Topic: Religious Critics already refuting Gay study before it even | |
Gay brothers may hold genetic clues
Study seeks scientific explanation for roots of homosexuality Julio Cabrera, a student at DePaul University in Chicago, is participating in a study of 1,000 pairs of gay brothers. Researchers are looking for genetic clues to the origin of homosexuality. Updated: 3:59 p.m. ET Oct 15, 2007 CHICAGO - Julio and Mauricio Cabrera are gay brothers who are convinced their sexual orientation is as deeply rooted as their Mexican ancestry. They are among 1,000 pairs of gay brothers taking part in the largest study to date seeking genes that may influence whether people are gay. The Cabreras hope the findings will help silence critics who say homosexuality is an immoral choice. If fresh evidence is found suggesting genes are involved, perhaps homosexuality will be viewed as no different than other genetic traits like height and hair color, said Julio, a student at DePaul University in Chicago. Adds his brother, “I think it would help a lot of folks understand us better.” The federally funded study, led by Chicago area researchers, will rely on blood or saliva samples to help scientists search for genetic clues to the origins of homosexuality. Parents and straight brothers also are being recruited. While initial results aren’t expected until next year — and won’t provide a final answer — skeptics are already attacking the methods and disputing the presumed results. Previous studies have shown that sexual orientation tends to cluster in families, though that doesn’t prove genetics is involved. Extended families may share similar child-rearing practices, religion and other beliefs that could also influence sexual orientation. Research involving identical twins, often used to study genetics since they share the same DNA, has had mixed results. One widely cited study in the 1990s found that if one member of a pair of identical twins was gay, the other had a 52 percent chance of being gay. In contrast, the result for pairs of non-twin brothers, was 9 percent. A 2000 study of Australian identical twins found a much lower chance. No single 'gay gene' Dr. Alan Sanders of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, the lead researcher of the new study, said he suspects there isn’t one so-called “gay gene.” It is more likely there are several genes that interact with nongenetic factors, including psychological and social influences, to determine sexual orientation, said Sanders, a psychiatrist. Still, he said, “If there’s one gene that makes a sizable contribution, we have a pretty good chance” of finding it. Many gays fear that if gay genes are identified, it could result in discrimination, prenatal testing and even abortions to eliminate homosexuals, said Joel Ginsberg of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. However, he added, “If we confirm that sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic, we are much more likely to get the courts to rule against discrimination.” Orlin Wagner / AP file Mauricio Cabrera, photographed at his home in Olathe, Kan., is, along with his brother, Julio, participating in the study. Both are convinced their sexual orientation is as deeply rooted as their Mexican heritage, and they hope new research will help silence critics who say homosexuality is an immoral choice. There is less research on lesbians, Sanders said, although some studies suggest that male and female sexual orientation may have different genetic influences. His new research is an attempt to duplicate and expand on a study published in 1993 involving 40 pairs of gay brothers. That hotly debated study, wrongly touted as locating “the gay gene,” found that gay brothers shared genetic markers in a region on the X chromosome, which men inherit from their mothers. That implies that any genes influencing sexual orientation lie somewhere in that region. Previous attempts to duplicate those results failed. But Sanders said that with so many participants, his study has a better chance of finding the same markers and perhaps others on different chromosomes. If these markers appear in gay brothers but not their straight brothers or parents, that would suggest a link to sexual orientation. The study is designed to find genetic markers, not to explain any genetic role in behavior. And Sanders said even if he finds no evidence, that won’t mean genetics play no role; it may simply mean that individual genes have a smaller effect. Skeptics include Stanton Jones, a psychology professor and provost at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill. An evangelical Christian, Jones last month announced results of a study he co-authored that says it’s possible for gays to “convert” — changing their sexual orientation without harm. Jones said his results suggest biology plays only a minor role in sexual orientation, and that researchers seeking genetic clues generally have a pro-gay agenda that will produce biased results. Sanders disputed that criticism. “We do not have a predetermined point we are trying to prove,” he said. “We are trying to pry some of nature’s secrets loose with respect to a fundamental human trait.” Jones acknowledged that he’s not a neutral observer. His study involved 98 gays “seeking help” from Exodus International, a Christian group that believes homosexuals can become straight through prayer and counseling. Exodus International funded Jones’ study. The group’s president, Alan Chambers, said he is a former homosexual who went straight and believes homosexuality is morally wrong. Critics espouse 'freedom to choose' Even if research ultimately shows that genetics play a bigger role, it “will never be something that forces people to behave in a certain way,” Chambers said. “We all have the freedom to choose.” The Cabrera brothers grew up in Mexico in a culture where “being gay was an embarrassment,” especially for their father, said Mauricio, 41, a car dealership employee from Olathe, Kan. They had cousins who were gay, but Mauricio said he still felt he had to hide his sexual orientation and he struggled with his “double life.” Julio said having an older brother who was gay made it easier for him to accept his sexuality. Jim Larkin, 54, a gay journalist in Flint, Mich., said the genetics study is a move in the right direction. Given the difficulties of being gay in a predominantly straight society, homosexuality “is not a choice someone would make in life,” said Larkin, who is not a study participant. He had two brothers who were gay. One died from AIDS; the other committed suicide. Larkin said he didn’t come out until he was 26. “I fought and I prayed and I went to Mass and I said the rosary,” Larkin said. “I moved away from everybody I knew ... thinking maybe this will cause the feelings to subside. It doesn’t.” |
OK - This is the part that really got my feathers ruffled:
""The federally funded study, led by Chicago area researchers, will rely on blood or saliva samples to help scientists search for genetic clues to the origins of homosexuality. Parents and straight brothers also are being recruited."" Federally Funded Study - WHY - WHY - WHY?? would the government SPEND money on this issue? Why not put it into AIDS research? Is the Homosexual population that big a threat? I know to Bush it is - but so what? DOES ANYONE ELSE wonder what the heck the govnmt is doing putting money into such a study? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE? Really? As the article said, will it become some genetic test that determines if your fetus will turn out gay? Do they think there will be a cure?????? OR - AS I SUSPECT, are the hopeful to find nothing? |
i would ask what financial interests are behind this?
Proving that it is genetic would take the teeth out of many religions views of homosexuality. It could also lead to a cure for those who don't want to be homosexual. You have come to peace with who you are, but do you have the right to judge someone who doesn't have your strength? Personally, I think that the government has no place in non-space / non-military research, but if they are going to waste money on HIV/AIDS, then why not waste it on homosexual genetics? |
Why waste it at all?
Who still cares about others' sexuality? I, personally, don't want to know anyone who judges by sexual orientation, just as I don't want to know anyone who discriminates against race or creed.. |
i don't see where is the waste of money in AIDS research
Shoot, wasn't done.
Here's the thing. The GLBT community is FINALLY getting accepted. So much so, that many nations have already gone farther to provide equality than the U.S. So now the GLBT community is ALL over the regime. There is legislature in every state of the union, as well as federally. This legislature is a HUGE thorn in a lot of peoples backside. Many of those people are using wedge issues to stop the legislation that would correct the discrimination. They do this by MISDIRECTING what the real issue is about. Instead they focus on the immorality, unnatural, fear of change to a traditional family unit, and on and on..... So far, those against the GLBT, have been winning, but the field of play is drawing shorter as less and less opposition is found. So what can "they"(those in the seats where a vote 'really' counts) They throw money into research FOR TWO REASONS. 1st - In the hopes that there will be a difinitive response that there is no physiological, biological, genitic or what ever reason, for homosexuality. 2nd - In the hopes that those who might otherwise loose interest in the debate will hold their and their bigotry until the study is concluded. Either way, is serves those who have approved and funded this study. How? - By creating another misdirection - look at the study, wait for the study, no sence CHANGING LAWS, that affect the moral and socail value and traditions of our society until the study is complete. JUST ANOTHER WEDGE ISSUE to draw public attention away from the REAL QUESTION society should be asking - IS THERE DISCRIMINATION? dang - what a smart move on the part of the caniving, manipulative, underhanded, bigotry driven, propaganda ridden exclusionary hate mongers, who use their elected status for to continue to promote their own illusionary idea of morality and power. delay, delay, delay - force them back into hiding? NOT! |
Am I the only one that doesn't care whether homosexuality is an inherited or acquired trait?
What does it matter? Either you believe in human rights, or you don't. |
In 2005, there were 3.1 million deaths to AIDS In 2005, there were 7.6 Million deaths to Cancer. Cancer research: 4.79 Billion / Year AIDS research: 21 Billion / Year |
Johnjekn wrote:
“What does it matter? Either you believe in human rights, or you don't.” Exactly. |
Thank-you Johnj and Abra - but you are two among many, who can see what the real issue should be about, and not what others want to make it out to be.
I'll have to look into this one, find whose behind it. Finding their followers/supporters, could be beneficial. Obviously those are the poeple we need to be "dis-wedging". |
By the way Fitness - thanks for the post!
Sometimes, I really have to pinch myself and realize that this is just 'public forum' and good 'old tavern' gossip, and it can't be taken to represent the mindset of the most powerful nation in the world.
That being said, and without any prejudice intended towards 'spider' himself, the following comments, which are not exclusive to 'spider', make me truly wonder! The first comment: "... It could also lead to a cure for those who don't want to be homosexual..." Hell, last time I looked it up, cures were for diseases, abnormalities, sicknesses, undesirable states or condition threatening one's life!!! Apart from Christian and other religious dogmas, where is it rational or justifiable in 2007 to 'think' that homosexuality is a disease threatening one's life!!! The hunt for heretics was the mentality of the dark ages. To act that way in 2007, against homosexuality, makes the 'chaser' the undesirable heretic!!! The second comment: "... You have come to peace with who you are, but do you have the right to judge someone who doesn't have your strength?..." Sophistic and Pharisaic techniques must always be unveiled for their dangerous hypocritical, judgemental and oppressive essence. The falsehood of religious dogma, is casting a spell of opression against a specific group of human beings. It is not the first time religions are made wrong in their obsessively discriminatory, and murderous harassment of specific groups throughout the ages. But give me a break here. We're in 2007!!! Homosexuality IS NOT a disease. If homosexuals suffer, their suffering has nothing to do with their legitimate essence and nature. Wake-up!!! The suffering, and the possible intent to put an end to it, which includes suicide for a lot of them, is 100% biggoted and barbaric oppression fueled by blind and 'righteous' religious dogma. If there is a sickness for which we need to find a cure, it is OPPRESSION BY RELIGIOUS DOGMA, and not homosexuality. |
Maybe why they are looking they will find the gene for heterosexuality as well. It could aid in population control.
So you beleive that every homosexual is perfectly happy the way they are? You are living in a dream world. Yeah, go ahead and focus on the word "cure" and then talk about how I want to hunt down gays. You are intellectually bankrupt. No human should go around accusing others of such terrible things. And based on what? My belief (okay, it's really a fact) that some homosexual aren't happy being homosexual? Grow up man, it's insulting to suggest that someone wants to "hunt for heretics". If you can't debate without casting such insults at other members of the forum, then you should just quit. |
maybe insulting others is in the genes
maybe i should apply for a fed grant to research it |
STOP IT!!! Stop taking everything personnally!!! A disclaimer takes away your privilege to take things personnally! I wrote the following disclaimer: "... That being said, and without any prejudice intended towards 'spider' himself, the following comments, which are not exclusive to 'spider', make me truly wonder!..." If you suggest people cannot make comments on the opinions and statements you make, in the manner that they see fit, with the intent of contributing their angle and perspective, as you do yours, to the debate, then we have a serious problem here! If I write "... without any prejudice intended towards 'spider' himself...", and you ignore that in your reply, you are knowingly mischaracterizing my words, and my intent, and transforming perfectly legitimate arguments into perverse and false personnal 'insults' (then giving yourself this compulsive, it seems, supreme right to insult others: intellectual bankcruptcy might be much better portrayed by your post, than mine). This is a golden rule you need to learn and remember 'spider'. When someone writes or says: "... without any prejudice intended towards 'spider' himself...", you must respect that, and not transform what the person says as personnal and prejudicial. Now, with respect to some comments you make in the previous post, and I repeat, without any prejudice intended, You wrote: "... So you beleive that every homosexual is perfectly happy the way they are? You are living in a dream world..." That comment resembles the concept of 'intellectual bankcruptcy' you brought up. That was never an argument in this topic. Are you suggesting that you are concerned about the 'perfect' happiness of all homosexuals. That is gross descrimination!!! There are a lot more heterosexuals whom are not 'perfectly' happy the way they are, then there are homosexuals?!?!? What kind of mixed-up rational is that: 'intellectual bankcruptcy'?!?!? Pretend to be 'homosexual' for a day, and experience the judgment, discrimination, hostile gossip, and dark oppression they have to live with every day of their lives, and let me know if that would make you 'perfectly happy'. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. It has to do with biggoted social oppression. Oppression by blind religious dogma is the human disaese at the source of their suffering, and not homosexuality. Your position reminds me of the 'pyromaniac-fireman'!!! Lighting up fires to put them out!!! Oppress anyone, or any group of individuals enough, they'll all be desperate to 'change'!!! 'spider', you don't have to see, or agree with my perspective, and I promise you, I won't take it personnally! But please refrain from turning every comment which counter argues simple comments of yours, into personal insults or attacks. That is just neiter right nor fair!!! |
for those of you who want to know why i find this so funny
here is a post oi made today (note the time stamp) Topic: You think dog poo is annoying on the bottom of your shoe? Tue 10/16/07 08:00 AM just remember at giego if you want dino poo they actually have a dino squat over your victim and deliver it directly on their head this is a dramatization of course see it is ok to lie if you say you are what a load of dino crap this is in no way to be taken as a put down of any post in this thread just my hijacking to complain about todays advertising technics sorry my bad but it is ok cause i said sorry think about it |
spider any reseach pro life cancer, AIDS, or any other it's not a waste of money.
IRAQ is a waste of money. That is way in 20 years when u retired you won't be able to collect social security retirement. So start saving soon. |