Topic: If religion has evolved?
Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:44 AM
Hi Rick.

So why do Christians hate the Jews for putting, or allowing Jesus to be
put to death? Seems that the Jews did us a favor. And please don't go
into the shpeal that they don't hate them. You can look thoughout
history and find that Jews were hated for their involvement. Or is it
because they are the money grubber's. I don't think anyone has come up
with a definitive answer as to why they are so hated thoughout the world
and thoughout history.
I guess that's the price you pay for being God's chosen. Such arrogance.


no photo
Thu 11/09/06 12:42 PM
While some religions have evolved many people have become elitist in
their belief systems. I do not believe that my religion is any more or
less important than anyone elses. I live mine for my own reasons. It is
incredible what atrocities humans have inflicted on others out of an
elitist attitude AND in the name of deity (however you may view deity)

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:47 PM
Well the Bible it says that God told the Jews that they would
never have peace, they would never have a safe secure homeland. (I'm
paraphrasing there)
As to why so many Christians hate the Jews for their part in the
crucifiction? Beats the hell outta me. They had their part to play in
order for everything to unfold as it did. I believe that even Judas (the
one that betrayed Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver)has his
place in Heaven. Jesus already knew Judas was going to betray him, but,
Judas had to play his part too, in order for God's gift to be fully

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:35 PM
So Public, that is telling me that they were all ponds and maybe so are
we. So I wonder were the free will thing comes into play. If God gave us
free will, but yet our actions are written in stone, or are already
known, doesn't that sound like a contradiction? Does to me.

As far as why the Jew's maybe hated soo much I can only say that from my
experience is that they can be arrogant and just the fact that they seem
to do very well for themselves as far as money goes. So mybe there's a
bit of jealousy there I dunno.

Hi Pool.

I do believe that religion has come a long way since the inquisition and
the crusades. But I think they are still evolving though. I believe all
religions share their guilt in the worlds problems, even the


PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:37 AM
"So Public, that is telling me that they were all ponds and maybe so are


Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:50 PM

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:30 PM
wtf do you mean "ponds"? lol

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:34 PM
i think he meant PAWNS.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/10/06 10:01 PM
ok pawns..that makes Ghost, they are not pawns. In the Old
Testament, the Jews had a direct connection with God. God interacted
with them more than anyone else. BUT, after they turned their backs on
God, He got irked with them and their punishment was what I mentioned in
my earlier post.
This connection was the same reason they didn't believe Jesus WAS the
Son of God because it would change the special relationship that only
they had with Him. The only person's life that was ever pre-destined was
Jesus'life, BUT He KNEW what was in store for Him. That's why He
beseeched His Father in the garden of Gethsemane(sp) the night before
the Romans came and got Him.
I'll ask you this from a different perspective. Let's say you were God
and created all of this. Would you want a bunch of ass kissing yes-men
or would you put the element of human nature into it to make things
We are all God's children, and like any "normal" father, He doesn't want
to see His kids running around being assholes, so He created a reward
for us and He's sure not gonna grant it to every asshole that's
unrepentant about what they've done in their life. Like any reward, it
has to be earned.

I do believe our fate as mankind is pre-ordained, but I don't believe
our individual lives are.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/10/06 10:27 PM
This has always been a dilemma to the trinity. Jesus was God. So God is
Jesus. So who are we in relation to this? Are we Gods too. Or some other
entity? This seems too much like the ancient worshipers that give a
human face of God as fallible and emotional, angry, sad, jealous,
spiteful, and just a dick. lol Such as Zeus and Apollo and other's.

Is this the face of God? Or just our interpretation of God. If so will
we believe the same a thousand years from now?
wow! soo many questions. soo little time. lol

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 07:45 AM
some churches are for evolution. Fact is there is no proof at all for
evolution. Every missing link has been found to be a fraud. Remember
Lucy? TEA STAINED monkey.
You have to have a lot of faith to believe we evolved from a mud
pudle. The odds against that happening are astronomical actually, way
less than the lotto. No las vegas betting pool would ever touch that.
Orginization requires design.
Mutations are defects, not for the better. orginazation from an
explosion?? not buying it either.
explosions destroy, rather than create.
Can you really believe all this is just a fluke?? Accident of nature?
if so, get the chemistry set out and build me a tree from the chemicals.
call me when your done.The bible says all species multiply according to
thier kind. What does the fossil record show? Species populated the
earth for a time and then died out. JUST LIKE THE BOOK SAYS.

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 07:58 PM
Hey Ghost, props for your comments. You mentioned the "free will" issue?
For all that missed it, in Christian scripture wasn't it Lucifer (whom I
don't believe exists/ed) that told God that he would enforce strict
compliance to God's word? This has to be one of the longest threads on
this site. Thanks to everyone for your opinions. Very educational and

guitarMan73099's photo
Sat 11/11/06 08:27 PM
In the very beginning God laid down one rule, and Adam broke it. God the
supreme being cannot lie, he had said if you break this rule you will
die. The only thing He could do was kill us, or save us, He chose to
become one of us, and die in our place. Death is the punishment for
sin, Jesus had no sin, so his death was not his punishment, it was our
punishment. I couldnt die for the world, because i have sinned, i would
only be dying for my sin, but He had no sin so his death was for someone
else, anyone who cashes in on it. Satan doesn't like this at all,
because he tricked Adam, he wanted to see if God would keep His word and
kill him. He knew that God would have to, but he didn't plan on God
becoming a man himself, and dying in our place. It's so simple if you
think about it. God cannot lie, either He wipes us out, or an e

no photo
Sat 11/11/06 08:30 PM
.... theres no drama about the trinity. Its Catholic church doctrine
rather than bible teaching. Show me the scripture to dispute this
viewpoint please.

guitarMan73099's photo
Sat 11/11/06 08:37 PM
when (1)Jesus was being baptized a (2)voice came from heaven, and the
(3)Holy Spirit came down like a dove (three beings)

when he was on the cross (1)he cried out to His (2)Father(Two Beings)

in John 14 (1)Jesus talks about His (2)Father, and the (3)Holy
Spirit(three Beings)

Jesus told His followers it was important for (1)him to leave because He
would ask (2)His Father and his Father would send the (3)Holy Spirit
when he (Jesus) left. Three beings

DesertFox7's photo
Sat 11/11/06 09:47 PM
some good thoughts and a lot of ignorance is what I read.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/11/06 10:32 PM
"some churches are for evolution. Fact is there is no proof at all for
evolution. Every missing link has been found to be a fraud. Remember
Lucy? TEA STAINED monkey."

There is more evidence of evolution then creation I'll tell you that
much. Where is the evidence for creation? Where is the fossils that
claim that god blow the dirt of the ground and created man. Creationist
can only produce a little black book that tells stories of creation.
That sound's like all the primitive stories you hear from pygmy tribes
that a creator took a shit and then there we are.

At least a gradual development of any species is more realistic that
some mystical dump of the deities. Sure there are holes in the evolution
theory, but there are no evidence in the creation theory too. Besides,
you people believe this creation solely on faith. Faith can't produce
evidence by nature right? Meaning you can't prove any god excist. That
is a believe system only.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/11/06 10:35 PM
Hey Pool.

If Satan asked for forgiveness, would god forgive him? LOL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/11/06 11:34 PM
yes He would...but it ain't likely to happen lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/11/06 11:53 PM
Well, it an't likely to happen because Satan doesn't excised anyway. So
no forgiveness is necessary.