Topic: Europe- Migrants & Rape Empidemic
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Fri 09/25/15 05:17 PM

The Associated Press

A growing number of women and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, sexually assaulted and even forced into prostitution by male asylum seekers, according to German social work organizations with first-hand knowledge of the situation.

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.
A 13-year-old Muslim girl was raped by another asylum seeker at a refugee facility in Detmold, a city in west-central Germany. The girl and her mother reportedly fled their homeland to escape a culture of sexual violence.
Approximately 80% of the refugees/migrants at the shelter in Munich are male… the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten euros. — Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk).
Police in the Bavarian town of Mering, where a 16-year-old-girl was raped on September 11, have issued a warning to parents not to allow their children to go outside unaccompanied. In the Bavarian town of Pocking, administrators of the Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium have warned parents not to let their daughter’s wear revealing clothing in order to avoid “misunderstandings.”
“When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis. These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, will follow girls and bother them without their realizing it. Naturally, this generates fear.” — Bavarian politician, quoted in Die Welt.
A police raid on the Munich refugee facility found that guards hired to provide security at the site were trafficking drugs and weapons and were turning a blind eye to the prostitution.
Meanwhile, the raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace.
Many of the rapes are occurring in mixed-gender shelters, where, due to a lack of space, German authorities are forcing thousands of male and female migrants to share the same sleeping areas and restroom facilities.

Conditions for women and girls at some shelters are so perilous that females are being described as “wild game” fighting off Muslim male predators. But many victims, fearing reprisals, are keeping silent, social workers say.

At the same time, growing numbers of German women in towns and cities across the country are being raped by asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Many of the crimes are being downplayed by German authorities and the national media, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

On August 18, a coalition of four social work organizations and women’s rights groups sent a two-page letter to the leaders of the political parties in the regional parliament in Hesse, a state in west-central Germany, warning them of the worsening situation for women and children in the refugee shelters. The letter said:

“The ever-increasing influx of refugees has complicated the situation for women and girls at the receiving center in Giessen (HEAE) and its subsidiaries.

“The practice of providing accommodations in large tents, the lack of gender-separate sanitary facilities, premises that cannot be locked, the lack of safe havens for women and girls — to name just a few spatial factors — increases the vulnerability of women and children within the HEAE. This situation plays into the hands of those men who assign women a subordinate role and treat women traveling alone as ‘wild game’.

“The consequences are numerous rapes and sexual assaults. We are also receiving an increasing number of reports of forced prostitution. It must be stressed: these are not isolated cases.

“Women report that they, as well as children, have been raped or subjected to sexual assault. As a result, many women sleep in their street clothes. Women regularly report that they do not use the toilet at night because of the danger of rape and robbery on the way to the sanitary facilities. Even during daylight, passing through the camp is a frightful situation for many women.

“Many women — in addition to fleeing wars or civil wars — are also on the run for gender-related reasons, including the threat of forced marriage or genital mutilation. These women who face special risks, especially when they are on the run alone or with their children. Even if they are accompanied by male relatives or acquaintances, this does not always ensure protection against violence because it can also lead to specific dependencies and sexual exploitation.

Continued.... on part 2

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Fri 09/25/15 05:18 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Fri 09/25/15 05:20 PM
Part 2

“Most female refugees have experienced a variety of traumatizing experiences in their country of origin and while on the run. They are victims of violence, kidnappings, torture, rape and extortion — sometimes over periods of several years.

“The feeling to have arrived here — in safety — and to be able to move without fear, is a gift for many women…. We therefore ask you…to join our call for the immediate establishment of protected premises (locked apartments or houses) for women and children who are travelling alone….

“These facilities must be equipped so that men do not have access to the premises of the women, with the exception of emergency workers and security personnel. In addition bedrooms, lounges, kitchens and sanitary facilities must be interconnected so that they form a self-contained unit — and thus can only be reached via lockable and monitored access to the house or the apartment.”

After several blogs (here, here and here) drew attention to the letter, the LandesFrauenRat (LFR) Hessen, a women’s lobbying group that originally uploaded the politically incorrect document to its website, abruptly removed it on September 14, without explanation.

The problem of rapes and sexual assaults in German refugee shelters is a nationwide problem.

In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter in Bayernkaserne, a former military base in Munich, are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis, according to women’s rights groups. Although the facility has separate dorm rooms for women, the doors cannot be locked and men control access to the sanitary facilities.

Approximately 80% of the refugees/migrants at the shelter are male, according to Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk), which reports that the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten euros. A social worker described the facility this way: “We are the biggest brothel in Munich.”

*This is an excerpt of an article originally published by the�Gatestone Institute. *

soufiehere's photo
Fri 09/25/15 06:40 PM
Edited for off-topic.

Site Moderator

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 09/25/15 06:51 PM
The sale of women in Arabia is very common. Marriages are arranged for dowry as a norm in a region where human trafficking terrorist, Bedouins, merchants at bazaars and their suppliers.... It happens every day throughout the region. It doesn't make it right but the culture isn't tied to their homelands. It moves with the people.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 09/26/15 10:20 AM
All manner of unsavory behavior is taking place in these holding facilities because of poor security procedures. I assume the model they have chosen is like a prison. You don't want armed guards being overwhelmed, having weapons stolen and people shooting their way out, so you might send a couple large unarmed cops every couple hours through the camp in groups of two or four. You nod a lot, maybe shake a few hands, and collect letters of complaint for the government.

There's no proactive policing, no random searches for drugs, guns, etc. As noted in the story, seems the cops are corrupt and actually trafficking themselves. So, I don't think there will be any cleanup being done anytime soon. In fact, I would predict in a year, maybe less there will be a tell all book about the 'journey' someone had from Syria to Germany, and it will lay out the depth of the corruption, but nothing will be done about it. The author, if he or she is lucky will make a couple hundred grand, and have a little nest egg to build on.

Cops are content to parade around the outside of these facilities, allegedly keeping the 'refugees' from being victimized by nationalists, skinheads, bigots, racists, whomever.

Obviously the threats to women and children on the inside of these facilities are being overlooked. It's simply bad PR for governments. The Germans are now admitting that about 30% of the Syrian passports being presented are criminally produced fakes. Paying anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars for one of these fake documents, people know that 'Syrians' are being fast tracked for immigration approval, so everyone pretends to be Syrian.

Many whistle blowing groups are posting online videos of street level violence, protests, and attacks perpetrated by these so called 'refugees' which are not being reported in mainstream media.

I don't think it will be much longer before you see ultra nationalists arrive in numbers at some poorly defended refugee center and have a go at seeing how much damage they can do before the cops or military can rein them back in.

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 11:05 AM
Germany In State Of SIEGE: Gangs Of Men Roaming The Streets, Young German Women Being Told To Cover Up

Muslim riots in German immigration center - YouTube

"Islamic Invasion Of Sweden Has Led To Rape Crisis"

* There is a lot more on YouTube filmed by witnesses & reporters who have been attacked, - even raped. In Germany, Sweden, Norway etc., this has been going on for is NOT like we going to see it on the evening, sunshine & unicorns news. *

.... Oh look..a squirrel!

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 01:41 PM
Germany Segregating Christians As Migrant Violence Escalates

Christian migrants in German asylum centres are living under persistent threat, with many fearing for their lives as the hardline Sunni majority within the migrant population attempts to enforce Sharia law in their new host nation. The situation is so bad that Christians claim they live like “prisoners” in Germany, and some have even returned to Middle East.
Germany quells migrant mass brawl at camp in Calden - BBC News
A mass brawl has erupted at a tented camp for migrants in Germany, with Albanians and Pakistanis fighting each other with sticks and irritant sprays.
It took police several hours to quell the violence between some 400 migrants at Calden, near Kassel in central Germany, German media report.

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 01:51 PM
Christian migrants in German asylum centres
are living under� persistent threat, with
many� fearing for their lives as the hardline
Sunni majority within the migrant population
attempts to enforce Sharia law in their new
host nation
Well....they should feel at home.