Topic: Turkish Troops, Weapons Head Toward Iraq
Fanta46's photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:26 AM

Published: 10/22/07, 11:46 AM EDT

SIRNAK, Turkey (AP) - Dozens of Turkish military vehicles loaded with soldiers and heavy weapons rumbled toward the Iraq border on Monday after an ambush by guerrilla Kurds that left eight soldiers missing and killed 12.

Iraq's president said the rebels would announce a cease-fire later in the day. Turkey's government, which has rejected similar announcements in the past, said the country will pursue diplomacy before it sends troops across the rugged frontier.

Turkey's military said it lost contact with the eight soldiers after Sunday's clash and said 34 guerrillas had been killed so far in a counteroffensive. A pro-Kurdish news agency said the eight were captured - a claim that would make it the largest seizure since 1995, when guerrillas grabbed eight soldiers and took them to northern Iraq.

The ambush on Sunday outraged an already frustrated public. Demonstrations erupted across the country and opposition leaders called for an immediate strike against rebel bases in Iraq, despite appeals for restraint from Iraq, the U.S. and European leaders.

In Washington, the State Department said the United States has opened a diplomatic "full court press" to urge Turkey not to invade northern Iraq.

no photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:50 AM
In 1915, the Turkish government began the Armenian genocide. While most of the world agrees that what happened was genocide, Turkey denys that allegation. In 2007, Democrats decided to declare what happened in Turkey a genocide. This action by the democrats provoked the Turkish government, which is now invading Iraq. If ties with Turkey hadn't been stressed by the Democrats, Turkey probably wouldn't have invaded. One has to wonder if this was the desired result of the Armenian genocide bill, the further destablization of Iraq. The unintended consequence of their stupidity is this: More deaths of Americans and Iraqis and strained ties with one of our strongest allies in the area.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 10/22/07 10:59 AM
Action, Reaction!!drinker drinker drinker

The Bush Administration in action and at their finest!!!!

Cheney was talking of invadeing Iran just this morning!!

Sniff, snifff, sniff.
Do I smell draft or dodge????

Turkish soldiers will fight, what to do, what to do????

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/22/07 11:10 AM

just maybe

if turkey would have not backed down on

invasion day it would not have come to this

davinci1952's photo
Mon 10/22/07 11:44 AM
Jeeesus Spider...are you that desperate to make a political point?...
the Turks and Kurds have been at it for years...there have been
predictions of Turkish action there for just that long also...
Blame it on our democratic numbnutz in congress..hahaha..
you give them waaaay too much credit...

Wiccancowboy's photo
Mon 10/22/07 12:01 PM
Well Gents to be honest this area has been at eachothers necks since before time could either let them fight it out or well let them glow by the light of a nuke and shoot them as they tired of fightin Bush Jr's political war for oil or whatevet he's wantin. Bush aint no Texan in my eyes..just another greedy A**hole!!

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 10/22/07 02:55 PM
and yet more PANDEDAMMMONEUM for AMERICA to clean up.
and the beat goes on..........

I say let em blow each other up and be DONE with it!drinker drinker