Topic: If religion has evolved?
Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:33 PM
Hi Rick

You missed my point completely. But that's ok, I know I gave a lot of
info to digest, so all I can say is that everything goes though some
sort of evolutionary processes. I can't sum it up any better than that
sorry. I f you don't get it then you don't get it, that's all. No harm
done. I don't want to insight a riot here.

"everything about a belief system was passed from mouth to ear,
person to person. God, according to the Bible"

Yeah that's my point that when someone relates a story the translation
some times gets lost. Maybe the meaning stays the same but I can't trust
a story handed down from generation to generation and usually the
complete text is lost or damaged in some way. Do you know the complete
story of your ancestry? Probably most of the records are not available
any more just bits and pieces. Every one knows the bible has been
altered either though not having the exact translation or because
someone messes with it to suit their needs. I personally can't trust a
book that is so powerful that greedy people can us it to their own
means. Napoleon Said it best. " Religion is great stuff to control the

"God, according to the Bible, made Himself known to
people throughout time"

So where is he or it now? Why doesn't God perform some miracles or
genocide now?
The only miracles I can have seen was some psycho saw an image of the
virgin Mary in a window and or in a lump of chocolate that dripped on
the floor. LOL
Is Mary trying to say she has a sweet tooth. LOL

I could see a biblical image in a lump of shit, and that means nothing.

"As for evolution, nowhere in the Bible does it say that God is confined
to our 24-hour days. Seven days to God could be 7,000,000 years to us"

What are you talking about? when did I make reference to god and time?
What ever.

"There is a growing number of scientists who agree that there is
purposeful design in all that we are and see... that none of the life on
this planet just "happened""

Yeah and I can guess where they all come from. Usually some Christian
science monitor or other's

"Our minds weren't designed to comprehend all things of this universe.
Somethings are better left to God"

Yeah and our minds weren't designed to be fooled by religion either. At
least not all minds anyways. LOL

Bless it be. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:36 PM
Sorry King, I can't explain it any better than that. If your resistant
to try to understand then I don't know what to tell ya.

Thanks for the comment though. You realy do put me to the test though. I
enjoy it.


Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:45 PM
I don't think it's apples and oranges. I think the statement I made
speaks clearly to the fact that all things are an evolution in the
making. I don't understand why people don'ts see the point that even
humans can go though an evolution. I can only come to the conclusion
that people are insulted by idea of evolution. So they are resistant to
the notion of man starting off from some primate source. People would
rather claim to be from some divine or alien source. So it's ego that
play in to this religion idea that we have never changed. So how do you
explain the mutations in some peoples or maybe you don't really think of
them as human.

Ponder that for a moment.


no photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:07 PM
Everything evolves if it didn' we wouldn't be where we are now.My
feeling is this,most religions choose not to believe in evoloution
because it is something they cannot control and they cannot control
those who believe in it.I'm pobablly wrong and my thinking is probablly
elementary, but as I said just my thoughts.Do I believe in I belive that religions will evolve sometime down
the line..yes...will I be alive to see it..who knows

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:20 PM

Thanks Poet. I didn't think of that before about the control issue, Yes
that a very big part of the religious movement is control. I stated that
Napoleon said that religion is great stuff to control the masses. And
that he know how to manipulate what he wanted tin order to get what he
wanted. And so do the religious type too. It's the same in all cultures,
especially in primitive culture like the Pigmy's. They still worship as
their ancestors did and try to convince them other wise.


no photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:31 PM
People/religion seek to control because they either have no knowledge or
they fear it and most of the time its a combo of both fear and
knowledge. Religion fears anything unknown or outside of thier secular
little boxes.Not too mention the constant contest/war over whose
religion is the "RIGHT" religion....hence all those damned holy
wars...screw it I am oo tired to think staight and this probally makes
no sense at all lol..I'm goin to bed...Flying Spaghetti Monster be
damned..I'm goin to bed

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:54 PM
you didn't give alot of info to digest recon if you would have stated it
the way you did at the top of page two i don't think there would have
been a misunderstanding.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:00 PM
You only have to think about it King. I'm not going to hold your hand
and guide to the answer that easly.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:01 PM
after reading all of the recent posts you wrote i have a question. why
is it that when you don't say what you mean i am resisting understanding
your question? #2 why do you assume that everyone that believes in GOD
only believes in one thing?
i never said anything about religion not evolving.
it is apples and oranges to compare the two because the bible is not
disputing the meaning of or the word evolution. it is disputing
evolution of man kind from a cosmic cess pool. the evolution of anything
else in the world doesn't pertain to that thought.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:02 PM
tell me you're joking. if you ain't you are a condescending little know
it all piece of shit. you know that right. did you stepped on or
something, go to bed and sleep it off.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:03 PM
you couldn't hold nothin of mine pussy.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:11 PM
I think a big part of the misunderstanding with evolution is, a lot of
ppl confuse it with adaptation. These are two entirely different
Let me put it this way, say a couple moves from Florida to Winnipeg,
Manitoba (frequent dips in the mercury throughout the winter of 40-50
below 0).
After 5 generations of children being born there, they start to get
hairier as a result of the genes trying to cope with the cold. Is this
evolution? No, it is adaptation. We adapt to our environs. The arctic
rabbit is snow white in the winter and then its fur turns a mottled
brown for the rest of the year so it blends in with the tundra it lives
on. Is this an evolution in rabbits? No, the fuzzy little critters have
manged to adapt to their environ, but they are STILL rabbits.
If you look at suits of armour from the mediaeval(sp?) times, most are
built for men of 5'4" to 5'6". That was the average mlae height. Now the
average height is about 5'9"- 5'10".
Is this evolution? Most likely it's a result of better nutrition.
To compare the technological advances of man with evolution is
incorrect. The techological advances have come about, first: from the
knowledge of previous advances and two: from the desire to improve what
we already have.

Evolution, according to Darwin, is the process of natural selection.
Altho the two are similar in that we and nature both make mistakes to
improve what we have until we find something that works. The difference
is, one is done with conscious thot while nature doesn't think, it just
does, regardless of whether evolution is real or not.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:16 PM
King no matter what I say, your just going to twist it to some unrelated

I have exhausted my resources to your questions. As I said, If you don't
get it . You don't get it. What part of that don't you understand? You
are too brainwashed to think for your self so I can't reach you anyway.
So what's the point.
May be a deprogrammer and do better I don't know.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:19 PM
i'm not the one twisting it recon, all i did was point out that they
were not the same thing. i understood the question you asked and
answered it..........quit acting like you're the savior and you need to
enlighten everyone. your opinions are great but i can do without the

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:22 PM
Oh!!! Please animal don't go there about the creationists argument about
adaptation. It's weak and pathetic. All life evolves and theres no
subsitute. Whethe a God did it or not, that's up to you. But theirs no
deniying a process of evolving to what ever we are. You must have
evolved as to what you believe as well as I. It's your ego that is
hoilding you to the real truth but anyways that up to you.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:23 PM

You don't seemm to have to prove anything about your faith. So why
should I prove anything about the truth?

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:25 PM
recon, why are you tryin to compare the evolution of an idea with
evolution of a physical entity?

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:26 PM
King, you only need to look back at your other post , The one with th
CAPITAL LETTERS as the equivalent of shouting to see your own attitude.
Or did you foreget that?

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:27 PM
because otherwise you sound like a blabbering idiot who is creating his
own vicious cycle. if you can't explain where you are coming from then
how do you expect anyone else to know....btw, is there any beer left or
have you already moved on too hard stuff lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:27 PM
King why are you talking jibberish. Were not in church.