Topic: Planet Terror
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Tue 10/30/07 11:02 AM
This movie is an instant classic in my book. Some of the tricks that the director uses are so clever, it's simply amazing. The tape break was hilarious, can't say more without giving away too much. Great movie, not for the squeemish.

LadyShocker's photo
Tue 10/30/07 11:22 AM
I loved the movie, it was awesome. It was an instant classic in my book too!

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 05:43 PM
That was a very fun movie, I need to watch Death Proof now.

Odlam's photo
Tue 10/30/07 07:38 PM
I heard Death Proof wasn't as good, but Planet Terror was pretty awesome.

BR77R's photo
Tue 10/30/07 09:33 PM
I like Death Proof much more. They should have released them together on dvd though.

All the old camera tricks and stuff gets a bit redundant though.

egoodrich's photo
Wed 10/31/07 05:41 PM
i liked Planet Terror, but it didnt have the feel that they were going for with Grindhouse, which was supposed to be a throwback to the old 70's matinee flicks. all Planet Terror was, was CGI...
Death Proof on the other hand was a definite throwback flick, and was enjoy far more by me.

Muldune's photo
Sat 11/03/07 03:30 AM
I loved Planet Terror, mainly because afterwards I sat through the most boring movie I've ever seen; Death Proof.

I also love zombie movies, regardless of quality.