.

Take a couple more preferably doing something you enjoy..

Now as to no replies well what type of emails are you sending if it is the

Hi Sexy..
Hi beautiful..

Epic fail.. right from the start..

When sending a ice breaker make sure you have read the profile and mention something in the profile that you can talk about.

Best wishes in your search

RedLenses301's photo
Sun 05/01/16 09:36 AM
Been doing dating sites for 3.5 years. Got the patient part down.

My messages are usually " are you doing today". Or may make a funny comment to their heading.

Had outdoor pictures before and was having the same troubles. Someone told me selfies would make all the difference. Well they have been made, posted and so far nothing.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 05/01/16 09:42 AM
The hello and how are you doing today.
Well honestly I get scads of those daily and well...

I meant pictures of you doing the things you love not just outdoor pictures.

Sorry I guess I wasn't much help

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 05/01/16 10:01 AM
I had to think about this one because reading your profile I found it informational and mildly humorous without being too over the top. Great smile in your lead shot. Second shot is actually better but if gets overlooked because it is the same shirt and hat combination.

Transportation can be code for many things but getting a little more specific would probably help you. If you are a trucker it is not fatal now days since most know the pay and benefits are substantial, technology makes it easier on relationships, and often the experienced driver has regular time off. If you transport by something else train, plane, what ever you don't have to divulge your employer but give a penny to get a pound.

For many women your age frame; Bald is beautiful or no big deal so get over it and skip the hat in most of your photos. It is subtle deceptive and generally bad manners in the house or indoors and most still have that seed of training in their back of their mind. That and if they want to have a relationship with you they are going to see you and hopefully have you walk down the aisle without the hat.

You might want to ease off the "liking" kids. Nothing panics a parent like someone who alludes to their kids before they get past them. It is true that if you are cool about someone who has kids that is a plus but you don't over play that card without making parents defensive. I had double trouble and if a guy was telling me right off the bat they thought that was cool I thought this guy is more into the attention twins get than being a real mate to me or even a good parent to them.

I think what most are questioning is how is some guy who sounds this nice still single? Never married. No kids. No big debts? You have a history and any woman with an ounce of common sense knows something has been left out.

Hopefully something nice like military service, maybe you helped a family member a few years and you lived at home, did you spend time volunteering with kids and decide it was time to have your own family now you can afford it? The reality is most will figure jail or you had a long time girlfriend and someone moved on or maybe you were sick and NOW you are healthy. Gaps in profiles immediately send up RED flags. Fair not particularly if you don't want to put everything out there but that is the reality in a world where most ladies are inundated by scammers and fast talkers everyday and they look for what you don't say as much as what you do.

Keep trying you will find that the really desirable ladies tend to have their choice so they can set back and get to know you in the forums. Play some of the games, get a few posts under your belt, and you will have those to help people get to know you and warm up to you. Good Luck.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 05/01/16 10:24 AM

Been doing dating sites for 3.5 years. Got the patient part down.

My messages are usually " are you doing today". Or may make a funny comment to their heading.

Had outdoor pictures before and was having the same troubles. Someone told me selfies would make all the difference. Well they have been made, posted and so far nothing.

Rain's advice is good.

I think you may have pegged your own problem. Dial down the humor attempts as without and audience to see you have no idea how/if lands well. Spoofing on someone's headline is more likely bombing. Kind of like making fun of someone's ugly dog. Way to personal to the individual but everyone else laughs. You get a deceptive pass when it is a mega fail. Anyone who has been made fun of in life (the majority of the world) hates that kind of humor with a passion if it even remotely aims their way.

Note to aspiring comedians (amateur or professional); if you use your family or or kids as humor fodder it is going to make your personal social life really tough. It is about boundaries and nobody wants to be the butt of your future jokes.

The "Hello how you are doing today" is generally going to sound cheesy. Way different than "Hello; Hope you are having a good day." which is still redundant but has not got the stigma. Generally most do not want to talk about there private day with a new comer in the realm. And it sounds like the typical scammer script.

sparkyae5's photo
Sun 05/01/16 10:55 AM
RAINS...GOOD ADVICE .....smile2

mzrosie's photo
Sun 05/01/16 04:40 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Sun 05/01/16 04:51 PM

First of all Internet dating is hard and not for the impatient sorry that is harsh but the truth..

I liked your profile..So I am not going to zing you there.
Pictures are the exact same one with glasses one with out.

Take a couple more preferably doing something you enjoy..

Now as to no replies well what type of emails are you sending if it is the

Hi Sexy..
Hi beautiful..

Epic fail.. right from the start..

When sending a ice breaker make sure you have read the profile and mention something in the profile that you can talk about.

Best wishes in your search

I agree with Rains. Your profile is good. Upload more photos.

You're 48 and never been married. Some women might think you are not the marrying kind and move on. I suggest you address this situation but don't
overdo it.

Good luck

mzrosie's photo
Sun 05/01/16 04:40 PM
Edited by mzrosie on Sun 05/01/16 04:41 PM
oops double posted

RedLenses301's photo
Tue 05/03/16 12:17 PM
So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 12:20 PM

So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

you probably won't, when nobody knows you... try posting on the forums, and let people know who you are by your posts...

RedLenses301's photo
Wed 05/04/16 05:31 AM

So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

you probably won't, when nobody knows you... try posting on the forums, and let people know who you are by your posts...

You have to be known to be messaged on a dating site? That's a new one on me.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 05/06/16 01:48 PM

So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

RedLenses301, you want an explanation of women?
I don't know of one that makes sense to the male mind. :tongue:

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/06/16 02:32 PM

So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

you probably won't, when nobody knows you... try posting on the forums, and let people know who you are by your posts...

You have to be known to be messaged on a dating site? That's a new one on me.

it's true... the only emails i even bother to answer are people from the forums, anyone else seem to be scammers...

UrMissingLib's photo
Fri 05/06/16 03:02 PM

Not getting any mails or replies. Bad profile, unattractive, both?

Mr. Red, your thread prompted me to drop you a mail. Guess what? I got a message that am not eligible to write to you. When you are too rigid in your criteria you will have limited mails! Does that partly answer your question?
Good luck brother!

Robxbox73's photo
Fri 05/06/16 05:26 PM

So far I've been told about a few minor problems...but nothing that explains why I'm not getting any messages at all.

you probably won't, when nobody knows you... try posting on the forums, and let people know who you are by your posts...

You have to be known to be messaged on a dating site? That's a new one on me.

Moe is right. Once people read your posts the get past what a person writes on their profile, and they see what makes you tick. I get a bunch of hey I saw your post, and I think,,,,, I leave out the details. It is a good ice breaker. I'm here for online friendships. So I'm not so stressed about having to meet someone. Also, take the hat off. It will make you look less like you are hiding something. Also, no offense, sounds like your trying too had to let gals know that you have money and are ready to accept someone baby and all. I would take all that mess out. Remember your online profile should be simple. You may be scaring potentials away. Get to know folks on the forums. They will know you. Belive me. Good luck.

RedLenses301's photo
Sat 05/07/16 05:43 AM
Ok can someone point me to the forum for central upstate NY? I cannot date someone who lives over an hour from me. Don't have the time or space in my life for a logistical nightmare.

RedLenses301's photo
Sat 05/07/16 05:49 AM

Not getting any mails or replies. Bad profile, unattractive, both?

Mr. Red, your thread prompted me to drop you a mail. Guess what? I got a message that am not eligible to write to you. When you are too rigid in your criteria you will have limited mails! Does that partly answer your question?
Good luck brother!

Guess what...that's because I have my mail settings for under 100 miles. Cannot date someone several states away from me. That's kind of on the crazy side.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 05/08/16 08:22 AM
Well I can give you a clue why you aren't successful.
I state sure I would chat with you and what do you do

The opening line is about SEX... Dang dude
You might go back to communications 101...

no photo
Sun 05/08/16 09:04 AM
I like your profile. Just add a few pics and you should be fine

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