Topic: The Provision Of The Blood Of JESUS
Toks88's photo
Tue 10/27/15 06:32 PM
Let's seek a deliberate help from GOD to deal with Mr flesh. One reason is because this man called "Mr Flesh" is against our spirit that we could not be able to do the Will Of GOD. (Galatians 5:17).

No matter how much we fast, it cannot stop Mr flesh from producing more sins. He might keep calm during the time we are fasting and praying, and after the fast, he rises to deal with our spirit man.
And when this Mr flesh has worked, he produces sin. And by the time this sin that's been produced by Mr flesh is in us, it weakens us to pray, to study the Bible, to go for evangelism, and other spiritual exercises. That's why when we want to pray, we start to confess sins because Mr flesh has produce another sin and our conscience is guilty.
The law was made weak by the flesh. You can imagine this Mr flesh rendering the law useless. As powerful as the law was, Mr flesh rendered it impotent.

GOD knew that by the sacrifices of the bullocks for the atonement of sins, yet man is not cleaned from all sins. Like the people of the old testament did when they fall into sin, once they could get an animal and shade his blood, when GOD sees the blood, Hr would overlook.
Despite all the sacrifices of sin offering and all that, it cannot stop Mr flesh from producing more.
And what GOD did was to send His own Son (JESUS CHRIST) and the provision of His Precious Blood was made at the Cross of Calvary for our cleansing.

1 John 1:7 KJV
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Romans 8:3 KJV
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.

It's by the sprinkling of the Blood Of JESUS which works by faith and renewing of our mind daily to be alive in the Spirit that would incapacitate Mr flesh from producing more sins.
Romans 12:2.

candyswirl's photo
Wed 10/28/15 07:50 AM
And that is what Brings forth an everlasting Stream of Thanksgiving to our Amazing Saviour, that sin is DEALT WITH! ONCE & FOR ALL TIME! EVERY sin paid for and covered! Delivered completely and totally from A Guilty conscience as His very Life (which is in the BLOOD) was Poured out as an Guilt Offering. YES YES YES We ACCEPT Your Sacrifice Jesus! #ForeverGrateful

dammy7miracles's photo
Thu 10/29/15 07:52 AM
Yes! A covenant which seals peace in us, a covenant that supercedes all other: THE BLOOD IF JESUS!!!

topsinardo's photo
Thu 10/29/15 08:25 AM
I believe jesus has died for us on the cross to reconcile us back to God.. In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. Ephesians 1:7.. And to fight and win over mr flesh.. U need to let the holy spirit leads u and the physical body takes action... Fighting mr flesh requires a lots of determinations.. I pray the God gives us the Grace to walk perfectly in the path.