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Ontario's photo
Mon 11/06/06 05:12 PM
Tuesday.........November, 7th...vote for somebody...please...!

txazdesertgirl's photo
Mon 11/06/06 06:38 PM
Already voted Ontario. Good luck in Cali. Saw Rialto on the news
tonight. God be with you all there!

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/07/06 10:38 AM
Thanks.....Go, Terminator...............!

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 10:55 AM
you spelled his name wrong..Schwarzenegger.. sorry just thought id point
that out ;)

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/07/06 10:59 AM
No....theres no C or H there...unless his campaign staff also mispelled

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 11:04 AM

no photo
Tue 11/07/06 11:48 AM
only a girly man wouldent vote for the swartz

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/07/06 01:47 PM
Okay....back from lunch and voting...for the TERMINATOR....did
you vote....!

no photo
Tue 11/07/06 03:38 PM
Yep I done voted

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 11/07/06 05:09 PM
has anyone seen demolition man lololol

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/07/06 05:18 PM

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 06:54 PM
voting is over-rated!

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 06:55 PM
Politics are over-rated.. Celebrities are over-rated.. i mean comeon
people get a life lmao

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 06:55 PM
ok before everyone gets all pissy with me it was a joke but i still
stick by my opinion about it all being over-rated!

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:07 PM
oh did you say something...?

snacky's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:46 PM
ummm read it again if you cant see it.. then you dont need to worry
about it

Ontario's photo
Wed 11/08/06 06:56 AM
We Won...................!

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