Topic: Hey Mommies out there!!!
Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:20 PM
Awhile back in sociology class in school we were watching this video about moms, the question in discussion was whether or not moms should feel bad about not being all "into the mom thing" all the time?
Should they feel guilty about finding mommy and me class boring?
Should they feel guilty for not finding everything about there kid cute?
Is it bad to have feelings of regret once about having the child once in awhile?
So what do you lovely ladies think about these "taboo" ideas and feelings?

BABCHI's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:27 PM
as long as mommies spened sometime with the little ones that is all that counts.
It is not the quanity but quality that count.
The children will remember what you did with them not the time, you spent with them.
Go to a playground,park or make something together.
that is the most important thing that they will remember.
not how many times you took them out to eat at Mcdonald's.

justme659's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:30 PM
my thoughts on this , is that no mother should feel guilty for her choices in raising her child and the amount of time she spends with her kids. not all mothers can do the mommy and me play time. and some are just sick of the other women in the group and would rather stay home and get quality time in.

justme659's photo
Thu 10/25/07 06:33 PM
and just for future references i applaud women that decide not to have kids for what ever reasons. no one should ever tell someone how to live their life when it comes to personal choices like that. and you can quote me to your psyc. professor

urban2sugarland's photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:07 PM
We all have those times in our 'Mommy Lives" that we ask Can I really Take this.....Then it is all worth it....when your child says something >>> or you experience something with your child and then you know it was faith that led you to having your child in your life... Yesterday I had a really tough day and just as I was riding down the road.... in the rain.... with a defroster that doesn't work properly..... I couldn't see a thing in front of me and I told my child... "I feel like God is testing me right now" and she said "Mom I think your faith is strong enough" at that exact moment the windshield cleared up immediately ( the fastest I have ever seen ) and directly at that time My Favorite Musician (evah) came on the radio singing "But For the Grace of God" :}

Autumn_queen's photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:14 PM
Thanks for sharing that awesome moment urban2sugarland <3
That is so awesome :)

no photo
Thu 10/25/07 07:42 PM
Nurture vs Nature

My question for your question, do you think it is a "motherly" issue why some are not naturally motherly towards their childre?

I think it has to do with the individuals upbringing for some why they behave this way.

These women need some help with these issues for sure so the children are better cared for and not allow those children to suffer from their mothers defect. Trust me, one little brush can scar a child for life and it is not fair.

Maybe the help should be in the area where when a mother sense an episode to first put their child in a safe place till the episode passes...I don't know, just a thought.

MicheleNC's photo
Sat 10/27/07 07:56 PM
Wow, Queen, deep topic...

Doing a copy and paste to answer the questions properly...

-Should they feel guilty about finding mommy and me class boring?
Nope, never. It might be the others that are boring.

-Should they feel guilty for not finding everything about there kid cute?
Hang out with my almost 7 year old boy. Not everything he does is cute.

-Is it bad to have feelings of regret once about having the child once in awhile?
I have never had these feelings. My son is my heart and have wanted to be a Mommy as long as I can remember. However, I would not say these feelings are bad...just honest.

-So what do you lovely ladies think about these "taboo" ideas and feelings?
Whatever works for you and your children is what is best for you. I am not one to judge others (if I can help it), because I don't want others to judge me. I just hope my boy will grow up happy and well adjusted and know he is loved.

Hugs, M

Sweet_Dreams's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:25 PM
"Should they feel guilty about finding mommy and me class boring?"
No. I haven't attended a Mommy-and-Me class EVER because it's not something that interests me. Why do I need a CLASS to show me how to spend time with my kids, with a group of women and their kids? I would rather do fun stuff in the comfort of my own home or at the park, or wherever I take my kids.

"Should they feel guilty for not finding everything about there kid cute?"
No. No matter how good of a parent you are, sometimes, kids are tired or cranky, or going through a phase. Right now, my daughter is in a stage where she is very specific in the car about where she wants to go. Unfortunately, I have to work, so she haas to go to day care, and she doesn't always want to go. Little kids throw fits. Fits aren't cute. End of.

"Is it bad to have feelings of regret once about having the child once in awhile?"
No. I think every woman goes through it. I find it hard sometimes because I'm young and I don't agree that it's okay to pawn my kids off on others so I can go out with friends or anything. Sometimes, I wish I could let their dad take them so I could go out, but I don't trust him, so it's not a viable option. I have regretted having kids before, but not because of them. I was too young when I had them, and I sometimes do worry that I'm not living up to my potential as a mother. I think every mother has those doubts as well.

"So what do you lovely ladies think about these "taboo" ideas and feelings?"
They're completely natural. I think if a mother thinks they're a perfect parent or thinks their kids are perfect, there's something wrong.