Topic: moms love
hosstin18's photo
Sun 11/05/06 03:18 PM
a brand new day arrives
no one hides
rain is gone for the year
when no more anger or sorrow
a new one enters the world
everyone runs to see
a mother for the frist time
crys for joy laughter and new hope
washes the baby with tears of hope
protects and loves forever
the one we can always count on
when darkness come with out waring
our moms fear for us before we can
we run for cover she is there
tears of joy run down her cheek
knowing her child is the on e they seek

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/05/06 03:27 PM
Hoss...I really must say,
your poem really hit me this day,
for it spoke of love true,
of love Mothers give you,
so please don't just throw it away,
write more of this please,
to th' DUELS if you please,
makes us all,one and alike,
please make us weak in th' knees
for a mothers love,never goes away,
'till th' end,she's there with a grin,
to scare your grim worries away,
so please Mr.,,, Please!
fly us your breeze,
makes us all weak in th' knees?

sexynaughtygirl's photo
Sun 11/05/06 03:33 PM

no photo
Sun 11/05/06 04:45 PM
Tis a fine honor you have given to you mom Hoss, beautiful indeed

intrusa's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:37 PM
That is a lovely poem. Thanks for inviting me to read it.

Chantilly219's photo
Mon 11/13/06 10:52 PM
This poem is awesome hun!!!!!!!! It took me back to the day my nephew
was born!! What a wonderful day that was, i cant wait for this poem to
come alive for me!!!!!!!