Topic: Wife had another affair...... | |
Thanks 532.
The last affair was many years ago when we had one 2 year old and no money. I suspected the affair but she denied it for 13 years when she came clean, we had two more children by then and things were going well for us. I was shaken but not stirred. She said she went to the hospital after the first affair got stressed and saw a doctor trained in depression, she had one half hour session and felt so good afterwards she never went again. |
Edited by
Tue 01/26/16 09:56 AM
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It seems you have done all the right things dude.
And while I am not fond of ultimatums, there are kids involved, they have to come first. Time heals the pain, even the memories of it. You will be wiser and make good decisions using the experience of it all. It will be a new start, for you and the kids. You cannot help someone who will not be helped. All you can do is limit the damage already done. Do not hold this relationship against the next one:-) |
Thanks peggy.
As I have been Mum and dad for the last 2 years I am totally connected to my remaining two children, they are my life and their love is my strength. |
Based on what your saying she is stuck in compensation. Trying to alleviate her low with activities (shopping,sex...) She never got to the root of the problem and likely doesn't even know what the problem is. Only recognizes the systems when they occur. (take with a grain of salt, I'm only speculating off of what I read)
Please remember to speak to your kids frequently, they are experiencing something entirely different from what you are. Maybe some 'just us' activities (fishing, game night, camping) have fun and encourage conversation :) |
Based on what your saying she is stuck in compensation. Trying to alleviate her low with activities (shopping,sex...) She never got to the root of the problem and likely doesn't even know what the problem is. Only recognizes the systems when they occur. (take with a grain of salt, I'm only speculating off of what I read) Please remember to speak to your kids frequently, they are experiencing something entirely different from what you are. Maybe some 'just us' activities (fishing, game night, camping) have fun and encourage conversation :) She knows and feels the problem, she feels worthless because her mother didn't want her. She was 4 and can still remember what her mother was wearing when she was packing her bags ! Imagine living with a beautiful woman, 5'8 58kg, who is front of house at the biggest restaurant at a international golf resort, gets mentioned on tripadvisor regularly, hit on several times day and she thinks she is fat and ugly. It wears you down. The kids are the coolest. She was an awesome mother when they were younger but now they do their own thing she got detached. I on the other hand am left doing everything for them and I love it. |
which why I am new here. She knows there is no coming back this time. Have you experienced a partner having an affair ? Hello steelmonte ![]() *Truth time, in the real world. Here it is 100 % " Just because someone is weak in the love components of loyalty and faithfulness, does that mean that they dont love you?" Unfaithfulness is one of the main destroyers of most relationships. Many of the perpetrators dont have bad intentions but they make the dumb mistake of repeatedly flirting with danger.If you are in a committed relationship, why are you visiting your friend so often with him/her alone at home? Why are you going online and flirting with new friends? Why are you constantly confiding your problems with your mate in someone of the opposite sex? why are you constantly working late at the office with your coworker with no one else present? Why are you NOT introducing close friends of the opposite sex to your mate? Many affairs started off with those innocent gestures and many people are engaging in these behaviours as we speak and are unaware that they have in fact set up the right conditions for their affair to take place. Many affairs may rooted in a lack of common sense as opposed to a lack of love. That being said I agree with you that many of us are flawed and dont seem to grasp what love is in its entirety not just in terms of faithfulness but all the other love components. I don't agree with any of this. It's like saying I'm obese and I can't lose weight because my local shop sells chocolates, and I have to walk past that shop everyday. So I'm blaming the shopkeeper for putting temptation in my way. Infidelity is probably one of the cruelest acts one human being can inflict on another, that's assuming they claim to love the other of course. That is NOT what this quote is saying joethebricky. Consider re-reading it if you are so inclined to get the meaning of it. . The quote is basically reproaching people for IGNORANTLY setting up conditions that could gradually lead to affairs . If I were to use your analogy with the chocolate shop and its relation to obesity, the quote is saying that if you are committed to losing weight, why are you REGULARLY putting yourself in temptation's way? Why do you go to the grocery every week and BUY chocolates? Why do you pack sweets in your bag everyday ? Why are you choosing to take the route with all the candy stores to get home everyday if there is another route you can utilise with less of those temptations? If anyone asked the obese person if they were committed to losing weight, the answer would be yes, but that answer and intention is not lining up with their actions. That's what the quote is saying about unfaithfulness. When perpetrators of infidelity are asked if they had PLANNED the affair they committed, most of them will tell you no, but when you trace the origin of the affair, most of them will say it started off with the increased frequency of one or more of the unwise behaviours listed above and snowballed into something bigger.The quote is NOT making excuses for unfaithfulness. Unfaithfulness is and will always be wrong and destructive to families That being said, the quote is also suggesting that the act of infidelity does not always mean that that the perpetrator didnt love their mate. Some of the perpetrators have actually been very consistent and strong in terms of other expressions of commitment and nurturing to their mates, but clearly their love is VERY FLAWED .Even couples who are not guilty of infidelity and who typically express their love in clear and endearing ways to each other, sometimes go through seasons of regrettable offenses. These include spitefully withholding sex from each other, saying hurtful things to wound the other person that apologies cant compensate for, frequently being slack with scheduling quality time for the other person , refusing to talk to the person for days when angry. Those offenses are grievous too and most of us have been guilty of one or more of these behaviours REPEATEDLY in our relationships.Doesn't this illustrate that our love is FLAWED? But does that mean that we were guilty of not loving our mates? I don't need to re-read it peggy122, there will always be temptation, is a man supposed to stay away from every woman he may come across and vice versa. In my opinion there is no excuse for it. It sounds like you are trying to say it's ok sometimes, it might be for you, not in my book it isn't. |
Edited by
Tue 01/26/16 12:25 PM
I don't need to re-read it peggy122, there will always be temptation, is a man supposed to stay away from every woman he may come across and vice versa. In my opinion there is no excuse for it. It sounds like you are trying to say it's ok sometimes, it might be for you, not in my book it isn't. Both of us agree that infidelity is wrong. ![]() ![]() Yours are too, sometimes we will disagree but it's nice that we can without bickering, have a nice evening ![]() |
I don't need to re-read it peggy122, there will always be temptation, is a man supposed to stay away from every woman he may come across and vice versa. In my opinion there is no excuse for it. It sounds like you are trying to say it's ok sometimes, it might be for you, not in my book it isn't. Both of us agree that infidelity is wrong. ![]() ![]() Yours are too, sometimes we will disagree but it's nice that we can without bickering, have a nice evening ![]() Same to you! ![]() |
Ya'll realize we are nothing but animals, who are not meant to be monogamous. What other animal stays with on partner? I have been cheated on which is why I will not do a monogamous marriage. My wife and I couldn't be happier with were we are.
My 2 cents. |
Ya'll realize we are nothing but animals, who are not meant to be monogamous. What other animal stays with on partner? I have been cheated on which is why I will not do a monogamous marriage. My wife and I couldn't be happier with were we are. My 2 cents. Wolves, owls, eagles, swans, a few that I know of, there's probably more |
Ya'll realize we are nothing but animals, who are not meant to be monogamous. What other animal stays with on partner? I have been cheated on which is why I will not do a monogamous marriage. My wife and I couldn't be happier with were we are. My 2 cents. Wolves, owls, eagles, swans, a few that I know of, there's probably more geese mate for life |
Many people have heartaches in their life but it does not justify inflicting heart ache on another, often more than one other if children are involved because you are not just cheating on the marriage but betraying the family, which cheating does.
I am going to call BS on using being abandoned by a mother as a reason to cheat. That does nothing to the perpetrator since obviously you did not choose to abandon the spouse; she is abandoning you. If she wanted to hurt someone it should be the person who left her not the person who picked here and loved her. What she is really saying is I was hurt and I get to get away with hurting anyone else I want to as long as they tolerate it. People who have that mind set will continue to cheat as many times as they have opportunity; while they will rarely own up to how often it is the reality is it is quite frequent you just happen to catch them once or twice. And only because they wanted you to catch them more often than not. It is not the cheating itself that is fun or exciting it is the pleasure they get in inflicting pain on others. Every time a person cheats there is a conscious moment when they know what they are doing is crossing the line and betraying their partner by the ACTION they take. It is not and accident. It doesn't "just happen" it is a choice. They decide they are the center of the universe and their feelings their needs for instant gratification at the moment are more important than any one else's; their partner, their kids, even the person they are cheating with because on almost absolute is they are only the flavor of the moment and once they have been acquired they become useless too. ((% of the time they don't even want the one they cheat with. When you find yourself with that kind of person you just have to cut your losses and let it be their problem. You can't build someone else's self esteem if they want to see themselves as worthless. But you can assess your own value as too good for that kind of abuse. Why I make it VERY CLEAR to anyone I date/get in a relationship with is it better be worth it to you because there are no second chances with me. Once and you are done. You cheat you cease to exist. You have made your choice. Live with it die with I really don't care. My life is too precious to me to waste it on anyone who does not treasure me the way I treasure them. |
Edited by
Tue 01/26/16 01:52 PM
Many people have heartaches in their life but it does not justify inflicting heart ache on another, often more than one other if children are involved because you are not just cheating on the marriage but betraying the family, which cheating does. I am going to call BS on using being abandoned by a mother as a reason to cheat. That does nothing to the perpetrator since obviously you did not choose to abandon the spouse; she is abandoning you. If she wanted to hurt someone it should be the person who left her not the person who picked here and loved her. What she is really saying is I was hurt and I get to get away with hurting anyone else I want to as long as they tolerate it. People who have that mind set will continue to cheat as many times as they have opportunity; while they will rarely own up to how often it is the reality is it is quite frequent you just happen to catch them once or twice. And only because they wanted you to catch them more often than not. It is not the cheating itself that is fun or exciting it is the pleasure they get in inflicting pain on others. Every time a person cheats there is a conscious moment when they know what they are doing is crossing the line and betraying their partner by the ACTION they take. It is not and accident. It doesn't "just happen" it is a choice. They decide they are the center of the universe and their feelings their needs for instant gratification at the moment are more important than any one else's; their partner, their kids, even the person they are cheating with because on almost absolute is they are only the flavor of the moment and once they have been acquired they become useless too. ((% of the time they don't even want the one they cheat with. When you find yourself with that kind of person you just have to cut your losses and let it be their problem. You can't build someone else's self esteem if they want to see themselves as worthless. But you can assess your own value as too good for that kind of abuse. Why I make it VERY CLEAR to anyone I date/get in a relationship with is it better be worth it to you because there are no second chances with me. Once and you are done. You cheat you cease to exist. You have made your choice. Live with it die with I really don't care. My life is too precious to me to waste it on anyone who does not treasure me the way I treasure them. agreed her shopaholic addiction simply includes men now no one lives a perfect life NO ONE and yet most of us do not use tragedies in our past as an excuse for bad behavior in our present |
Welcome to Mingle...
Yes I have been cheated on right before I left. When I finally got over the hurt, betrayal, and anger I had to take a look at myself, and in all honesty I had to admit to myself that I had left him emotionally over a year before it happened. IMHO... There is no excuse for infidelity so the reasons doesn't matter as you have decided to end the marriage and that certainly is your choice. I would advise to take time to heal Come out play in the forums make some new friends. Again welcome to Mingle |
You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel......getting horny now.....
I expect you have got all your basic legals looked after
* Bank accounts * Credit Cards * Credit bureau On and on ** expect to pay spousal support / legals ... (play nice) |
Do know what Doug, things are better now than before the affair broke and she was asked to leave.
Before she spent everything on herself now she wants to put in for the kids. The guilt has hit home now and new guy is helping the situation as he is in love with her and wants it all to work out cool. It's a happy ending I suppose. |
Edited by
Tue 01/26/16 11:56 PM
Do know what Doug, things are better now than before the affair broke and she was asked to leave. Before she spent everything on herself now she wants to put in for the kids. The guilt has hit home now and new guy is helping the situation as he is in love with her and wants it all to work out cool. It's a happy ending I suppose. Breath slowly, drink lots of water, Smile (for the kids) * stand straight and walk forward. You are their example now, A true test of who you are.Your the leader. All the very best |