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Topic: my friend needs help, big time
Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:09 PM
ok so hes been going out with this girl for almost 2 years, and he moved away to go to school. he left his town on the 10th of october. he went on myspace when he got there, which he hadnt done in a while. when he was looking at her profile and on one of her comments was... well here ill just paste it

Oct 4 2007 6:16 PM

lol i'm good haha... i got a 1+ haha.

and yeah point break was cool! i liked it. made me like nervous or idk like uncomfortable at times but i liked it.

Oct 4 2007 9:24 AM

I will try and be on msn as much as possible. It's just difficult when its like having your best friends round at your house all the time lol

I'm sorry to hear you feel you got rejected, but if I was you I'd ask myself one question:
Do you really want to be with someone who would do such a thing to his girlfriend?
If he really liked you, he'd have broken up with his girlfriend before hanging with you and kissing you, don't you think?

Anyway, don't dwell on it too much because there are plenty more (better) fish in the sea after all.
You'll be fine.
Speak to you soon hopefully :)

and like i said he left on the 10 and he really doesnt know what to do because when he asked her about it all she said was "what u dont trust me??"

What do u guys think?

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:12 PM
That she is feeding them both a line of crapola.....

Duffy's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:12 PM
so she asked...what u don't trust me? what did he say?

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:12 PM
and he wasnt snooping or nething just going to write her a message himself

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:12 PM
well hes kind of whipped, so he just shyed away from it probably

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:14 PM
Well, was it a guy commenting her?

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:15 PM

Duffy's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:16 PM
well tell him to unwhip himself, and do it. disguise himself or get a friend to do it. then, get himself untangled from this girl before there is real heartbreak. and if that doesn't work, then he will suffer for the next 2 years.

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:17 PM
Hmm, sounds like shes not being very truthfull, he ought to call a friend that knows her and find out if she's cheating. It don't sound very good.

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:17 PM
well the thing is he really does love her. and shes never done nething like this b4. so he doesnt know if it was like a misunderstanding or sumthing

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:19 PM
She might just be hanging out with friends, it's hard to tell.

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:19 PM
he doesnt have nebody that lives back home who hangs out with her so he doesnt know who he should aqsk

Duffy's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:20 PM
he does not know? he really loves her? he is whipped? um, open up his own account on, and make his own profile. get him to make it groovey, and make her jealous. try that.:wink: laugh

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:21 PM
Anyway, don't dwell on it too much because there are plenty more (better) fish in the sea after all.
You'll be fine.
Speak to you soon hopefully :)

kinda sounds like she might be thinking of breaking up with him.

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:23 PM
yeah thats wut he is afraid of. i hope not, but then, if she is cheating on him i hope one of them breaks it off, be it him or her

Nascarfan119's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:25 PM
i really hate this situation 4 him because of how much time hes put into the relationship. she does treat him like crap a lot though, dont get me wrong, she can be nice, but she can be a real ***** too

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:26 PM
It don't really sound like she's cheating, but by the sound of it, it won't be long before she does. I can't really tell because I don't personally know her.

PJ1987's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:27 PM
LOL, all females can be b*****s when we want to.

Duffy's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:27 PM
could this young man friend be YOU?

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:28 PM
Nascarfan119 - Your friend needs to focus on his studies to get somewhere in life and not allow this young woman's behaviour beat him down. Poor him but he will get over it in time and as for the girl, well its a beahviour she chose to lead and it is only going to hurt her and not really your friend. If she really values her love for this guy, she shouldn't hurt him but she did for whatever reason. Tell ya mate to touchen up and grow bigger balls so a behaviour like this young woman will never get to him again.

You are all young, you are allowed to make mistakes, you are still learning things........different if it came from older people then I tell them to grow up or get a life! haha.

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