Topic: Mizzou Campus Activists and Black Lives Matter Complain Abou
Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:06 AM
how many of those little Punks got killed on Campus?

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:09 AM
thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:10 AM

thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?
death takes precedence, yes...

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:13 AM

thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?
death takes precedence, yes...

oh, than lets stop having any other topics here

because people are DYING everyday, all over the world,,,and we therefore have no space or time to talk about or have any other concerns,,,

mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:47 AM

thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?
death takes precedence, yes...

oh, than lets stop having any other topics here

because people are DYING everyday, all over the world,,,and we therefore have no space or time to talk about or have any other concerns,,,

what concerns? black people thinking they are treated unfairly? that should be ahead of 129 people that were just enjoying their day and killed by some idiotic muslims? maybe you're right, we should pamper the blacks some more, they have had such a hard time here lately...indifferent

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/15 02:59 AM

thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?
death takes precedence, yes...

oh, than lets stop having any other topics here

because people are DYING everyday, all over the world,,,and we therefore have no space or time to talk about or have any other concerns,,,

what concerns? black people thinking they are treated unfairly? that should be ahead of 129 people that were just enjoying their day and killed by some idiotic muslims? maybe you're right, we should pamper the blacks some more, they have had such a hard time here lately...indifferent

what is difficult here? its not about anything being 'ahead' of anything else

for example , at the SAME time that one family somewhere is battling with a suicidal teen, their neighbor may be battling with an unemployed bread winner

should the home with the unemployed bread winner, STOP or POSTPONE caring about or trying to handle their situation in order to put the suicidal teen first?

or can they simultaneously 'care' about both while 'handling' the issue they have the most geographical and practical ability to handle?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/15/15 05:35 AM

thankfully none,, should we only be concerned with deaths and no other issues in this world?
death takes precedence, yes...

oh, than lets stop having any other topics here

because people are DYING everyday, all over the world,,,and we therefore have no space or time to talk about or have any other concerns,,,

what concerns? black people thinking they are treated unfairly? that should be ahead of 129 people that were just enjoying their day and killed by some idiotic muslims? maybe you're right, we should pamper the blacks some more, they have had such a hard time here lately...indifferent

what is difficult here? its not about anything being 'ahead' of anything else

for example , at the SAME time that one family somewhere is battling with a suicidal teen, their neighbor may be battling with an unemployed bread winner

should the home with the unemployed bread winner, STOP or POSTPONE caring about or trying to handle their situation in order to put the suicidal teen first?

or can they simultaneously 'care' about both while 'handling' the issue they have the most geographical and practical ability to handle?

i was going with the assumption that nobody really cares about a bunch of spoiled, whiny, entitled college kids thinking they are the most important thing in the world...

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/15/15 07:59 AM
Id agree , those who think they are the 'most' important thing in the world,, probably not

but one resigned professor probably understands that, in numbers, people DO care about college kids who feel they are 'as important' as others,,,and should be treated as such in the place they are their parents are PAYING for them to receive an education,,,,

no photo
Mon 11/16/15 03:07 AM
There are over 33 articles (& I stopped counting) on the comments & actions of this subversive/ terrorist/Anti- American, group....
since the attacks/ acts of WAR on Paris France. (Prior to these are the if the group is under investigation, (DOJ) policticians & avoiding & refusing to meet with them etc.)

2 1/2 hours ago.. devil

Black Lives Matter protest terrorizes Dartmouth; students pushed, shoved, cussed out - The College Fix

Original article..

The Dartmouth Review » Eyes Wide Open at the Protest

Black Lives Matter Says #F**kParis And All Whites #Mizzou WOW!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/16/15 03:44 AM
despicable Trash!

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/16/15 05:15 AM
anyone can type a hashtag

hateful people suck,, and they represent themselves,,,,

losers attach to legitimate causes to try to legitimize their hate

no photo
Fri 11/27/15 02:21 AM
Louis Farrakhan Gives Mizzou Protesters High Praise in Video Message devil

23 Nov 2015

The black student protesters–particularly activist Jonathan Butler–got a ringing endorsement from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who recorded a video message to them last week in which he cautioned the University’s new black President not to be an “Uncle Tom” and referred to the successful UM student protests as “the epicenter of the movement of students.”

The video was in a post titled Minister Farrakhan’s Message to Mizzou Students published on the Nation of Islam’s website The Final Call.

“Thank you for demonstrating to our people the power of unity,” Farrakhan said “You were brilliant.”

Farrakhan hailed the students for continuing their struggle after they forced out both the President and Chancellor, saying “The cry for justice doesn’t end with somebody retiring or somebody exiting the scene because when they exit the scene, injustice is still there.”

One irony of the praise from Farrakhan is that part of the controversy at the University of Missouri was over a “poop swastika” that black students claim was meant to send them a message, but notorious anti-Semite Farrakhan himself has praised Hitler as a “very great man” in the past:

The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.

In his recent video, Farrakhan also speaks about University of Missouri’s interim President Mike Middleton, saying “I hope the the new black President will not be an Uncle Tom that the enemy has placed there, thinking that a Tom will quell our desire for justice.”

Minister Farrakhan did not specify who “the enemy” was to whom he was referring in his video.

Farrakhan continued speaking directly to Middleton, who he referred to as “my dear brother,” urging him to “fight those things that disturb the peace of the students and you will be a great President.”

The Nation of Islam leader also understood that the success of the protests where school leaders caved quickly to the demands of students after the black members of the football team went on strike would have a ripple effect. Already, black student protests have sprung up around the country, as a “Mizzou Effect” hit campuses from Occidental to Dartmouth. Farrakhan praised the protesters for this impact:

As Ferguson was the epicenter of a movement, the University of Missouri at Columbia is also the epicenter of the movement of students now, rising and using the power of our ability that is making all these colleges rich.

But the moment the black football players said ‘No, no—we will not practice, we will not play a game until what we seek is carried out,’—didn’t take long because they saw $35,00,000 at a loss.

So it seems like bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy, then all of sudden our dollars matter and then they can consider our lives…

Farrakhan’s reference to “bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy” is a reference to a curreny campaign by the Nation of Islam to convice black Americas to boycott all holiday spending  this year. The NOI created #JusiceOrElse campaign and released a video urging a boycott of Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Mondey, and other spending with the slogan “Redistribute The Pain.”

However, Minister Farrakhan saved his most effusive and heartfelt praise for student protest leader Jonathan Butler, the son of multi-millionaire parents who was radicalized at the University of Missouri.

To brother Jonathan Butler, you demonstrated that selflessness and that love for your people that you would suffer hunger, even to the point of death to bring about a change.

My dear brother, that spirit is what encouraged the football players and until we are ready to make the ultimate sacarifce to bring about a change to our generation and generations yet unborn, this is the spirit that all of us should beg God to give us: the spirit of our brother, Jonathan Butler.

I will carry you in my heart for what you did.

Farrakhan closed the video by saying “May Allah bless you with the light of understanding as I greet you in peace. Salam alaikum.”

* Nation Of Islam is listed as a 'hate group ' by Southern Poverty Law Center & the DOJ. *

Everyone may want to look up the word " Minister ", even on his own web site he refers to himself as " Honorable Louis Farrakhan "
DAMN Media..

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/27/15 05:12 AM
media also likes to distort his words and make claims about his thoughts and beliefs that come from such distortion

not without his faults, not even close

but a wise man nonetheless,,,,

no photo
Fri 11/27/15 05:46 AM
Media also likes to distort his words and make claims about his thoughts and beliefs that come from such distortion

not without his faults, not even close

but a wise man nonetheless,,,,
He is a mad man with a hate group, supporting & encouraging a new & younger hate group. The only thing 'wise ' about this evil is his ability to deceive & manipulate & control people by convincing them it is for their own good.

There is no distortion other than your longing for a hero/saviour to worship.

I pray that one day you are blessed with the gift of discernment

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/27/15 08:36 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 11/27/15 08:37 PM

Media also likes to distort his words and make claims about his thoughts and beliefs that come from such distortion

not without his faults, not even close

but a wise man nonetheless,,,,
He is a mad man with a hate group, supporting & encouraging a new & younger hate group. The only thing 'wise ' about this evil is his ability to deceive & manipulate & control people by convincing them it is for their own good.

There is no distortion other than your longing for a hero/saviour to worship.

I pray that one day you are blessed with the gift of discernment

I have the gift

I pray you have the gift of research and self determination instead of media regurgitation and brainwashing,,

and how often must I clarify, I dont seek 'heros' or "Gods' in men

I have no delusion that any one rises to that level of perfection,,

germanchoclate1981's photo
Sun 11/29/15 09:02 PM

It's doubtful, that any of those tards have ever faced hardships, that weren't due to their own self inflicted stupidity.

How long have you been black, doing the right thing, trying to get an education that goes against the stereotype of 'thugs' 'gangsters' 'drug dealers' 'junkies' 'thieves' or any of the other stereotypical darts that stick and identify an entire race for actions of a few? Right. Never.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Sun 11/29/15 09:44 PM

Louis Farrakhan Gives Mizzou Protesters High Praise in Video Message devil

23 Nov 2015

The black student protesters–particularly activist Jonathan Butler–got a ringing endorsement from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who recorded a video message to them last week in which he cautioned the University’s new black President not to be an “Uncle Tom” and referred to the successful UM student protests as “the epicenter of the movement of students.”

The video was in a post titled Minister Farrakhan’s Message to Mizzou Students published on the Nation of Islam’s website The Final Call.

“Thank you for demonstrating to our people the power of unity,” Farrakhan said “You were brilliant.”

Farrakhan hailed the students for continuing their struggle after they forced out both the President and Chancellor, saying “The cry for justice doesn’t end with somebody retiring or somebody exiting the scene because when they exit the scene, injustice is still there.”

One irony of the praise from Farrakhan is that part of the controversy at the University of Missouri was over a “poop swastika” that black students claim was meant to send them a message, but notorious anti-Semite Farrakhan himself has praised Hitler as a “very great man” in the past:

The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.
In his recent video, Farrakhan also speaks about University of Missouri’s interim President Mike Middleton, saying “I hope the the new black President will not be an Uncle Tom that the enemy has placed there, thinking that a Tom will quell our desire for justice.”

Minister Farrakhan did not specify who “the enemy” was to whom he was referring in his video.

Farrakhan continued speaking directly to Middleton, who he referred to as “my dear brother,” urging him to “fight those things that disturb the peace of the students and you will be a great President.”

The Nation of Islam leader also understood that the success of the protests where school leaders caved quickly to the demands of students after the black members of the football team went on strike would have a ripple effect. Already, black student protests have sprung up around the country, as a “Mizzou Effect” hit campuses from Occidental to Dartmouth. Farrakhan praised the protesters for this impact:

As Ferguson was the epicenter of a movement, the University of Missouri at Columbia is also the epicenter of the movement of students now, rising and using the power of our ability that is making all these colleges rich.

But the moment the black football players said ‘No, no—we will not practice, we will not play a game until what we seek is carried out,’—didn’t take long because they saw $35,00,000 at a loss.

So it seems like bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy, then all of sudden our dollars matter and then they can consider our lives…

Farrakhan’s reference to “bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy” is a reference to a curreny campaign by the Nation of Islam to convice black Americas to boycott all holiday spending  this year. The NOI created #JusiceOrElse campaign and released a video urging a boycott of Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Mondey, and other spending with the slogan “Redistribute The Pain.”

However, Minister Farrakhan saved his most effusive and heartfelt praise for student protest leader Jonathan Butler, the son of multi-millionaire parents who was radicalized at the University of Missouri.

To brother Jonathan Butler, you demonstrated that selflessness and that love for your people that you would suffer hunger, even to the point of death to bring about a change.

My dear brother, that spirit is what encouraged the football players and until we are ready to make the ultimate sacarifce to bring about a change to our generation and generations yet unborn, this is the spirit that all of us should beg God to give us: the spirit of our brother, Jonathan Butler.

I will carry you in my heart for what you did.

Farrakhan closed the video by saying “May Allah bless you with the light of understanding as I greet you in peace. Salam alaikum.”

* Nation Of Islam is listed as a 'hate group ' by Southern Poverty Law Center & the DOJ. *

Everyone may want to look up the word " Minister ", even on his own web site he refers to himself as " Honorable Louis Farrakhan "
DAMN Media..

David Duke supports Donald trumps run for presidency.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 11/29/15 09:51 PM

Louis Farrakhan Gives Mizzou Protesters High Praise in Video Message devil

23 Nov 2015

The black student protesters–particularly activist Jonathan Butler–got a ringing endorsement from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who recorded a video message to them last week in which he cautioned the University’s new black President not to be an “Uncle Tom” and referred to the successful UM student protests as “the epicenter of the movement of students.”

The video was in a post titled Minister Farrakhan’s Message to Mizzou Students published on the Nation of Islam’s website The Final Call.

“Thank you for demonstrating to our people the power of unity,” Farrakhan said “You were brilliant.”

Farrakhan hailed the students for continuing their struggle after they forced out both the President and Chancellor, saying “The cry for justice doesn’t end with somebody retiring or somebody exiting the scene because when they exit the scene, injustice is still there.”

One irony of the praise from Farrakhan is that part of the controversy at the University of Missouri was over a “poop swastika” that black students claim was meant to send them a message, but notorious anti-Semite Farrakhan himself has praised Hitler as a “very great man” in the past:

The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.
In his recent video, Farrakhan also speaks about University of Missouri’s interim President Mike Middleton, saying “I hope the the new black President will not be an Uncle Tom that the enemy has placed there, thinking that a Tom will quell our desire for justice.”

Minister Farrakhan did not specify who “the enemy” was to whom he was referring in his video.

Farrakhan continued speaking directly to Middleton, who he referred to as “my dear brother,” urging him to “fight those things that disturb the peace of the students and you will be a great President.”

The Nation of Islam leader also understood that the success of the protests where school leaders caved quickly to the demands of students after the black members of the football team went on strike would have a ripple effect. Already, black student protests have sprung up around the country, as a “Mizzou Effect” hit campuses from Occidental to Dartmouth. Farrakhan praised the protesters for this impact:

As Ferguson was the epicenter of a movement, the University of Missouri at Columbia is also the epicenter of the movement of students now, rising and using the power of our ability that is making all these colleges rich.

But the moment the black football players said ‘No, no—we will not practice, we will not play a game until what we seek is carried out,’—didn’t take long because they saw $35,00,000 at a loss.

So it seems like bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy, then all of sudden our dollars matter and then they can consider our lives…

Farrakhan’s reference to “bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy” is a reference to a curreny campaign by the Nation of Islam to convice black Americas to boycott all holiday spending  this year. The NOI created #JusiceOrElse campaign and released a video urging a boycott of Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Mondey, and other spending with the slogan “Redistribute The Pain.”

However, Minister Farrakhan saved his most effusive and heartfelt praise for student protest leader Jonathan Butler, the son of multi-millionaire parents who was radicalized at the University of Missouri.

To brother Jonathan Butler, you demonstrated that selflessness and that love for your people that you would suffer hunger, even to the point of death to bring about a change.

My dear brother, that spirit is what encouraged the football players and until we are ready to make the ultimate sacarifce to bring about a change to our generation and generations yet unborn, this is the spirit that all of us should beg God to give us: the spirit of our brother, Jonathan Butler.

I will carry you in my heart for what you did.

Farrakhan closed the video by saying “May Allah bless you with the light of understanding as I greet you in peace. Salam alaikum.”

* Nation Of Islam is listed as a 'hate group ' by Southern Poverty Law Center & the DOJ. *

Everyone may want to look up the word " Minister ", even on his own web site he refers to himself as " Honorable Louis Farrakhan "
DAMN Media..

David Duke supports Donald trumps run for presidency.

And this matters why?

no photo
Mon 11/30/15 12:09 AM

Media also likes to distort his words and make claims about his thoughts and beliefs that come from such distortion

not without his faults, not even close

but a wise man nonetheless,,,,
He is a mad man with a hate group, supporting & encouraging a new & younger hate group. The only thing 'wise ' about this evil is his ability to deceive & manipulate & control people by convincing them it is for their own good.

There is no distortion other than your longing for a hero/saviour to worship.

I pray that one day you are blessed with the gift of discernment

I have the gift

I pray you have the gift of research and self determination instead of media regurgitation and brainwashing,,

and how often must I clarify, I dont seek 'heros' or "Gods' in men

I have no delusion that any one rises to that level of perfection,,


Obviously you do not have the gift.
Or you would see the evil & name it.
I mentioned it you once before & I will say it again.... I have been tracking these guys longer than you have been alive. I know their history & their intent. They are NOT to help or save the black community or to make The United States of America better. But rather to divided it, for the sake of chaos & to destroy it from the inside out.
' The fall of Babylon' devil

* I have nothing left for you. Shalom waving *

no photo
Mon 11/30/15 12:18 AM

Louis Farrakhan Gives Mizzou Protesters High Praise in Video Message devil

23 Nov 2015

The black student protesters–particularly activist Jonathan Butler–got a ringing endorsement from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who recorded a video message to them last week in which he cautioned the University’s new black President not to be an “Uncle Tom” and referred to the successful UM student protests as “the epicenter of the movement of students.”

The video was in a post titled Minister Farrakhan’s Message to Mizzou Students published on the Nation of Islam’s website The Final Call.

“Thank you for demonstrating to our people the power of unity,” Farrakhan said “You were brilliant.”

Farrakhan hailed the students for continuing their struggle after they forced out both the President and Chancellor, saying “The cry for justice doesn’t end with somebody retiring or somebody exiting the scene because when they exit the scene, injustice is still there.”

One irony of the praise from Farrakhan is that part of the controversy at the University of Missouri was over a “poop swastika” that black students claim was meant to send them a message, but notorious anti-Semite Farrakhan himself has praised Hitler as a “very great man” in the past:

The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.
In his recent video, Farrakhan also speaks about University of Missouri’s interim President Mike Middleton, saying “I hope the the new black President will not be an Uncle Tom that the enemy has placed there, thinking that a Tom will quell our desire for justice.”

Minister Farrakhan did not specify who “the enemy” was to whom he was referring in his video.

Farrakhan continued speaking directly to Middleton, who he referred to as “my dear brother,” urging him to “fight those things that disturb the peace of the students and you will be a great President.”

The Nation of Islam leader also understood that the success of the protests where school leaders caved quickly to the demands of students after the black members of the football team went on strike would have a ripple effect. Already, black student protests have sprung up around the country, as a “Mizzou Effect” hit campuses from Occidental to Dartmouth. Farrakhan praised the protesters for this impact:

As Ferguson was the epicenter of a movement, the University of Missouri at Columbia is also the epicenter of the movement of students now, rising and using the power of our ability that is making all these colleges rich.

But the moment the black football players said ‘No, no—we will not practice, we will not play a game until what we seek is carried out,’—didn’t take long because they saw $35,00,000 at a loss.

So it seems like bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy, then all of sudden our dollars matter and then they can consider our lives…

Farrakhan’s reference to “bringing the kind of pain where dollars are taken from the pool of white sumpremacy” is a reference to a curreny campaign by the Nation of Islam to convice black Americas to boycott all holiday spending  this year. The NOI created #JusiceOrElse campaign and released a video urging a boycott of Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Mondey, and other spending with the slogan “Redistribute The Pain.”

However, Minister Farrakhan saved his most effusive and heartfelt praise for student protest leader Jonathan Butler, the son of multi-millionaire parents who was radicalized at the University of Missouri.

To brother Jonathan Butler, you demonstrated that selflessness and that love for your people that you would suffer hunger, even to the point of death to bring about a change.

My dear brother, that spirit is what encouraged the football players and until we are ready to make the ultimate sacarifce to bring about a change to our generation and generations yet unborn, this is the spirit that all of us should beg God to give us: the spirit of our brother, Jonathan Butler.

I will carry you in my heart for what you did.

Farrakhan closed the video by saying “May Allah bless you with the light of understanding as I greet you in peace. Salam alaikum.”

* Nation Of Islam is listed as a 'hate group ' by Southern Poverty Law Center & the DOJ. *

Everyone may want to look up the word " Minister ", even on his own web site he refers to himself as " Honorable Louis Farrakhan "
DAMN Media..

David Duke supports Donald trumps run for presidency.

NO one gives a rat's a@@ about David Duke. At least poppy stays in his corner. Donald Trump has NO association with him, nor would he want it or need it.
Farrakhan not only needs to stay relevant, he needs to feed the beast because his time is real short now.
