Topic: Is Corruption The Most Abundant Thing On Earth! | |
So me personally I suspect that any single person in the employ of politics is likely Corrupt to the eyes balls. Although its hardly any comparison I do like playing computer games and if anyone has ever played Medieval Total War then they might understand what i'm talking about. Without using cheats getting money to begin with is slow and hard however if your not at war and don't have armies to pay for you find yourself absolutely rolling in it. After a while I notice on my per turn expenditure that corruption is high. It is therefore assumed that with nothing to do than count money we may as well pocket a nice hefty chunk of it. I finally conquered the entire game and since you only start off with 5000 of whatever currency I've ended with 100000 per turn in corruption because I literally have nothing to pay for except those that govern the country and they are pocketing the money left right and center which leads me to believe that politics is all about keeping the masses at lowest possible state of happiness to maximize the amount of money those in charge can possess. This is simply greed and keeping the 99% majority in squalor, in rations, in barely making it through a day so the other 1% can live as they please. Surely as a species as a whole we should be looking to quash greed from the human mind and aim for a minimum of 99% of people happily getting by and just 1% struggling to.
I don't understand the worlds logic, we pay one person 300k a week to kick a ball about and yet the man that governs the country is on about twice what Gordon Brown was on. In my little town (like all towns everyone's opinion is its ****) I first heard in our local paper in 2006 that we were due a town refurb and that the budget was £140m and it showed detailed plans of what we are to expect. 10 years later the town hasn't changed a bit, not a single thing has been touched except the odd shop has closed down and others have taken their places. About two weeks ago we have a new town plan for our new town center refurb that is expected to cost just £15m. No i know it doesn't take a brain cell to work out that £125m has been shaved off the original budget within ten years and it makes me naturally think that over the lost ten years the pot for the town center has had hands in it quite a lot for the following receipt: 182 Limo trips to London and back 34 Flights to "business" destination lasting 2 weeks long in the blistering heat 427 Nights in Hotels 373 Taxi Fares 49 Prostitutes err I mean Spa Days 2041 Mars Bars 1209 Lucozades 38 Bags of Coke Cola - it comes in bags right? 23 Top of the range gaming laptops for work 44 Brand new "work" vehicles 1 Tin of paint to look like were making a start So I am waiting around for our Civil Revolt to take place but the only place in the UK that has the firepower we need is Liverpool |
Socialism is bad because it spends other peoples money and every one knows. Capitalism is good because it spends other peoples money and no one knows.
Socialism is bad because it spends other peoples money and every one knows. Capitalism is good because it spends other peoples money and no one knows. Socialism is Good because it spends other peoples money and every one knows. So long as they spend it on the things that the vast majority of people need and want rather than what they need and want. Capitalism is Bad because it spends other peoples money and no one knows. But we can have a lot of guesses hence my guesses from earlier. The idea is we take a nuclear missile to the face of corruption. I can tell it doesn't take much to corrupt people, which is why there should be systems in place and tabs on all the money so that the second someone oversteps the line they get slung in jail, or lose their job or shot in the face with Machine Gun that fires One Pound Coins. |
Socialism is bad because it spends other peoples money and every one knows. Capitalism is good because it spends other peoples money and no one knows. Socialism is Good because it spends other peoples money and every one knows. So long as they spend it on the things that the vast majority of people need and want rather than what they need and want. Capitalism is Bad because it spends other peoples money and no one knows. But we can have a lot of guesses hence my guesses from earlier. The idea is we take a nuclear missile to the face of corruption. I can tell it doesn't take much to corrupt people, which is why there should be systems in place and tabs on all the money so that the second someone oversteps the line they get slung in jail, or lose their job or shot in the face with Machine Gun that fires One Pound Coins. |
corrupt: having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain
putting emotionalism aside and thinking it through, I suppose most humans are corrupt by the actual definition how many have been in a job interview and given the reason you want the job as some well scripted learned response instead of the actual truth of it for most 'I need a job, and since you offer, and society has ingrained that any job is better than no job, I am accepting' lol there is a reason entertainers and sports figures earn their money, its because of the revenue that is generated in their field and what part they are determined to play in it,,, something like giving them a percentage of what their effort generates for others politicians aren't directly generating profit for anyone, so they get a steady income as to the all politicians are corrupt , well in the sense that most HUMANS are corrupt and will be at least slightly dishonest on one or more occasion ,when it comes to being able to take care of their families I believe they are just as corrupt as the non politicians they represent whether that corruption is an automatic character assassination or just a human condition,,,is another question altogether |
corrupt: having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain putting emotionalism aside and thinking it through, I suppose most humans are corrupt by the actual definition how many have been in a job interview and given the reason you want the job as some well scripted learned response instead of the actual truth of it for most 'I need a job, and since you offer, and society has ingrained that any job is better than no job, I am accepting' lol there is a reason entertainers and sports figures earn their money, its because of the revenue that is generated in their field and what part they are determined to play in it,,, something like giving them a percentage of what their effort generates for others politicians aren't directly generating profit for anyone, so they get a steady income as to the all politicians are corrupt , well in the sense that most HUMANS are corrupt and will be at least slightly dishonest on one or more occasion ,when it comes to being able to take care of their families I believe they are just as corrupt as the non politicians they represent whether that corruption is an automatic character assassination or just a human condition,,,is another question altogether See I would say that we are all naturally corrupt to some degree but its the amount that concerns me. Like at work for me if something has become damaged goods I might be inclined to have a nibble before it ends up in the bin but this is something entirely different. I may be "stealing" something that was waste and no use to anyone but the sheer amount of money is this world that goes through sticky fingers makes it hard for everyone else to scrimp by and turns increasing numbers to acts of violence/theft etc to get by but so long as the real criminals can have their free boat trip round the Mediterranean, who cares, its not like it was going to waste but bothered, everyone else is footing the bill. So someone gets 300k a week to play football. They should get taxed about 290k of that to be put to use in the country to move us forward, use it for good rather than build up someones bank balance for someone that gets everything for free now he's rich. If taxed by that much because come on 10k a week is still a hefty wage, he alone would be able to pay for our towns original quote for refurb of £140m in just over 9 years. So all players combined and we could have a town refurb every year or at least I might let another town have one as well, gosh the moneys there let everyone have a refurb. |
I would disagree,,,,if they made it for someone else, they earned it
they should be penalized with more tax because their skill set allows them to make that kind of money for someone else unless we are going to tax the whole league the same way , being as its the industry that makes the money off of their sweat and health,,, |
Edited by
Sun 03/06/16 09:46 AM
I would disagree,,,,if they made it for someone else, they earned it
they shouldn't be penalized with more tax because their skill set allows them to make that kind of money for someone else unless we are going to tax the whole league the same way , being as its the industry that makes the money off of their sweat and health,,, |
I would disagree,,,,if they made it for someone else, they earned it they should be penalized with more tax because their skill set allows them to make that kind of money for someone else unless we are going to tax the whole league the same way , being as its the industry that makes the money off of their sweat and health,,, wow... two socialists arguing over how to spend someone elses money... |
I would disagree,,,,if they made it for someone else, they earned it they should be penalized with more tax because their skill set allows them to make that kind of money for someone else unless we are going to tax the whole league the same way , being as its the industry that makes the money off of their sweat and health,,, wow... two socialists arguing over how to spend someone elses money... |
I would disagree,,,,if they made it for someone else, they earned it they should be penalized with more tax because their skill set allows them to make that kind of money for someone else unless we are going to tax the whole league the same way , being as its the industry that makes the money off of their sweat and health,,, wow... two socialists arguing over how to spend someone elses money... |
corrupt: having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain putting emotionalism aside and thinking it through, I suppose most humans are corrupt by the actual definition how many have been in a job interview and given the reason you want the job as some well scripted learned response instead of the actual truth of it for most 'I need a job, and since you offer, and society has ingrained that any job is better than no job, I am accepting' lol there is a reason entertainers and sports figures earn their money, its because of the revenue that is generated in their field and what part they are determined to play in it,,, something like giving them a percentage of what their effort generates for others politicians aren't directly generating profit for anyone, so they get a steady income as to the all politicians are corrupt , well in the sense that most HUMANS are corrupt and will be at least slightly dishonest on one or more occasion ,when it comes to being able to take care of their families I believe they are just as corrupt as the non politicians they represent whether that corruption is an automatic character assassination or just a human condition,,,is another question altogether See I would say that we are all naturally corrupt to some degree but its the amount that concerns me. Like at work for me if something has become damaged goods I might be inclined to have a nibble before it ends up in the bin but this is something entirely different. I may be "stealing" something that was waste and no use to anyone but the sheer amount of money is this world that goes through sticky fingers makes it hard for everyone else to scrimp by and turns increasing numbers to acts of violence/theft etc to get by but so long as the real criminals can have their free boat trip round the Mediterranean, who cares, its not like it was going to waste but bothered, everyone else is footing the bill. So someone gets 300k a week to play football. They should get taxed about 290k of that to be put to use in the country to move us forward, use it for good rather than build up someones bank balance for someone that gets everything for free now he's rich. If taxed by that much because come on 10k a week is still a hefty wage, he alone would be able to pay for our towns original quote for refurb of £140m in just over 9 years. So all players combined and we could have a town refurb every year or at least I might let another town have one as well, gosh the moneys there let everyone have a refurb. Well.. I am not sure you have thought this through. Since most of the world class players in the EPL aren't from the UK they would all play elsewhere. Even the average players from the UK would also play in another league. Then you would have a bunch of Sunday pub players in which no one would pay 5 pounds to watch. The league would fold and all of the local people that depend on the EPL for employment or businesses that depend on the traffic created by the matches would close costing more people their jobs. I would consider another plan. |
The plan is simple, look after the majority, but how to do this in a fair way would be difficult. I know nothing about politics because in my opinion it is not worth a thought because the second anyway says politics in a conversation I immediatedly think Corruption.
There isn't likely going to be a one size fits all scenario but I think just taking football as an example that instead of billions of pounds being sat in football players bank accounts that it would be more useful in the hands of the corrupt government who can take as much as they want but also at least maybe spend some of it for the benefit of the population of the UK. It seems to me that politics is about squeezing every last penny out of every average wage citizen in the UK and not doing anything with the extra cash. The down side is that people end up losing their homes, jobs and lives because some politian could do with an extra couple of quid to keep on an immaculate pile of coins. Instead however if the government to take a huge sum from the rich who only see their money go up by the millions (the minority) to relieve the pressure on those who are struggling to scrape through day to day life (the majority), those people who make the country go round more than those that pocket the cash then the country would be a better place to live for everyone. All it takes in my opinion to make the 99% of people in britain happy is for the 1% to cough up. The numbers are mostly irrevelent but taking football for example again, paying 55k for one player to sit on a bench is an absolute waste. Sure he had the skill to be a first team player earning that much but since he is older he is crap but still pockets his former wage. I know its virtually impossible to do, but if you got paid based solely on how much effort you put in, so whether they calcualate how many calories you burn or whatever then people in most jobs would likley want to perform at their best because due mostly to having no money therefore the harder they work the more they earn. Simply because I work damn hard at work and barely take a break in my 9 hour shifts. I am entitled to an hour unpaid and half an hour paid and yet I either don't take one at all or sneak a quick 15 minutes in somewhere. This is simply because I want to get more work done and because I am passionate about my minimum wage job. I would argue to some degree that I put more effort into my job than most football players put into theirs. I know that they don't just play 90mins a week because they do train throughout the week which adds up to approximately 20-30 hours as far as i'm aware. However I do believe that if there was a way to earn your wage by your effort things would be totally different. At work for me, I usually have one person cooking the food and is like me in the sense that she doesn't take breaks, works over her scheduled hours without pay and is definately a work horse. In comparison we have another member of staff who operates the till. She is the eighth wonder of the world, she really is. How she gets through a day is beyond me. The simplest tasks she just can't do. I do not know how she got the job but if you can have a list of tasks and order all the staff from first to last per task she would be at the bottom of every task. She is the worlds slowest person for any given task and on the tills, although the till tells her how much change to give, I get many complaints of being short changed which leads me to think that just as many get more change than they are suppossed especially since her till is always down. Her work rate is that of tortoise. She will get to the finish line eventually and although she has put effort into her job, A lot of it is wasted effort because things have to be redone and I have to take time out to do refunds and give back change owed to customers. However we all get paid the same. This baffles us, because based on work achieved we achieve 10 times more easily but this doesn't warrant 10 times pay. However if I started to slack to her ability level then I wouldn't hear the end of it and people would say i'm lazy etc but its fine for her. I have worked at many places where this is the case but in all honesty I don't think she is "normal". She looks like she has some underlining mental problem because I think she thinks she is normal and just as fast as us which is a popular joke for us. She thinks she has all the underlining attributes to be a manager in this shop which is also laughable. She can't work out why 3 "newer" staff members have surpassed her. So considering she likley has a mental issue that prevents her from pulling out all the stops like me and my other colleague then perhaps she could be an exception. However I do think that if someone can do better but isn't doing then they shouldn't earn as much as someone who is doing everything (me) I have 3 other members of staff. One is lazy and bends work around him. So if he suppossed to come into work at 6 he will likely show up at 7 and like yesterday he was due in at 8 and turned up at 7. He literally does what he wants to a degree. He still does the work but could do it quicker and better. He puts so much stock in the warehouse saying he couldn't get it out but when I check its a gap on the shop floor. I end up doing most of his work for him. Another member of staff has since handed his notice in (yay). He was a very good worker, he knew the job pretty much inside out but was quite lazy from time to time. At times he was on fire but more often he just couldn't be arsed. On top of this his attendance record was poor. Often not calling to say he won't be in. Lastly is another who does call when he isn't coming in but again far too often. He can do the basics of the job, despite us only being open 3 years and he spent 4 years at another store. He is pretty much just on the till and does the odd other job that we know he is capable of, if he turns in that is. So why should all these be paid the same as someone who always turns up to work (not a single sick day) covers shifts during holiday time. Works over to get the job done without pay, doesn't get his breaks. I have adopted parts of the store that everyone now calls my part and I keep on top of it as much as possible and make things look their best although I have to undo about everything that is done during my days off. I get paid the same wage but do so much more. I think this is likely because when other people see that you are doing everything that they start to relax and do nothing but if their pay is affected by performance then everyone would be more willing to do their job properly. Its a bit like footballers getting offered 5k per goal they score. To a well paid footballer 5k is as good as 5p is to me. But if the incentive is their (works best for those who are scraping by) then people will want to pull their finger out. If this came into effect overnight I would be trying to work out how I could do more than I already do. I know I am sorting trying to establish some sort of fairness which is never going to happen but if I put more effort into my job than a footballer does into his then technically I should get paid more for the effort. I know this comes down to being more money in sport than a shop but I can just picture work as a football team. I am the one doing all the work in the match but we all get paid the same. I score all the goals but makes no difference. Comparing my job to footballers is possibly a huge imbalanced way to compare and should perhaps find a more relevent job to compare with but customers share similar views when I pass the odd comment to them and I see them get rather worked up by how much a crap footballer can earn. Scores a few goals in his youth and media hype him up so that he ends up at the "best club in the world" earning the most ridiculous wage and then can't score a goal for toffees (pun intended) |