Topic: Paranoid
ajhagena's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:15 PM
I would love to let you borrow my vampire, but I only have one and I am very much in love with her!

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:17 PM
aww, where can i find one then?

ajhagena's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:20 PM
Well, I found mine on a moonless night on top of a hill in the countryside. I was about to be attacked by a werewolf, but luckily she swept in just as the creature's fangs approached my throat. With a silver stake to the heart, she killed the beast and saved my life.

I then invited her back to my place, where we commenced to talk about our feelings under a soft candlelight.

Duffy's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:20 PM
well why did they murder the teacher. find out, and then get a big dog. and keep a watch for a few days.
there was a murder across the street from my house a few years ago, and we still talk about it. the gunman came in the back door and shot 4 people. i am still scared sometimes of the place.

no photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:22 PM
PJ, you are obviously bothered. So sorry.Can you afford a security system? How far are you from town? Get as many phones or a cell. And keep them close.Hate to say it but, you don't sound like someone who can use a firearm.Trust your dog and call the cops.

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:24 PM
ask her if she knows any vamps that wont bite me, very fond of the sun.

i have a dog, but shes a midget and she barks at everything..grumble

thumper95's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:25 PM
i have a 12, and a few other things, prefer my bladed weapons,,

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:26 PM
oh i know how to use a gun, just not a 12 gauge id fall on my arse.laugh pretty good with a rifle, got a 10 point buck one time when i was younger. no lie.

thumper95's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:27 PM
rock salt wont kick,, just hurt em really bad,, it kinda burns a tad

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:28 PM
really? hmm, might have to look into that..

thumper95's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:30 PM
you make em,, you get bird shells, open the end, pour the shot out, repack with rock salt, and close the end again

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:31 PM
cool, might have to do that.....thanks 4 the idea thumper.

thumper95's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:32 PM
being country is good for something once in a while,

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:33 PM
I hear that, I'm one of the few girls in my town that can ride a horse and the ONLY one in town thats not scared to clean the horse's stable.drinker

anemail's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:35 PM
screw rock salt

stick with the bird shells

if you feel the need to fire a shotgun, you must need to clear the room; bird shells (target loads?) most probably won't leave the house

the result might be dead people, but that is far better than really annoyed people in your face with a useless deterrant in your hands... depending on your beliefs, of course :| (and how adamant are you about those?)

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:37 PM
my thoughts are, if they wanna kill me, ima do my best to kill them first. i gotta kid to worry about.

thumper95's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:42 PM
aparently you have never been shot with rock salt,, you aint getting up real fast and,, if you read back,, i also said triple ought buckshot,,, next questions

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:44 PM
do i still get to kick the $#!t outta them??laugh

no photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:46 PM
You want a gun to kill because you have paranoia issues? I am not sure what is worse you or the gun. I think you have mental issues, deal with that is your first option.

PJ1987's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:55 PM
no, i'd only go to that resort if they broke into my house and wanted to do the same to me and my son, otherwise no, i wouldnt bother anyone, i do not have mental issues other than anxiety. is it so wrong to defend myself? let me ask, if someone broke through your door holding a gun, wouldnt you do the same? or would you rather have no chance and be shot? some ppl make no sense at all.