Topic: Unfair Labeling Of Muslims.... | |
Question: Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence? Summary Answer: The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter. Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran. The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God; however this works both ways. Most of today's Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Apologists cater to their preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology. Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy - and that of his companions - along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. |
The major difference between The Bible and The Koran is that whilst The Old Testament has some horrific descriptions of massacres which took place because of Divine orders or under perceived orders from above,the New Testament message is "love your neighbor as yourself",that is the ultimate teaching of Christianity.The ultimate teaching of The Koran is if you don't accept Allah as the one true God then the onus is on the Muslim to decapitate you.The Crusades and The Inquisition atrocities which were falsely carried out in the name of Christianity was contrary to all the teachings of The New Testament.The violence preached in The Koran is an obligatory requirement if you claim to follow the teachings of Mohammed.This is not to say that the teaching from any of these books is right or wrong,or inspired by man or God,that is a different argument.
last on page is not fun
------------------------------------------------ Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" - Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end." -Quran (8:67) - "It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land..." -Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." -Quran (9:14) - "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." ------------------------------------------------------------------ just a few of the islamic peaceful commands of their holy book |
All I have to say on this is...
Go to the Vatican with a sign saying " your god is fake" wearing an "I love gay marriage" tshirt. Post a video on youtube of the way the Catholics behave towards your opinions. Then go to Mecca and walk up in front of the grand mosque carrying/wearing the same. Don't worry about taking a video for youtube because after the mob drags you down the street your beheading will be broadcast on state TV.. |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . yep,you wish it were like that! apparently you forgot the 240 Million People Islam killed in 1400 years! |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . What people did back then in contradiction to the New Testament's teachings pales in comparison to modern-day Islamic jihadists following the actions of Muhammad. |
Christianity and Judaism also have violent histories, and also have scriptures which justify atrocity. Being born into a religion which includes some hateful scripture doesn't mean you will be hateful. Rational, compassionate Muslims exist just as rational, compassionate Christians and Jews exist.
We all benefit when the moderate, civilized people of the world, of all religions, can come together and denounce needless violence, hatred, racism, warmongering, and terrorism. But as long as we are willing to hate or fear someone based on a label, without looking at them as an individual and being curious about what they individually believe, then we are part of the problem. |
Christianity and Judaism also have violent histories, and also have scriptures which justify atrocity. Actually, the New Testament doesn't justify atrocities, and those mentioned in the Tanakh pertained to ancient Israel, not to any modern-day people. Rational, compassionate Muslims exist just as rational, compassionate Christians and Jews exist.
As I have repeated talked about. I make a distinction between peaceful Muslims and Muslim Jihadists. |
Just to use something, someone pointed out an image which made sense on the surface, using M&Ms as a comparison. The problem is that the radicalization of some muslim people is a complex issue dealing with a lot of factors, and it is being simplified to a West vs Muslim terrorists dichotomy. We should not let that happen, because then it is easy for ideas leaning in a specific direction to be 'fed' to us, and for the manipulation of people towards a specific outcome. Going back to the M&Ms, if 10% is poisened, 90% is still edible. See that it is not poisoned by the 10% and you are bound to benefit. Caution is usually good, though paranoia to the point of exclusion rarely is. Yes. And if we want to combat that poisoned group, its in our best interest to be on good terms with the non-poisoned group, if we can. It serves us to find common ground with the non-poisoned group, to work together against the poisoned M&Ms. If we label all of the M&Ms according to the actions of the minority, if we foster hatred towards all M&Ms as a group, then we alienate the majority many of whom might otherwise be our allies. We may even drive some of them - or some of their impressionable M&M children - over to the poisoned side. |
Christianity and Judaism also have violent histories, and also have scriptures which justify atrocity. Actually, the New Testament doesn't justify atrocities, and those mentioned in the Tanakh pertained to ancient Israel, not to any modern-day people. Rational, compassionate Muslims exist just as rational, compassionate Christians and Jews exist.
As I have repeated talked about. I make a distinction between peaceful Muslims and Muslim Jihadists. Many sects of Christianity invoke the old testament when it serves them, despite Jesus' and Paul's words. There are some on here who would doubtlessly say that 'true Christians' are those who have entered into a new relationship with God based on Jesus and *not* the old testament, but as long as we are talking about the impact of scripture on the beliefs held by a group, then this usually strikes me as a 'no true scotsman' fallacy. As long as there are so many people out there calling themselves Christian and invoking the old testament, who are we to say they are not Christian? Similarly, there are modern Muslims who try to find creative ways to interpret muslim scripture in the most peaceful way possible. Who is to say who is a true muslim? |
Edited by
Tue 12/01/15 03:58 PM
As I have repeated talked about.
I make a distinction between peaceful Muslims and Muslim Jihadists. Yes, we agree. My first posts in this thread were not at all directed at you personally, but written as a general comment after I read the first page or two of this thread. Personally, I would be happy if Muslim mysticism and religiosity eventually evaporated from our global culture. I just think the only way to get there is to embrace moderate, rational muslims. Edit: Consider Judaism. On the one hand I've personally read hateful zionist propaganda created and consumed by some Jewish extremists or Israeli nationalists, but on the other hand I've known many loving, educated, thoughtful Jewish people who seem to fully embrace their Jewish culture while also deviating so far from the premise of their religion that they considering themselves atheists or agnostic. Having a cultural identity doesn't always require people to toe the ideological line. If some Jewish people can simultaneously embrace their Jewish identity and culture while still happily and unapologetically calling themselves atheists, then certainly Muslim individuals can maintain a sense of cultural identity while rejecting the violent teachings in their scripture. I think the way to rid the planet of Muslim violence starts with some measure of respect for muslim cultures. |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . What people did back then in contradiction to the New Testament's teachings pales in comparison to modern-day Islamic jihadists following the actions of Muhammad. What does today Daash, not the orders of Mohammed, but the orders of America and its allies, in your opinion why interfere with Russia, which have nothing to do about it there? And why North Korea threatened to Turkey? Because North Korea an enemy to America, because they have not forgotten what I did in the Cold War, and what you do now, you should wake up from hibernation. Islam has nothing to do in what is happening today from destruction in the world, Islam is merely a means to reach political goals serve their interests , and the best proof of the Cold War, what happened between North and South America .... In your opinion, America is not able to remove the presence of Daash? As it did in Iraq in 2003? Then do not forget Iran love who hate Sunnes and will do all things for killed them , and Shiites are facilitated the entry of America into Iraq. And why Iran has a hand in Yemen? Because they did not forget the Persian Empire, when Yemen was under their control. Iran (Persia) has always been throughout history overspread treachery cover of Islam, go back to the Ottoman era will see treachery frequently. |
It serves us to find common ground with the non-poisoned group, to work together against the poisoned M&Ms.
If we label all of the M&Ms according to the actions of the minority, if we foster hatred towards all M&Ms as a group, then we alienate the majority many of whom might otherwise be our allies. We may even drive some of them - or some of their impressionable M&M children - over to the poisoned side. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It serves us to find common ground with the non-poisoned group, to work together against the poisoned M&Ms.
If we label all of the M&Ms according to the actions of the minority, if we foster hatred towards all M&Ms as a group, then we alienate the majority many of whom might otherwise be our allies. We may even drive some of them - or some of their impressionable M&M children - over to the poisoned side. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, in Conrad's image. (To which Equatorial was responding). |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . ok, a war on all religions... you convinced me... |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . ok, a war on all religions... you convinced me... Moe, do you want boots on the ground in Mecca or just air strikes? |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . ok, a war on all religions... you convinced me... Moe, do you want boots on the ground in Mecca or just air strikes? whats Saudi Arabia got to do with it? if i was the head libtard obarry, i would just let Russia waste their time and money on it... |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . ok, a war on all religions... you convinced me... Moe, do you want boots on the ground in Mecca or just air strikes? if you can do it .... Portugal have been tried by the help of Persia, but they did not succeed .... History is teacher .. if was Hitler learned a lesson when Napoleon lost his battle against the Russians, Germany was now mistress of the world. |
In the news muslims have been constantly assailed for violence.., yet it is a very small portion of those who claim ...yes claim to be muslim who do violence, killing scores...including muslims...what is your opinion?
Considering the fact that Muhammad used an army and a threat of physical force to coerce people into converting to Islam, I'd say that the violent Muslims are more like Muhammad than the peaceful Muslims are willing to admit. maybe you have forgotten the inquisition in Andalusia on the name of Christ , maybe you forget the killing and slaughter and rape in Jerusalem rebound after Saladin, maybe you have forgotten the demonization of the Templars under the name of Christ in front of the Ottomans, maybe you forget that you are now in the land of the Indians , and your grandparents killed Indians under the name of civilization, Look at yourself in the mirror first before people be held accountable, Read your dirty history, you think that the Muslims claim as you like blood, did not transgress on innocent people, women and the elderly, and not even the churches and trees ... . How wonderful commanded you're talking about things of others is not in them, while not read about your history and do not dirty thing, ah forget the whole Bible false, how can not be forged your history, even the discovery of America was attributed to Columbus offender. You are living a big lie, that you counted right, while you still live priests period who were collecting money on your backs for Paradise . ok, a war on all religions... you convinced me... My take away was: If some Christian nations and subcultures can mature out of such despicable behavior (ignoring Westboro and their ilk), than so can Muslims. We don't need to make enemies of all Muslims. |