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Topic: Interracial Relationships
no photo
Tue 09/15/15 12:27 PM
What are your views on this?

metalwing's photo
Tue 09/15/15 12:56 PM
We have had many threads on the topic. Most people don't see anything wrong with it even if they choose their own race exclusively. The specific races have specific pros and cons to other races. There appears to be as much cultural upbringing as a factor as any other reason.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 12:59 PM
The only views that should really matter are those of you and your partner. The rest is noise.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 12:59 PM
Interracial Relationships...What are your views on this?

If I want to date the woman, they suck.

If I don't want to date the woman, I don't really care.

If they are like the other a-hole couples and families that have to walk through the middle of parking lots, or through store aisles, or on the sidewalk, side by side at all freaking times, rather than single file when I'm trying to pass, so I have to sit and wait for them to walk by or I have to move out of their way, then I want to push them down.

If they're basically dry humping in public, they're annoying.

If they're trying to get some sort of special favoritism, emotional, social, or that I have to pay for, using interracial as justification, it pisses me off.

If they attribute all of their problems to being an interracial couple and they loooooooooooooove to constantly complain about it or start acting like sainted martyrs with magic insightful wisdom, I despise them.

If it's a gay male interracial couple I don't want to shake their hands or touch them, because I believe there is more butt play involved and there's enough fecal matter floating around and I am a pink eye hypochondriac.

If it's a gay woman interracial couple and I'm attracted to one or both of them, then I hate I wasn't consulted first or offered video tapes.

If it's an interracial couple on a t.v. show, or in a movie, gay or straight it severely annoys me because it's usually some kind of p.c. token liberal thing that doesn't do anything to promote any kind of story, detracts from the suspension of disbelief as well as the story as it's just emotional masturbation for the creators to make everyone believe they are socially enlightened and better than anyone.

So...interracial couples fill me with a lot of anger and run on sentences sometimes.

Other than that, or maybe to sum up, my view is I should get first choice of all women in existence and everybody else should be happy about that, bow down, offer worship, get out of my way, and thank me that I allow the existence of any of their relationships.

...And as soon as my Netflix queue is empty I'll get right to working on it.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 12:59 PM
Quite true

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:00 PM

The only views that should really matter are those of you and your partner. The rest is noise.

A good way to look into it

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:03 PM

Interracial Relationships...What are your views on this?

If I want to date the woman, they suck.

If I don't want to date the woman, I don't really care.

If they are like the other a-hole couples and families that have to walk through the middle of parking lots, or through store aisles, or on the sidewalk, side by side at all freaking times, rather than single file when I'm trying to pass, so I have to sit and wait for them to walk by or I have to move out of their way, then I want to push them down.

If they're basically dry humping in public, they're annoying.

If they're trying to get some sort of special favoritism, emotional, social, or that I have to pay for, using interracial as justification, it pisses me off.

If they attribute all of their problems to being an interracial couple and they loooooooooooooove to constantly complain about it or start acting like sainted martyrs with magic insightful wisdom, I despise them.

If it's a gay male interracial couple I don't want to shake their hands or touch them, because I believe there is more butt play involved and there's enough fecal matter floating around and I am a pink eye hypochondriac.

If it's a gay woman interracial couple and I'm attracted to one or both of them, then I hate I wasn't consulted first or offered video tapes.

If it's an interracial couple on a t.v. show, or in a movie, gay or straight it severely annoys me because it's usually some kind of p.c. token liberal thing that doesn't do anything to promote any kind of story, detracts from the suspension of disbelief as well as the story as it's just emotional masturbation for the creators to make everyone believe they are socially enlightened and better than anyone.

So...interracial couples fill me with a lot of anger and run on sentences sometimes.

Other than that, or maybe to sum up, my view is I should get first choice of all women in existence and everybody else should be happy about that, bow down, offer worship, get out of my way, and thank me that I allow the existence of any of their relationships.

...And as soon as my Netflix queue is empty I'll get right to working on it.

That's quite a view

Jaffsyed's photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:20 PM
It brings harmony in society

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:28 PM
I think so much has been said on this subject world wide. That is comes down to what the two people in the relationship feel.

In my family with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandchildren, sister in laws, brother in laws, I sometimes think we are the united nations. lol

When two people realize they love each other and are wanting to commit to each other that is all that matters.
The world doesn't really matter.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:34 PM
Please define ' race ' & how many ? laugh

Because the governments & the media & people themselves individually, all define it differently.

East Indians, Koreans, Chinese are classified as ASIANS

Yet many say, ORIENT for Chinese & Mongolian

Americans, North Europeans, Southern Europeans, Anglo, Saxon & Anglo Saxon etc.. are usually considered WHITE.

Spaniards from Spain, Brazilian, Mexican, Cubans etc...are usually considered HISPANICS

BLACK --- American, African, Jamaican, European, Cuban etc..

NATIVE - Island, American, Pacific Islands, Canadian, Australian etc..

Yet...NONE of these groups consider themselves the same or refer to themselves the same, & most do not even look similar or have the same language or culture.

If we use RELIGON as race...slaphead that is at least 4 more major groups & sub groups.

IMO - It would be great if people could identify themselves how they want to & not checking off a box of LIMITED choices on a piece of paper. grumble

Who cares who dates or marries who?
I only care who I am attracted to & who am I am not ? And who I have things in common with & who I do not.

In 2015, I think many people are only concerned about division (which race categories are, imo), is when they want to have children.
When I wanted children, I wanted them to look like me & have my faith, my culture... so I chose a guy who would not conflict with that.
Yes.. I wanted his DNA blushing
Now... I am done breeding, sooooo.. it is LESS an issue. bigsmile

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 09/15/15 01:56 PM
dammit Todo, we're back in Kansas

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 06:00 PM

It brings harmony in society

Harmony in society huh?
Sounds pretty nice

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 06:01 PM

I think so much has been said on this subject world wide. That is comes down to what the two people in the relationship feel.

In my family with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandchildren, sister in laws, brother in laws, I sometimes think we are the united nations. lol

When two people realize they love each other and are wanting to commit to each other that is all that matters.
The world doesn't really matter.

U really think so?
The world doesn't matter?

kc0003's photo
Tue 09/15/15 06:08 PM
there is enough hate in this world. if someone finds another person to love and that person loves them in return, why should it matter to anyone else?

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 06:11 PM

Please define ' race ' & how many ? laugh

Because the governments & the media & people themselves individually, all define it differently.

East Indians, Koreans, Chinese are classified as ASIANS

Yet many say, ORIENT for Chinese & Mongolian

Americans, North Europeans, Southern Europeans, Anglo, Saxon & Anglo Saxon etc.. are usually considered WHITE.

Spaniards from Spain, Brazilian, Mexican, Cubans etc...are usually considered HISPANICS

BLACK --- American, African, Jamaican, European, Cuban etc..

NATIVE - Island, American, Pacific Islands, Canadian, Australian etc..

Yet...NONE of these groups consider themselves the same or refer to themselves the same, & most do not even look similar or have the same language or culture.

If we use RELIGON as race...slaphead that is at least 4 more major groups & sub groups.

IMO - It would be great if people could identify themselves how they want to & not checking off a box of LIMITED choices on a piece of paper. grumble

Who cares who dates or marries who?
I only care who I am attracted to & who am I am not ? And who I have things in common with & who I do not.

In 2015, I think many people are only concerned about division (which race categories are, imo), is when they want to have children.
When I wanted children, I wanted them to look like me & have my faith, my culture... so I chose a guy who would not conflict with that.
Yes.. I wanted his DNA blushing
Now... I am done breeding, sooooo.. it is LESS an issue. bigsmile

Race is race
religion is religion
Groupings also don't make a race
As an example, i am Asian, but i am not Chinese, neither am i Indian. I am Malay. This is my race.

Who cares who dates or marry who?
Family care. Many care
Just because it's 2015, doesn't mean the prejudism has ended.
Different race means different culture.
I asked my mommy once,
"How would you feel if i married someone of a different race? "
And she answered, "Well i wouldn't say I'd be too happy coz they'd have a totally different culture to us. It won't be that easy "
she had her point, i agree.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 06:12 PM

there is enough hate in this world. if someone finds another person to love and that person loves them in return, why should it matter to anyone else?

What a wonderful world

jacktrades's photo
Tue 09/15/15 11:09 PM
What I don't like is someone defining it as interracial to begin with,It is two people who are in love and want to be each other Who cares how others frame it. The bottom line for me is I am all for it,love is the answer.

blah..blah..'s photo
Wed 09/16/15 12:09 AM
if i see 2 people who were together and clearly in love and happy, like a lot of my friends and colleagues are then i don't think "ooh look a happy interracial couple" i just see a happy couple.

why do we have to label everything these days?
they are just a couple like any other couple, in my eyes anyway.

no photo
Wed 09/16/15 01:28 AM

What I don't like is someone defining it as interracial to begin with,It is two people who are in love and want to be each other Who cares how others frame it. The bottom line for me is I am all for it,love is the answer.

Love shall heal the world

no photo
Wed 09/16/15 01:29 AM

if i see 2 people who were together and clearly in love and happy, like a lot of my friends and colleagues are then i don't think "ooh look a happy interracial couple" i just see a happy couple.

why do we have to label everything these days?
they are just a couple like any other couple, in my eyes anyway.

Good good

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