Topic: Starbucks Says 'Meh' to Christmas? | |
You're like a one legged dude in an azz kicking competition ![]() Puck Starbucks! Go to Timmies for Christmas cheer instead! ![]() i'd be more like a three legged dude... most ladies have my nickname as "tripod"... |
It's a red cup, folks. Red is a festive color used during the Christmas season.
Until Starbucks puts a baby Jesus or nativity scene on the cup while saying Merry Christmas, then pulls it because they say it’s offensive, let’s talk. |
To that end, Starbucks has chosen to remove all vestiges of Christmas from its cups, with its VP Jeffrey Fields saying "it wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all our stories."
What the what? It's a BLANK CUP you moron, there is NO STORY on it and that's kinda the frickin' point here Did you actually read the stories on this? Is the OP taken from that religious guys Facebook page? "The company, however, retains that their cups were meant to be a blank canvas for customers to create their own stories, inspired by the doodles and designs that customers have drawn on white cups for years.
"In the past, we have told stories with our holiday cups designs," Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks vice president of Design & Content, said in a statement. "This year we wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories." "Josua Feuerstein, an Arizona-based evangelist, posted a Facebook video that has been viewed 12 million times by Monday morning that lamented the lack of a Christian message on the red cups with traditional green logo.
"Do you realize that Starbucks wanted to take Christ and Christmas off of their brand-new cups?" Feuerstein asked. "That's why they're just plain red." ...Starbucks said it has adopted holiday designs since 1997, this year with a bright poppy color at the top becoming a darker cranberry at the bottom. Instead of putting ornaments and snowflakes on the cup, they just made it red. Religious people seem to be looking for a symbol to vent their spleen against, or to ascribe some kind of anti christian motives to starbucks. It's not like Starbucks isn't changing their cups for the holidays, they are just using a spartan design. An it seems starbucks is just looking at it from a design decision. It's like you choosing between santa wrapping paper or plain green wrapping paper because those two rolls were on sale, and if you choose plain green wrapping paper then someone else is going to say "see! you're anti santa! you're part of the pc crowd removing symbolism from the holidays!" You're first response would probably be "it's cheaper, and I thought it looked nicer." But then someone comes along and starts an internet forum thread saying "MORON! It's supposed to wrap a present! That's the entire point! You need a new job! When you have to go through the linguistic hoop jumping like that it shows your motives are bs! You should have simply said 'I chose this because it's just wrapping paper to cover a present.' But telling me anything else? Puhleeeeese." So I wonder if you've read the stories, or just lifted the OP from somewhere else to get mingle people to respond a certain way. |
I don't think it's a big deal, but I don't go there anyway....too pricey
Hmmmm. You know, I'm checking my post and I don't see myself calling on Starbucks to end any charitable donations its providing. I'm just simply calling them out on their BS reason for making the change to coffee cups. The linguistic hoop jumping required to come up with a sound byte for explaining the policy usually belies the total crap behind making the decision. The harder you have to work to explain it, and the increasingly obtuse language you do it with, usually sets off the BS detector in people. If they had simply said "Well look, a lot of people think we're promoting a Christian holiday, and they don't like that. So, we've decided to stop with the snowflakes and reindeer, and just have a blank cup so no one gets mad." It's blunt, honest, and to the point. You can decide if you like the reason or not, and spend accordingly. But trying to tell me that a blank coffee cup 'allows us all to tell our stories'??? Puhleese. Good on Starbucks for giving $30 million to a worthy program. I fail to see the connection however between their generosity and the cups. They can donate money to whomever they want. PTSD is a very real and prominent topic in the news these days. They are trying to do some good, and well done to them for providing the bucks. If you think some people not buying a couple half caf/decaf, soy milk, no foam, chocolate sprinkles,in a double cup puts this $30 million donation in jeopardy, then you're free to buy a couple more yourself and keep Starbucks from going under. Just because a company is nice doesn't mean it can't also on occasion be stupid. Insofar as putting MORE trash in the landfills with these 'pretty' cups, I'm confident the company was going to be handing out cups anyway. Adorned with snowflakes or not, the landfills wouldn't be more adversely affected than they are now. Maybe the next time you are in Starbucks, you could ask them to display larger signs about recycling the cups? Just sayin'... ah okay. if u say so. if that is how u see it. |
So as Christmas approaches people and companies now have to 'deal with' the uncomfortable reality that SOME of us like, and celebrate Christmas. To that end, Starbucks has chosen to remove all vestiges of Christmas from its cups, with its VP Jeffrey Fields saying "it wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all our stories." What the what? It's a BLANK CUP you moron, there is NO STORY on it and that's kinda the frickin' point here!!!! How did you become the VP there, and are there other such positions that I can apply for there???? Starbucks Christmas cups have previously featured reindeer, ornaments, snowflakes, and other seasonal symbols. So I can only assume in an effort to avoid their cafes from being suicide bombed, they have opted for a non-Christmas motif. Of course, no one in the Starbucks marketing department seemed to realize that snowflakes, reindeer, and ornaments are NOT RELIGIOUS images, so I would be curious to know whose story WASN'T being told by the previous cups? Since the cups are currently blank, I suggest you provide your name to the barrista as "Merry Christmas" and make them call you at least twice before collecting your drink. Oh and even better, some barristas will refuse the name, or ask you for ID. Make up a fake business card for your current job, with your name as Mhery Khristmas just in case they try to call you on it. Say your Serbian or Croation. Takes 2 mins with your laser printer or ink jet. Keep your head down in your phone or paper so they can't just make eye contact to invite you over to get your coffee and they must say the name out loud. Of course the other option would be to take your coffee needs elsewhere, and let them know Christmas matters to you because you voted with your dollars. if it is that big deal on your sensibilities, dont go near Starbucks. Continue what u are doing. U have the right to express your opinion and how u feel about this said issue. |
Just saying what does it really matter why they stopped the design? The company can decide what they do when they do it.. The way I heard it was due to the extra cost for the designs on all those cups that people only throw away anyway.. I mean are they only going there for the design on the cups at Christmas time?? If so they need to figure out what is wrong with that thought.. Myself I don't go to Starbucks but that is due to I will not pay the prices.. But have a few times when nothing else was around and will admit I enjoy it.. If it was all cause they don't honor Christmas which has only gotten to do with money anymore and not the real reason. The simple solution is don't buy from them.. But when some do that they should look at the stores they buy from as well.. Times are changing ... Sounds like to me some of the Christians feel that everyone has to believe their way or they will no longer support them.. And yes I did say some for I was raised a Baptist but was not lead to believe that everyone has to believe as I do or I will no longer have anything to do with them.. just saying~~ I think if those that are boycotting something put that much effort in something good like boycotting real life problems maybe there could be a difference made in this world where it is needed. I agree and the plain red cups can be used again for Valentines day ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/10/15 12:53 PM
I don't see why there are so many objections to objections. As if there is something wrong with people who notice the holiday is being socially removed. Every year, something else is less. And this has been happening since the 70's.
Starbucks can call their motives & rationale what ever they want. That doesn't mean everyone will believe it or except it or give them any business or stop talking or writing about them. What.... their feelings are hurt? Hhhaa.. People have boycotted them for lots of serious reasons in past & some still are. But if a corporation wants to CLAIM it is over a RED cup .. that is just 'damage control' & distraction & deception. Oh look a squirrel! Because Starbucks has been under fire for a VERY long time. In brief because they are a businesses that sells coffee to the public. They are NOT there to dictate morality or an agenda. But they continuously do. In their case: an extremely liberal, globalist agenda. Watch "Starbucks' 'Race' Campaign: What They're Not Tell…" on YouTube - Starbucks' 'Race' Campaign: What They're Not Tell…: (March 18, 2015) Google almost any liberal/globalist agenda with Starbucks Gay marriage Abortion Planned Parenthood New World Order Illuminati Banning Christmas United Nations Gun banning Immigration Migration Gender Sex trafficking Geez..the list is almost endless. ![]() |
Really Starbucks is right on the money...blank and dull like so many children will see under a tree...if they have to everyone banning a million dollar corporation because they have plain that's all I had to complain about...Merry Christmas anyway...
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Well that took the discussion right off the let's try to get it back on.
The POINT is this company is falling all over itself to engage in verbal bafflegab in order to justify a change to its service that has be the norm for several years. INSTEAD of spouting new age crap that the new cup design 'allows everyone to tell their story' just give a clear reason for the change. The THEORY is that people complained the images on the cup represented Christmas, so in turn THAT means they represented Christianity. MANY people are not comfortable with that idea. Hence your kids schools having a 'The Festival of Lights' or a 'Holiday Concert' or a 'Winter Celebration' instead of a Christmas Concert. Starbucks feeling the heat, decided to dump these nasty 'Christian' images entirely. You know, like the evangelical snowflake, Lutheran wrapped present,and Baptist winking Santa! So instead of coming clean, and risking a groundswell of Christian dollars walking down the street to Dunkin' Donuts, it tried to BS its way out of removing what were actually NON-RELIGIOUS symbols to appease the complainers. Hey Starbucks? Nut up, tell the truth, and suck up whatever the consequences to your bottom line might be. I'd think more highly of you if you did, and might actually buy a coffee from your pretentious barrista training facility one day. |
If someone gets offended by Christmas, being wished a merry Christmas, being wished a happy Hanukkah, etc...
I'm all for it. Matter of fact, I hope my Hanukkah/christmas/Yule/Ramadan/Kwanza nativity scene, this year, offends many people. Many faiths, have holidays during the winter season... instead of being the grinch, a business that caters to the public would be wise, to recognize them all. No rotation, just assorted cups, throughout the season. Blank ones to recognize atheists... Perhaps, even allow the customer to choose which holiday cup they'd prefer. |
If someone gets offended by Christmas, being wished a merry Christmas, being wished a happy Hanukkah, etc... I'm all for it. Matter of fact, I hope my Hanukkah/christmas/Yule/Ramadan/Kwanza nativity scene, this year, offends many people. Many faiths, have holidays during the winter season... instead of being the grinch, a business that caters to the public would be wise, to recognize them all. No rotation, just assorted cups, throughout the season. Blank ones to recognize atheists... Perhaps, even allow the customer to choose which holiday cup they'd prefer. Happy Festivus. |
Edited by
Wed 11/11/15 01:31 AM
Well that took the discussion right off the let's try to get it back on. The POINT is this company is falling all over itself to engage in verbal bafflegab in order to justify a change to its service that has be the norm for several years. INSTEAD of spouting new age crap that the new cup design 'allows everyone to tell their story' just give a clear reason for the change. The THEORY is that people complained the images on the cup represented Christmas, so in turn THAT means they represented Christianity. MANY people are not comfortable with that idea. Hence your kids schools having a 'The Festival of Lights' or a 'Holiday Concert' or a 'Winter Celebration' instead of a Christmas Concert. Starbucks feeling the heat, decided to dump these nasty 'Christian' images entirely. You know, like the evangelical snowflake, Lutheran wrapped present,and Baptist winking Santa! So instead of coming clean, and risking a groundswell of Christian dollars walking down the street to Dunkin' Donuts, it tried to BS its way out of removing what were actually NON-RELIGIOUS symbols to appease the complainers. Hey Starbucks? Nut up, tell the truth, and suck up whatever the consequences to your bottom line might be. I'd think more highly of you if you did, and might actually buy a coffee from your pretentious barrista training facility one day. ![]() Because if you get right down to it, WHO is offended? WHO is afraid? WHO started all this ? People WHO are offended by a picture of a snowflake or mistletoe? * things in nature * The cups don't have scripture on it. There are not a pile of dead Muslims or Atheists blocking Starbucks doorway ![]() So they b@tched & moaned & complained to a multi billion dollar industry. THEY..( whom ever they are), didn't ignore it or boycott it... Oh NO, they wanted to change it for THEIR sake & control issue of freedom of religion, speech (& now.. thought). And this big bad, multi billion dollar corporation... caved in the people who screamed the loudest. If Starbucks were truthful.. They would put rainbows on their cups saying " Tell us how we can kiss your whiney a@@ ? " Personally, just for fun.. I think they should smack a Star Of David on there so we can see WHO'S head spins off. ![]() |
Happy Festivus. ![]() ![]() |
Op I do not think this is such a terrible thing that they are doing ... as a company you are always trying to please everyone and not discriminate ... becouse there are a lot of Holidays around that time ... just not Christmas ... and i have never tasted one of their coffees from the store where made fresh ... but many love them ... now I have bought some in a bottle ... I like those ... but like anything else my cravings change ... so I get what ever I am craving in a food or drink when that happens ... calling for boycott hahahah their are so many addicted ...they are not going to care about the container it is in ...
![]() Donald Trump CALLS for BOYCOTT of Starbucks over …: ![]() Cup O'Jeer' - Donald Trump Slams Starbucks For Getting Rid Of Christmas Cups Starbucks Hates Christians And Conservatives/Bans…: |
I stopped going to Starbucks when they took the Rebel Flag off the cups.
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Edited by
Fri 11/13/15 12:44 PM
Currently there are hundreds of 'official' boycotts.
The company with the most boycotts is F@c@book, with 17. With the latest one filed for 'deactivating accounts without notice ". One of the newest boycotts today is "Remove Raven Simone" (from the View) View All Boycotts There is only one 'official' boycott registered for Starbucks Starbucks No Guns at Starbucks Active March 2, 2010 13 (groups) |
". One
A "Ban The View" one would be better of the newest boycotts today is "Remove Raven Simone" (from the View) ![]() |