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Topic: freedom of speech
abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 02:44 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

ur comment is truly subjective cz u ignore the quraniv verses . man here explains polugamy by saying , it's in quran , so his source is quran and the same for beating ; is that subjective???? be logic

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

it's in most places where islam is the pro religion

but still i wonder why u disbelieve me even i am living with muslims???? Is that mean that u are more educated and more knowledgable about islamic societies?????

abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 02:53 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

fanatics are fanatics, doesn't matter what religion... we don't talk about politics at a bar, and we don't discuss religion with a muslim... standard rules apply... this whole thread has gone nowhere...

u re free to sleep or not to discuss or not , and i am glad to be human and human is open to discussions

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:00 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

fanatics are fanatics, doesn't matter what religion... we don't talk about politics at a bar, and we don't discuss religion with a muslim... standard rules apply... this whole thread has gone nowhere...

u re free to sleep or not to discuss or not , and i am glad to be human and human is open to discussions

you have to know that 90% of the western world doesn't agree with islamic philosophy? islam and Christianity are polar opposites, and most Christians and others here believe islam is stuck in the 9th century...

IMO, 95% of all muslims need to read something other than the quran, like a science book every once in a while..

abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:04 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

fanatics are fanatics, doesn't matter what religion... we don't talk about politics at a bar, and we don't discuss religion with a muslim... standard rules apply... this whole thread has gone nowhere...

u re free to sleep or not to discuss or not , and i am glad to be human and human is open to discussions

you have to know that 90% of the western world doesn't agree with islamic philosophy? islam and Christianity are polar opposites, and most Christians and others here believe islam is stuck in the 9th century...

IMO, 95% of all muslims need to read something other than the quran, like a science book every once in a while..

hhhhhhhhhhhh u forget one thing , i am not muslim but ex-muslim , and i have the courage to give up islam and critisize it . that's why i told u , you are out line

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:13 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

fanatics are fanatics, doesn't matter what religion... we don't talk about politics at a bar, and we don't discuss religion with a muslim... standard rules apply... this whole thread has gone nowhere...

u re free to sleep or not to discuss or not , and i am glad to be human and human is open to discussions

you have to know that 90% of the western world doesn't agree with islamic philosophy? islam and Christianity are polar opposites, and most Christians and others here believe islam is stuck in the 9th century...

IMO, 95% of all muslims need to read something other than the quran, like a science book every once in a while..

hhhhhhhhhhhh u forget one thing , i am not muslim but ex-muslim , and i have the courage to give up islam and critisize it . that's why i told u , you are out line

I'm criticizing islam, not you... don't jihad me over it... i'm not religious at all, but i respect others that are non violent religious people, in any religion... if thats what you want is to be an ex muslim, then i'm happy for you, i'm glad you can see the hypocrisy of religion...

all organized religion is just about control, not much else... you can pray or believe in a god in your own way, without someone telling you how to live your life for a god... believing in a god is actually good, but all organized religions have perverted the concept of a god...

try reading about other religions as well, so you can compare and see for yourself the ridiculousness of all organized religions...

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:20 PM
Good grief people! Stop with the long quotes frustrated

abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:22 PM

men of muslim faith don't all have the same beliefs,, just keep that in mind

there is plenty that lines up with Christian beliefs, in terms of how to carry oneself and treat others,,,,,and many muslims adhere to the interpretation of those verses, rather than those verses that are violent or extreme

did u ask them if they believe in those violent verses???? muslims believe in every word in quran and can not say it does not work because it's comes from Allah , so that they can not remove it. Did u ask them to remove those violent verses??????i memorize 10 chapters of quran , i start reading quran and my age was 8years . I ve read quran 4 times a year for 12 years , SO I know what i am saying and no one can tell me this is the right meaning ,i mean islamists , because i understand what political islam is exactly . i have the brain and i can search and analyse info through depending on different books , not just what government wants .

isn't that hypocritical,, to imply my opinion is not valid because I haven't asked each of the billions of muslims what they believe?

although you have not either

I believe every word of my bible too, but that doesn't mean I take the violence in it as a command of what to do, or every instruction as a universal mandate

some are in the context of applying to a specific time and situation ad people, and some are eternal commands

you claim that u understand my society better than me and this is not my problem but yours . i interact everyday with muslims and islam is different from what u think . there is no need to a verses which inspires killing to stay in quran and everything which has no relation with human being . u said i can choose peaceful verses and ignore these violent verses but also muslims can take the violent verses and use them as Quaaida did and ISIS did , so the problem is the holy book which is considered the source of evil . i know what i am saying and come here if u want to witness things in ur eyes . the source of quran is not God but human and there a huge contradiction in it and the reason why is that islam is political plan , at the begenning , muslims were weak so a peaceful verses come and when it becomes strong and has a lot follower then the violent comes

I have never made the claim,

I have loved ones who have lived amongst muslims as well,, regional trends are not indicative of GLOBAL beliefs

there is no evidence that the majority of muslims do not believe in peaceful coexistence

there is evidence that EXTREMISTS who profess to follow islam terrorize other humans, both muslims and non

first of all , to really understand Islam , you need to understand Muhammad's story and character. let urself explores and examines his life , who was he and what was his thinking?
second , you should know that to be a Muslim , one needs to say 'there is no god but God ,Muhammad is the messenger of God' this statmentis required to everyone to be considered a muslim , so that , a muslim is obliged to believe God through quran and his prophet through hadith,his sayings and actions . Quran says that obeying the prophet is the same as obeying GOD , so muslims can not critisize what Muhammad did , for example , marrying 11 wifes and marrying Aicha at 9 ; and also you see what happened to CHARIE ebdo and the newspaper that critisize Muhammad through cartoon. this is the fact of muslims , and believe me those who u have meet are shame to face you with truth and according to islams , they are not believers

wow, tell me how you came about the power to be in the mind and heart of all billions who believe in ISlam?

its quite the amazing superpower there,,,

who made this 'obligation; you speak of and where is the absolute interpretation that is the CORRECT and only interpretation of what the Quran mandates

we have a westboro church here, who would probably claim that all the billions of Christians who don't believe what they do are not 'true believers' as well

I don't know true believer or non true believer because I am not God, however I do know to judge people by their actions and I believe through the documented numbers, the MAJORITY of people of all religions are a peaceful people,,and though most probably believe that their interpretation is the 'true' one

only the fringe are violent and terroristic and believing they are justified by a religious book to be so

are u claiming that Quran does not inpire Jihad???????? at first try to get my point which is quran countains a lot of verses supporting killing others and Muhammad did the act of killing through his life which confirms that islam spread by bloood and ISIS is the right application of islam and those are the real MUslims ? Quran 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." this verses is for killing the infidels .Quran 9:29:

"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." Here, Allah the Islamic God commands Muslims to attack and kill the so-called 'people of the book' (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they are defeated and submitted to the supremacy of Islam and, in willing humiliation, pay jizya (submission) tax to Muslims. use ur mind not ur emotion , i depend on Quran and hadith to draw my conclution to islam not muslims

I am not muslim, nor am I all muslims, so I am not proclaiming anything eXCEPT That as religion goes,,,,there is not one with a religious book whose book does not contain violence and bloodshed , even committed by the object of worship,,,,however, that does not MANDATE the spreading of that religion through bloodshed,,,,

some may interpret it that way, as an eternal mandate, just as in the bible whose God also kills and commands violence

some may interpret it that those instances are very specific to a specific people and time

I believe most interpret the violence and bloodshed of their book as an account of a specific situation where specific people of a specific time were being addressed,, and not as a universal mandate

most muslims believe that the sharia law will apply in the future and it's just a matter of time , and muslims here claim that christians and jews are the source of evil in the word . and ISIS is modern version of what muhammad did in his age . so bloodshed is the title of islam . look at this ,Quran 4:34:

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

A Muslim woman is the property of her husband. A Muslim husband has the legal right and religious obligation to beat a wife if she disobeys him, is disloyal to him or simply does not please him. The concept of wife abuse does not exist in Islam. There is no concept of martial rape. A Muslim woman cannot refuse sex with her husband. According to Islamic law, a husband may strike his wife for any one of the following four reasons:

She does not attempt to make herself beautiful for him (i.e. "let's herself go")

She refuses to meet his sexual demands

She leaves the house without his permission or a "legitimate reason"

She neglects her religious duties

Any of these are also sufficient grounds for divorce. These are evil affronts to the idea of equality and dignity of women – very evil teachings, indeed. i know ur feeling as an american woman and i'm sure you will not accept such a situation


subjective interpretation

perhaps wherever you live it is held as true,, but it doesn't prove that every other place on earth with muslims holds the same truth

fanatics are fanatics, doesn't matter what religion... we don't talk about politics at a bar, and we don't discuss religion with a muslim... standard rules apply... this whole thread has gone nowhere...

u re free to sleep or not to discuss or not , and i am glad to be human and human is open to discussions

you have to know that 90% of the western world doesn't agree with islamic philosophy? islam and Christianity are polar opposites, and most Christians and others here believe islam is stuck in the 9th century...

IMO, 95% of all muslims need to read something other than the quran, like a science book every once in a while..

hhhhhhhhhhhh u forget one thing , i am not muslim but ex-muslim , and i have the courage to give up islam and critisize it . that's why i told u , you are out line

I'm criticizing islam, not you... don't jihad me over it... i'm not religious at all, but i respect others that are non violent religious people, in any religion... if thats what you want is to be an ex muslim, then i'm happy for you, i'm glad you can see the hypocrisy of religion...

all organized religion is just about control, not much else... you can pray or believe in a god in your own way, without someone telling you how to live your life for a god... believing in a god is actually good, but all organized religions have perverted the concept of a god...

try reading about other religions as well, so you can compare and see for yourself the ridiculousness of all organized religions...

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:30 PM

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

Lol doubt that. Moe is Texan bigsmile

abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:41 PM

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

Lol doubt that. Moe is Texan bigsmile

:wink: waving

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 03:47 PM

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

Lol doubt that. Moe is Texan bigsmile

yea, we jihad with beer here... i'll kill all those beers in front of me...lol

abdeslam22's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:11 PM

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

Lol doubt that. Moe is Texan bigsmile

yea, we jihad with beer here... i'll kill all those beers in front of me...lol

yes , that's the real and best jihad , i will jihad those beers with u lol

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:31 PM

i don't need religion and i'm really happy without it . don't fear from me cz i am not who does jihad , there is who will jihad u hhhhhhhh

Lol doubt that. Moe is Texan bigsmile

yea, we jihad with beer here... i'll kill all those beers in front of me...lol

yes , that's the real and best jihad , i will jihad those beers with u lol


yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:35 PM
See what I did there? I brought you two together. Now say thank you Ms Rose :laughing:

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:38 PM

See what I did there? I brought you two together. Now say thank you Ms Rose :laughing:
thank you miss rose... when i see you, i'll buy you.... A BEER! lol

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:40 PM

See what I did there? I brought you two together. Now say thank you Ms Rose :laughing:
thank you miss rose... when i see you, i'll buy you.... A BEER! lol

Beer...making friends all over the world lol. Btw I like beer. I am from Texas too lol

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/22/16 04:42 PM

See what I did there? I brought you two together. Now say thank you Ms Rose :laughing:
thank you miss rose... when i see you, i'll buy you.... A BEER! lol

Beer...making friends all over the world lol. Btw I like beer. I am from Texas too lol

lots of the pretty women are from Texas...flowerforyou

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