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Topic: Hillary's campaign looking like the Hindenburg
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Wed 09/16/15 12:21 PM
Hillary's campaign looking like the Hindenburg

The Orange County Register


Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are in free fall, so much so that she had to leave her vacation with friends in the Hamptons to return to her self-described “fight for the poor.” It was quite the sacrifice; now’s the best time to be at the beach.

Cruising to her “coronation” as Democratic nominee, all she has had to do is run against herself. She has – and she’s losing. Now she will actually have to go to work in Iowa. Like any presidential candidate, she will spend a lot of time in Iowa now to get elected so she will never have to set foot in the state again.

If you see a Democrat politician in Iowa, it is either during a presidential campaign or his or her Lear jet crashed.

Putting on her best corn dog-eating pantsuit, she suffered the awkward indignity of walking around the Iowa State Fair. Corn dogs fried in butter are a good deal there, a two-for-one. The sign should say: “Corn dogs for sale – buy one, get type two diabetes for free.”

It was fun to watch a limousine liberal like Hillary, who loves the trappings of New York and the Hamptons, having to act like she enjoyed meeting the regular folks in states like Iowa. She has to be around people who look like they would argue with the McDonald’s manager about when the breakfast service should end. She is clearly uncomfortable doing this because she believes it is beneath her.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/16/15 01:19 PM
Well no worse than Teresa Heinz Kerry back when John Kerry was running for the nomination. They stopped at a Wendy's for a lunch time photo op.

Teresa, seemingly hypnotized by the confusing Wendy's menu finally sees something that she might be up for. She points to a picture on the wall and says to the pimply faced kid behind the counter something like "Oh that looks good, I'll have that, what do you call it?"

The kid looks at the picture, and then back at her like she's from Mars and answers, "Um, that's chili ma'am."

Teresa apparently had never seen a bowl of chili in her life, never mind actually eaten one.

Oh yeah, you're 'in touch' with the common folk.....hilarious

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 09/16/15 01:22 PM
Edited by sybariticguy on Wed 09/16/15 01:24 PM

Hillary's campaign looking like the Hindenburg

The Orange County Register


Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are in free fall, so much so that she had to leave her vacation with friends in the Hamptons to return to her self-described “fight for the poor.” It was quite the sacrifice; now’s the best time to be at the beach.

Cruising to her “coronation” as Democratic nominee, all she has had to do is run against herself. She has – and she’s losing. Now she will actually have to go to work in Iowa. Like any presidential candidate, she will spend a lot of time in Iowa now to get elected so she will never have to set foot in the state again.

If you see a Democrat politician in Iowa, it is either during a presidential campaign or his or her Lear jet crashed.

Putting on her best corn dog-eating pantsuit, she suffered the awkward indignity of walking around the Iowa State Fair. Corn dogs fried in butter are a good deal there, a two-for-one. The sign should say: “Corn dogs for sale – buy one, get type two diabetes for free.”

It was fun to watch a limousine liberal like Hillary, who loves the trappings of New York and the Hamptons, having to act like she enjoyed meeting the regular folks in states like Iowa. She has to be around people who look like they would argue with the McDonald’s manager about when the breakfast service should end. She is clearly uncomfortable doing this because she believes it is beneath her.
The aforementioned well articulated assessment is equally applicable in its methodology as politicians all share the same skill preaching to the have nots and then pandering to their wealthy constituents which is how they get elected in the first place. In 1968 Gore Vidal said that any man who could raise 10 million dollars should not be allowed to run for the presidency. In the last election both candidates raised over 1 billion how far we have evolved in PACs and catering to affluent constituents with the result being a trickle down theory of money flowing or dripping down from the spoils of affluent americans in the top ten per cent.. Cest La Vie...

Rock's photo
Wed 09/16/15 04:34 PM
This is a shame.
Hilary is the best man, that the dems have.

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 09/16/15 04:48 PM
Hilary is not going to get the nomination. Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring at the last minute and "save the day".

mightymoe's photo
Wed 09/16/15 05:05 PM

Hilary is not going to get the nomination. Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring at the last minute and "save the day".

i don't think there's any saving of the dims this time, obarry has showed the true liberal standards, and people just don't like it...

Rock's photo
Wed 09/16/15 05:14 PM

Hilary is not going to get the nomination. Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring at the last minute and "save the day".


Obonzo chose Biden to be vp,
for the same reason Bubba Clinton chose Gore.

Life insurance.

Biden has almost as good a chance at the whitehouse, as Gore has.

no photo
Wed 09/16/15 05:29 PM
Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/17/15 01:48 AM

Hilary is not going to get the nomination. Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring at the last minute and "save the day".

I don't think Biden is going to jump in. He is going through a lot with the loss of his son. He said as much on Monday.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/17/15 07:54 PM
Well there are all kinds of possible contenders on the Dem side. As noted above, current Veep and vodka enthusiast Joe Biden has a shot. There have been rumblings about unlocking Al Gore from his carbonite prison on Tatooine, and Governor Moonbeam Jerry Brown has gurgled a couple quotes about testing the waters. I'm wondering however why everyone's favorite fake indian Elizabeth Warren hasn't entered to finally squash the Clinton campaign like a bug? Between the votes she and Bernie Sanders would pull in primaries, Clinton could simply disappear because of vote splitting.

We know Debbie Wasserman Schulz would likely vapor lock if a couple more people announced, because there would be no way for her to keep on protecting Hildabeast from a televised debate. At best she could work with CNN to fix the questions Clinton would get.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 09/17/15 08:56 PM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin in Oregon waving

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/18/15 01:10 AM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin' in Oregon waving

Not in Grants Pass I hope!


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/18/15 06:03 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/18/15 06:04 AM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin' in Oregon waving

Not in Grants Pass I hope!


Had a job offer in Caves Junction..... close enough? laugh Like 30 miles or less

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 09/18/15 08:58 PM
So I see Hildabeast was doing her best to smear Trump with the race card regarding the 'Obama is a Muslim' guy at the Trump campaign event last night.

So now because Trump doesn't correct the guy and maybe get into a shouting match with the guy (for the press to salivate over), he just lets the guy go and ask the question. Trump NEVER says anything like "Oh yeah, he's a Muslim, or a terrorist." He just simply says that a lot of people have said things and he's gonna check it out.

So is Obama a Muslim? I actually believe he is and here's why. Forget his parents registered him at aged 6, as an Indonesian Muslim citizen for Koran class. Forget he got in trouble for making faces IN Koran class. He was a kid, his parents did the paperwork.

Forget the suspicious name changes from Obama to Soetoro and back to Obama again without any paperwork. Forget he has allegedly used multiple social security numbers in his life, and told the Illinois state bar that he was never known by any other name. That's called perjury Barry/Barak.

Forget that in speeches he has numerous times referred to the Koran in the context of a Muslim. He quotes verses, says the Koran 'reveals to us', and speaks of Islam 'that has been revealed to him on three continents'. Finally forget that during an interview with ABC he says that "John McCain has been very good about not talking about MY MUSLIM FAITH." The interviewer says "Christian faith" and Obama parrots back (with no emotion or excusing the error) says "Christian faith" and keeps on talking.

Forget ALL of that. Many are familiar with the quote of Obama where he refers to the Muslim call to prayer as one of the prettiest sounds on earth. He then proceeds to recite it for the interviewer from the NYT, Nicholas Kristof. Kristof notes it's done with a 'first-class' Arabic accent.

Well the verses of the call to prayer START with the shahada as the opening lines. The shahada is the Muslim declaration of faith, and according to Muslim scholars, reciting the verses makes one a Muslim.

Regardless if he 'practices' Islam or not, he has said it at least once, (if not hundreds of times) in his life, and therefore he is in the eyes of Allah, a Muslim. You can say whatever you want about him being a Christian, or going to church, etc. The FACT is saying the shahada ONE TIME, makes you a Muslim in the eyes of the Islamic faith.

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 09/21/15 09:16 AM
So CNN has Hillary in 'streaking candidate' mode with a whopping 5% increase in her numbers since last week. Absolutely torturing the numbers of their own polling in order to get the results they want the world to believe, you need to see the polling info for yourself.

First, there were supposedly 1,006 respondents to the poll.ONLY 26%of the people declared themselves registered Democrats, 23% were Republicans and 51% were labelled as independents or members of other parties. So this is a poll where 3/4 of the respondents are NOT even democrats, yet they say of this group 42% of them chose Clinton as their first choice for the Democratic nomination! Really? How is that?

The margin of error on the data??? Unknown. Why? The polling info states on Page 5 that it threw out data with a margin of error above 8.5%. So if they couldn't make sense of the data (like gee how many white REPUBLICAN MALES want Hillary as the nominee?) then they just chucked the numbers and kept the ones they liked. In the pages that break out the demographic of 'Republican' or 'Conservative' voters, the columns are all marked N/A.

Again, another stunning example of how organizations like CNN will 'create' victory out of the jaws of defeat by manipulating data. They are trying to con your into thinking she has 42% national support, when this is clearly not the case. She only gets 42% of the people who answered the question.

Is there not some kind of national journalism oversight organization to address this sort of thing?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/21/15 09:22 AM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin' in Oregon waving

Not in Grants Pass I hope!


Had a job offer in Caves Junction..... close enough? laugh Like 30 miles or less
kind of a hotspot at the moment!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/21/15 09:23 AM

So CNN has Hillary in 'streaking candidate' mode with a whopping 5% increase in her numbers since last week. Absolutely torturing the numbers of their own polling in order to get the results they want the world to believe, you need to see the polling info for yourself.

First, there were supposedly 1,006 respondents to the poll.ONLY 26%of the people declared themselves registered Democrats, 23% were Republicans and 51% were labelled as independents or members of other parties. So this is a poll where 3/4 of the respondents are NOT even democrats, yet they say of this group 42% of them chose Clinton as their first choice for the Democratic nomination! Really? How is that?

The margin of error on the data??? Unknown. Why? The polling info states on Page 5 that it threw out data with a margin of error above 8.5%. So if they couldn't make sense of the data (like gee how many white REPUBLICAN MALES want Hillary as the nominee?) then they just chucked the numbers and kept the ones they liked. In the pages that break out the demographic of 'Republican' or 'Conservative' voters, the columns are all marked N/A.

Again, another stunning example of how organizations like CNN will 'create' victory out of the jaws of defeat by manipulating data. They are trying to con your into thinking she has 42% national support, when this is clearly not the case. She only gets 42% of the people who answered the question.

Is there not some kind of national journalism oversight organization to address this sort of thing?

maybe because she was keeping her big Yap somewhat shut lately!

Rock's photo
Mon 09/21/15 09:02 PM

So I see Hildabeast was doing her best to smear Trump with the race card regarding the 'Obama is a Muslim' guy at the Trump campaign event last night.

So now because Trump doesn't correct the guy and maybe get into a shouting match with the guy (for the press to salivate over), he just lets the guy go and ask the question. Trump NEVER says anything like "Oh yeah, he's a Muslim, or a terrorist." He just simply says that a lot of people have said things and he's gonna check it out.

So is Obama a Muslim? I actually believe he is and here's why. Forget his parents registered him at aged 6, as an Indonesian Muslim citizen for Koran class. Forget he got in trouble for making faces IN Koran class. He was a kid, his parents did the paperwork.

Forget the suspicious name changes from Obama to Soetoro and back to Obama again without any paperwork. Forget he has allegedly used multiple social security numbers in his life, and told the Illinois state bar that he was never known by any other name. That's called perjury Barry/Barak.

Forget that in speeches he has numerous times referred to the Koran in the context of a Muslim. He quotes verses, says the Koran 'reveals to us', and speaks of Islam 'that has been revealed to him on three continents'. Finally forget that during an interview with ABC he says that "John McCain has been very good about not talking about MY MUSLIM FAITH." The interviewer says "Christian faith" and Obama parrots back (with no emotion or excusing the error) says "Christian faith" and keeps on talking.

Forget ALL of that. Many are familiar with the quote of Obama where he refers to the Muslim call to prayer as one of the prettiest sounds on earth. He then proceeds to recite it for the interviewer from the NYT, Nicholas Kristof. Kristof notes it's done with a 'first-class' Arabic accent.

Well the verses of the call to prayer START with the shahada as the opening lines. The shahada is the Muslim declaration of faith, and according to Muslim scholars, reciting the verses makes one a Muslim.

Regardless if he 'practices' Islam or not, he has said it at least once, (if not hundreds of times) in his life, and therefore he is in the eyes of Allah, a Muslim. You can say whatever you want about him being a Christian, or going to church, etc. The FACT is saying the shahada ONE TIME, makes you a Muslim in the eyes of the Islamic faith.

It was Hilary, his own self, who initially began referring to Obonzo, as, "Obama bin Laden", back in the '08 campaign for the dim-o-cratic nomination

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 12:02 PM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin' in Oregon waving

Not in Grants Pass I hope!


Had a job offer in Caves Junction..... close enough? laugh Like 30 miles or less

glad that you made the move ok. I was going to wave earlier but I had to change computers.
good luck up there.waving

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/22/15 10:32 PM

Yea, Biden will jump in. He wants it so bad he can taste it. The only chance he has is the Repubs will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For Biden, his only insurance has to be Bernie for his VP.laugh

O'Barry's 1st act as pres was to seal his records and hide his past.

Biden's 1st act would be to pardon himself of future phuck ups


Hi guys! Alive and kickin in Oregon waving

Actually I think Biden's first act would be to accidently release more classified material with his comments!

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